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RE: [bn-study] Living Master

Feb 19, 2004 04:38 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Feb 19 2004

Dear Friends:


Here are some assurances of Masters continued assistance to all who deserve.


HPB wrote:


"I never gave myself out for a full-blown occultist, but only for a studentof Occultism for the last thirty or forty years. Yet I am enough of an occultist to know that before we find the Master within our own hearts and seventh principle--we need an outside Master...I got my drop from my Master (the living one)...He is a Saviour, he who leads you to finding the Master within yourself. It is ten years already that I preach the inner Master andGod and never represented our Masters as Saviours in the Christian sense."[ HPB to Dr. Hartmann ] PATH X p. 367



" I venerate the Master, and worship MY MASTER--the sole creator of myinner Self which but for His calling it out, awakening it from its slumber, would never have come to conscious being--not in this life, at all events..." HPB to APS p. 104



"...the light of the ONE MASTER, the one unfading golden light of Spirit, shoots its effulgent beams on the Disciple from the very first. Its rays thread through the thick dark clouds of matter..." VOICE 19



"And whoever therefore wants to see the real MAHATMA, must use his intellectual sight. He must so elevate his Manas that its perception will be clear...His vision will then be bright and he will see the MAHATMAS wherever he may be, for, being merged into the sixth and seventh principles, which are ubiquitous and omnipresent, the MAHATMAS may be said to be everywhere."




"Just now the best and biggest work by us poor children is on this plane with the great aid of Master, Whose simple single will keeps the whole organization [in being], and acts as its support and shield." LETTERS 87



"the image of the Master is the best protection against low­er influences; think of the Master as a living man within you." LETTERS 164



" the best and most important teacher is one's seventh prin­ciple [Atma] centred in the sixth [Buddhi]." LETTERS 96



"The Masters are not Eastern nor Western, but universal." LETTERS 109











"There dwelleth in the heart of every being...the Master--Ishwara--who by his magic power causeth all things and creatures to revolve, mounted upon the universal wheel of time. Take sanctuary with him alone..." GITA p. 130



"There is the three regions of the universe which it is necessary for me to perform, nor anything possible to obtain, which I have not obtained; and yet I am constantly in action. If I were not indefatigable inaction, all men would presently follow my example ... If I did not performactions the‑see creatures would perish; I should be the cause of confusion of castes, and should have slain all these creatures." GITA 25







"...Masters are working in many ways, and through many organizations as well as with individuals. There are no barriers to Their assistance, except such as personalities impose upon themselves. Their work is universal; letour view be as much in that direction as possible. So shall we best serveand know." RC FP p. 5







"There must be an adherence to the program of the Masters. That can only be ascertained by consulting her [HPB] and the letters given out by her as from Those to whom she refers. There is not much doubt about that program."..."This is the moment to guide the recurrent impulse which must soon come and which will push the age toward extreme atheism or drag it back to extreme sacerdotalism, if it is not led to the primitive, soul-satisfying philosophy of the Aryans."..."We must follow this program and supply the world with a system of philosophy which gives a sure and logical basis for ethics, and that can only be gotten from those to which I have adverted."..."By ourunity the smallest effort made by us will have ten-fold the power of any obstacle before us or any opposition offered by the world."..."Our destiny is to continue the wide work of the past in affecting literature and thoughtthroughout the world, while our ranks see many changing quantities but always holding those who remain true to the program, and refuse to become dogmatic or give up common sense in Theosophy. Thus we will wait for the new messenger, striving to keep the organization alive that he may use it."


quoted by RC, FP p. 153 -- [WQJ ART II, p. 145-6]







"...there is the true center of which the sun in heaven is a symbol and partial reflection. This center let us place for the time with the Dhyan Chohans or planetary spirits. It is all knowing and so intensely powerful that, were a struggling disciple to be suddenly introduced to its presence unprepared, he would be consumed, both body and soul. And this is the goal we are all striving after, and many of us asking to see even at the opening ofthe race. But for our protection a cover, or umbrella, has been placed beneath IT. The ribs are the Rishees, or Adepts, or Mahatmas; the Elder Brothers of the race. The handle is in every man's hand. And although each man is, or is to be, connected with some particular one of those Adepts, he can also receive the influence from the true centre coming down through thehandle.


