Re: Theos-World RE: HPB and Living Master
Feb 25, 2004 04:53 AM
by krishtar
Hi Dallas
Thanks for replying.
I did understand the essence of these quotes.
No matter you repeated or not, it is always constructive.
The quest for wisdom and enlightenment is something that encourages us to continue in the path.
When we study ML to A.P. Sinnet or SD we surely put ourselves in connectionwith the Masters.
My researches on particular incarnations sometimes may sound a materialistic view of the SD, but everybody has developed an own way of walking in the path towards light.
It seems that I need to search the circumstances and local conditions to understand some facts...very weird I gess.(smile)
I feel the path I choose today may not be the proper tomorrow.
Thatīs also why we have two legs: to change and correct the direction whenever needed.
Do you know any other sources about AP Sinnet? Has he got a biographer or other sources?
----- Original Message -----
From: Dallas TenBroeck
To: AA-BN--Study
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 9:06 AM
Subject: Theos-World RE: HPB and Living Master
Feb 25 2004
Dear Friend:
Thanks for your comments. As to the number of "incarnations" HPB may or
may not have made since May 8th 1891, is a deep mystery and of no
particular value to us. The Great EGO who is the real HPB uses such
forms or bodies as may be necessary for Theosophical work, which neither
she or her Masters ever abandon.
Those of us, who make of ourselves her and Their disciples and endorse
THEOSOPHY, and make of it the criteria of our life and hourly
applications, are never without the purview of their vision.
One need only read MAHATMA LETTERS # LIII ( p. 293...Barer Edn.) to get
an idea of the ability of the Masters to "see" into the innermost
recesses of their "chela's" natures.
So all those of us who are under their tuition have this benevolent
sight upon us all the time. This ought to encourage us to "right
action," and "right thought" all the time.
All of us have to some extent achieved the privilege of being able to
study the work and lives of our predecessors. We need to make an
application to our own "lower selves."
We can do that and impersonalize our future thoughts and actions. Ours
is self-reform of a MORAL quality. All depends on our will and desire
to reach PERFECTION.
But we have to do the work as though our lives depended on it - and they
do as reincarnating immortal Pilgrims.
Let me repeat one or two of the quotes:
According to HPB:
> "...there are certain persons on this earth, living and working as
> ordinary human beings and members of society, whose informing divine
> part is so immeasurably high in development that they as such high
> beings have a definite status and function in the "supersensuous
> regions."
> "...she herself was such a case, and that "H P B" whether hourly in
> the day or at night when all around was still, had a "status and
> function" in other spheres where she consciously carried on the work
> of that high station, whatever it was...[She wrote in one place] " I
> am conscious day and night, and have much to do and to endure in both
> these existences from which you, being half-conscious, are happily
> saved." WQJ ART I 616
> "...They say that the Ego of that body she uses was and is a great and
> brave servant of the Lodge, sent to the West with a mission with full
> knowledge of the insult and obloquy to be sure-ly heaped upon that
> devoted head; and they add: 'Those who can-not understand her had
> best not try to explain her; those who do not find themselves strong
> enough for the task she outlined from the very first had best not
attempt it.'
> " WQJ ART II 18)
> "After nearly a century of fruitless search, our chiefs had to avail
> themselves of the only opportunity to send out a European body upon
> European soil to serve as a connecting link bet-ween that country and
> our brother M. made to you through her a certain
> had but to accept it, and at any time you liked, you would have had
> for an hour or more, the real baitchooly to converse with, instead of
> psychological cripple you generally have to deal with now."