The light, life, knowledge, and power falling upon this cover permeate in innumerable streams the whole mass of men beneath, whether they be students or not. As the disciple strives upward, he begins to separate himself fromthe great mass of human beings, and becomes in a more or less definite manner connected with the ribs. Just as the streams of water flow down from the points of the ribs of our umbrellas, so the spiritual influences pour out from the adepts who form the frame of the protecting cover, without whichpoor humanity would be destroyed by the blaze from the spiritual world." WQJ ARTICLES II 38







"In this civilization especially we are inclined to look outside instead ofinside ourselves. Nearly all our progress is material and thus superficial. Spirit is neglected or forgotten, while that which is not spirit is enshrined as such. The intuitions of the little child are stifled until at last they are al‑most lost, leaving the many at the mercy of judgments based upon exterior reason. How then can one who has been near the Golden Gates--much more he who passed through them--be other than silent in surroundings where the golden refulgeance is unknown or denied. Obliged to usethe words of his fellow travelers, he gives them a meaning unknown to them, or detaches them from their accustomed relation. Hence he is sometimes vague, often mislead‑ing, seldom properly understood. But not lost are any of these words, for the sound through the ages, and in future eras they will turn themselves into sentences of gold in the hearts of disciplesyet to come." WQJ ARTICLES II 354







"...the surname Christos is based on, and the story of the Crucifixion derived from, events that preceded it. Everywhere, in India as in Egypt, in Chaldea as in Greece, all these legends were built upon one and the same primitive type; the voluntary sacrifice of the logoi--the rays of the one LOGOS, the direct manifested emanation from the One ever-concealed Infinite andUnknown--whose rays incarnated in mankind. They consented to fall into matter , and are, therefore, called the "Fallen Ones."








"The real ones [Adepts] have a wide work to do in many departments of life and in preparing certain persons who have a future work to do. Though their influence is wide they are not suspected, and that is the way they want to work for the present. There are some also who are at work with certain individuals in some of the aboriginal tribes in America, as among those are Egos who are to do still more work in another incarnation, and they must beprepared for it now. Nothing is omitted by these Adepts. in Europe it isthe same way, each sphere of work being governed by the time and the place." WQJ ART I 432-3








"They have disciples with whom communication is already established and carried on, most generally through the inner ear and eye, but sometimes through the prosaic one else is involved and no one else has the right to put questions...To spread broadcast a mass of written communications among those who are willing to accept them without knowing how to judge them would be the sheerest folly, only productive of superstition and blind credulity. This is not the aim of the Adepts, nor the method they pursue." WQJ ART I 452







"Now, as the great Adepts live in the plane of our inner nature, it must follow that they might be actively helping every one of us after the date [1897-98] referred to, and we, as physical brain men, not be conscious of it on this plane." WQJ ART II 506



"Fix your thoughts again on Those Elder Brothers, work for Them, serve Them, and They will help through the right appropriate means and no other. To meditate on the Higher Self is difficult. Seek, then, the bridge--the Masters... Those who know the Truth will teach it. Give up doubt..." WQJ LETTERS p. 112







Q.:-- "What then are the Adepts doing?


A.:-- (a) Assisting all good movements by acting on men from     

behind the scenes through mental influence.


(b) Preparing as many men and women who are fit for it  

so that they may, in their next incarnation,      

appear in the world as active devotees to the  

good of theHuman Family.


(c) Spreading now, through impulses given in many  

places which must not be mentioned, a philos-

phy of life which will gradually affect the race mind, and in particular the active, conquering Western peoples, thus preparing the whole people to change and evolve yet further and further until evils disappear and better 

days and people reappear."   








"There are scattered throughout the world, a handful of thoughtful and solitary students, who pass their lives in obscurity, far from the rumors of the world, studying the great problems of the physical and spiritual universes. They have their secret records in which are preserved the fruits of thescholastic labors of the long line of recluses whose successors they are. The knowledge of their early ancestors, the sages of India, Babylon, Nineveh, and the imperial Thebes; the legends and traditions commented upon by the masters of Solon, Pythagoras, and Plato, in the (558) marble halls of Heliopolis and Sais; traditions which in their days, already seemed to hardly glimmer from behind the foggy curtain of the past;--all this, and much more, is recorded on indestructible parchment, and passed with jealous care from one adept to another. These men believe the story of Atlantis to be no fable...In those submerged temples and libraries the archaeologist would find, could he but explore them, the materials for filling the gaps that now exist in what we imagine is history." ISIS I 557-558

(see LIGHT ON THE PATH, p. 72-5)









"Nirmanakayas. They are men who have become perfected--who could if they chose reach up to and hold the very highest state of bliss, but who refuse that bliss because it would mean forever to forsake all chance of helping their fellow-men. They can, when the nature of the person is true and aspiring strongly, communicate, if it is necessary to help him. But there is no mistake in these communications. They are personal, meant for that one as direct help. It is the within which induces any outside help that we receive. It is a recognition of the spiritual nature of ourselves and all beings which makes the true condition. It is from the spiritual that the strength comes. And it is for the perfection of humanity that all the Divine Incarnations have labored." RC -- FP p. 258



"Most of us believe in the survival of the Spiritual Ego, in Planetary Spirits and Nirmanakayas, those great Adepts of the past ages, who, renouncing their right to Nirvana, remain in our spheres of being, not as "spirits" but as complete spiritual human Beings. Save their corporeal, visible envelope, which they leave behind, they remain as they were, in order to help poor humanity, as far as can be done without sinning against Karmic law. Thisis the "Great Renunciation," indeed; an incessant, conscious self-sacrifice throughout aeons and ages till that day when the eyes of blind mankind will open and, instead of the few, all will see the universal truth. These Beings may well be regarded as God and Gods--if they would but allow the fire in our hearts, at the thought of that purest of all sacrifices, to be fanned into the flame of adoration, or the smallest altar in their honor. But they will not. Verily, "the secret heart is fair Devotion's (only) temple," and any other in this case, would be no better than profane ostentation." HPB ART. III 204



"Remember, thou that fightest for man's liberation * each failure is success and each sincere attempt wins its reward in time." * This is an allusionto a well-known belief in the East...that every additional Buddha or Saintis a new soldier in the army of those who work for the liberation, or salvation of mankind. In Northern Buddhist countries, where the doctrine of the Nirmanakayas--those Bodhisattvas who renounce well-earned Nirvana or the Dharmakaya vesture (both of which shut them out forever from the world of men) in order to invisibly assist man‑kind and lead it finally to Paranirvana--is taught, every new Bodhisattva, or initiated great Adept, is called the "liberator of mankind." VOICE OF THESILENCE 69 that ethereal form which one would assume when leaving hisphysical he would appear in his astral body--having in addition all the knowledge of an Adept. The Bodhisattva develops it in himself as he proceedson the Path. Having reached the goal and refused its fruition, he remainson Earth, as an (78) Adept; and when he dies, instead of going into Nirvana, he remains in that glorious body he has woven for him‑self, invisible to uninitiated mankind, to watch over and protect it...Thus, to be enabled to help humanity, an Arhat who has won the right to Nirvana, "renounces the Dharmakaya body" in mystic parlance; keeps, of the Sambhogakaya, only the great and complete knowledge, and remains in his Nirmanakaya body.The Esoteric School teaches that Gautama Buddha, with several of his Arhats, is such a Nirmanakaya higher than whom, on account of the great renunciation and sacrifice for mankind, there is none known." Voice 77-8







"...he is the mysterious (to the profane--the ever invisible) yet ever present Personage about whom legends are rife in the East, especially among theOccultists and the students of the Sacred Science. It is he who changes form, yet remains ever the same. And it is he again who holds spiritual sway over the (208) initiated Adepts throughout the whole world. He is, as said, the "Nameless One" who has so many names, and yet whose names and whosevery nature are unknown. He is the "Initiator," called the "GREAT SACRIFICE." For sitting at the threshold of LIGHT, he looks into it from within the circle of Darkness, which he will not cross; nor will he quit his post till the last day of this life-cycle. Why...Because the lonely, sore-footed pilgrims on their way back to their home are never sure to the last moment of not losing their way in this limitless desert of illusion and matter called Earth-Life. Because he would fain show the way to that region of freedom and light, from which he is a voluntary exile himself, to every prisoner who has succeeded in liberating himself from the bonds of flesh and illusion. Because, in short, he has sacrificed himself for the sake of mankind, though but a few Elect may profit by the GREAT SACRIFICE. It is under the direct, silent guidance of this MAHA--(great)--GURU that all the other less divine Teachers and instructors of mankind became, from the first awakening of human consciousness, the guides of early Humanity. It is through these "Sons of God" that infant humanity got its first notions of all the arts and sciences, as well as of spiritual knowledge; and it is they who havelaid the first foundation-stone of those ancient civilizations that puzzleso sorely our modern generation of students and scholars." SD II 207-8