M L 203-4
> "You can never know her [HPB] as we do, therefore--none of you will
> ever be able to judge her impartially or correctly. You see the
> surface of things; and what you would term "virtue," holding but to
> appearances, we--judge but after having fathomed the object to its
> profoundest depth, and generally leave the appearances to take care
> of themselves. In your opinion H.P.B. is...a quaint, strange woman, a
> psychological riddle...We on the other hand, under the garb of
> eccentricity and folly--we find a profounder wisdom in her inner Self
> than you will ever find your-selves able to perceive...we...light
> daily upon traits of her inner nature the most delicate and refined,
> and which would cost an uninitiated psychologist years of constant and
> keen observation, and many an hour of close analysis and efforts to
> draw out of the depth of that most subtle of mysteries--human
> mind--and one of the most complicated machines,---H.P.B.'s mind--and
thus learn to know her true inner Self." M L 314
> "The Lhas or adept alone possesses the real, his mind being en rapport
> with the Universal Mind. The Lhas has made a perfect junction of his
> soul with the Universal Mind in its fullness, which makes him for the
> time a divine being existing in the region of absolute intelligence,
> knowledge of natural laws or Dgyu..." HPB to APS 376
> "...when the great leader is H.P.Blavatsky, a whole host of
> principles and postulates as to certain laws of nature cluster around
> her name. For not only was she one who brought to us from the wiser
> brothers of the human family a consistent philosophy of the solar
> system, but in herself she illustrated practically the existence of
> the supersensuous world and of the powers of the inner and astral
> man...and theory or assertion touching on her relations with the
> unseen and with the Masters she spoke for inevitably opens up the
> discussion of some law or principle. Many things were said about
> H.P.B. in her lifetime by those who tried to understand her, some of
> them being silly and some positively pernicious. The most pernicious
> was that made by [A.P.S.] in London in the lifetime of H.P.B. and
> before the writing of the Secret Doctrine, that she was deserted by
> the Masters and was the prey of elementals and elemental forces...if
> true, then anything she might say as from the Masters which did not
> agree with the opinion of the one addressed could be disposed of as
being only the vaporing of some elementals." WQJ ARTICLES
(ULT) Vol. II 13
> "H.P.Blavatsky was the head, front, bottom, top, outskirts, past and
> future of the theosophical society...Not only was H.P.B. predominant
> with us in 1875, but she is yet." WQJ Art II 161 "A
> Reminiscence," PATH, Feb. 1893 / Mar. 1895
> As we look back at the life and work of H. P. Blavatsky, we her
> students, recall with gratitude the debt that we owe to her. Except
> for her work and devotion we would possibly never have had the
> opportunity that has been ours to know about Theosophy, and to be able
> to study it.
> "...the [Theosophical] movement has grown most in consequence of the
> effort of those who are devoted to an ideal, inspired by enthusiasm,
> filled with a lasting gratitude to H.P.Blavatsky. Their ideal is the
> service of Humanity, the ultimate potential perfectibility of man as
> exemplified by the Masters and Adepts of all ages, including the
> present...if it had not been for her the T.S. with its literature
> would not have come into existence."
(W Q Judge, Articles (U L T) Vol. II, 20-1)
> One may ask if there is a possibility of our contacting the Masters
> and HPB, and the answer is that we have their philosophy and teachings
> as they were originally recorded. Anyone who studies those puts
> into contact with HPB and the Masters. A student once wrote:
> "...for those who have studied in the right way plenty of proof has
> been offered; for others that proof exists within themselves The
> former class has had tangible evidence in the way of letters and
> appearances of the Adepts before their eyes; the latter concluded
> long ago that the Masters are necessities of the West
> the idea of the existence of the Adepts and of Their connection with
> our movement was first brought for-ward in this century [the 19th] and
> in our Society by H.P.Blavatsky, who, consistently throughout her
> career, has declared that the Adepts--whom she was pleased to call her
> Masters--directed her to engage in this work and have always helped
> and directed her throughout...
> They have adopted the TS as one of Their agents in this century for
> disseminating the truth about man and nature...Their motive is to help
> the moral--and hence external -- progress of humanity, and their
> methods to work from behind the scenes by means of agents suited for
> the work...the agency is not restricted to one person, but that all
> sincere lovers of truth are used to that end, whether they know it or
> not...the personal effort put forth by the members will not account
> for the spread-ing of the movement...As the Masters exist, so They
help us;
and as we deserve, so will They repay."
(WQJ ARTICLES (ULT) Vol. II pp. 79-80)
> "...while the THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT of today was distinctly under the
care of the Adepts, it was not the only one through which effect was
> sought to be made on the race-thought and ethics, but that in many
> different ways efforts were constantly put forward ...she insisted
> that the T S wears the badge...of the Eastern and Ancient
> Schools...the old and united Lodge of Adepts ...[It would be
> reasonable to say]...that Brotherhood has the knowledge and power...
to use every agency which is in touch with humanity."
` WQJ ARTICLES (ULT) Vol. , Vol. I, pp. 244
All good wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: krishtar
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 5:56 PM
Subject: Living HPB and Living Masters
Hi Dallas
Many of these excellent quotes remind of some facts I mentioned in
another occasion, regarding to HPBīs origin and spiritual hierararchy,
many of which was classified as irrelevant by Ariel and criticized by
another member I donīt remember.
I still reasure that HPB as we know her, through her books is inly the
top of a huge iceberg, deeply connected with the white brotherhood.
And I add still more: HPB has encarnated twice since then and now she is
still alive and working with the same brotherhood.
May many say it is irrelevant but this assurance makes me too content
and a personal happiness fulfills me to feel that the wise words from SD
and Isis are still the living legacy of the Masters who inspired and
used her person.
And the best thing of all is that she still working for the planet.
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