This same popular reverence calls "Buddhas of Compassion" those Bodhisattvas who, having reached the rank of an Arhat (i.e., have completed the fourthor seventh Path), refuse to pass into the Nirvanic state or "don the Dharmakaya robe and cross to the other shore," as it would then become beyond their power to assist men even so little as Karma permits. They prefer to re‑main invisibly (in Spirit, so to speak) in the world, and con‑tribute towards man's salvation by influencing them to follow the Good Law, i.e., lead them on the Path of Righteousness..." VOICE OF THE SILENCE, 77 footnote







"...what was long ago said--that the Master would manage results. You mustnot manage, precipitate, nor force...By gentleness, detachment, strict attention to duty, and retiring now and then to the quiet place, bring up goodcurrents...Remember it is through the little things the work is done through, for they are not noticed, while the lager ones draw the eyes and minds of all...A steady mind and heart stands still and quiet until the muddy stream rolls clear." WQJ LETTERS p. 84








"This ancient body of doctrine is known as the "Wisdom Religion" and was always taught by adepts or initiates therein who preserve it through all time. Hence, and from other doctrines demonstrated, it is shown that man, being spirit and immortal, is able to perpetuate his real life and consciousness, and has done so during all time in the persons of an ancient and high brotherhood who concern themselves with the soul development of man, held by them to include every process of evolution on all planes. The initiates, being bound by the law of evolution, must work with humanity as its development permits. Therefore from time to time they give out again and again thesame doctrine...this is the wisdom religion, and they are the keepers of it."        

WQJ ARTICLES I pp. 1 - 2







"...the doctrine, well-known in India, of the reappearance of Avatars...alladmit that the true doctrine is stated by Krishna [see above]. These appearances among men for the purpose of restoring the equilibrium are not the same as the rule of Vivaswata and Manu first spoken of, but are the coming to earth of Avatars or Saviors. That there is a periodicity to them is stated in the words "from age to age." He is here speaking of the great cycles about which hitherto the Masters have been silent except to say that there are such great cycles. It is very generally admitted now that the cycliclaw is of the highest importance in (107) the consideration of evolution and Man's destiny. But the coming of an Avatar must be strictly in accordance with natural law,--and that law demands that at the time of such an event there also appears a being who represents the other pole--, for, as Krishna says, the great law of the two opposites is eternally present it the world... The number of magicians developed among the nations at such a time isvery great, but one towers above them all, making the rest pay tribute...[this is] a sober truth, and the present prevalence of self-seeking (108) and money-getting is exactly the sort of training of certain qualities that black magicians will exemplify in ages to come. The Krishna--or howsoever named--appears "in visible shape, a man with men." His power is as great asthe evil one, but he has on his side what the others have not--spirit, preservative, conservative forces. With these he is able to engage in conflict with the black magicians, and in it he is assisted by all of us who are really devoted to Brotherhood. The result is a victory for the good and destruction for the wicked." GITA NOTES pp. 106-9







"...divine man dwelt in his animal--though externally human--form; and, ifthere was instinct in him, no self-consciousness came to enlighten the darkness of the latent 5th principle [Manas]. When moved by the law of Evolution, the Lords of Wisdom infused into him the spark of consciousness, the first feeling it awoke to life and activity was a sense of solidarity, of one-ness with his spiritual creators. As the child's first feeling is for its mother and nurse, so the first aspirations of the awakening consciousnessin primitive man were for those whose element he felt within himself, and who yet were outside, and independent of him. DEVOTION arose out of that feeling, and be‑came the first and foremost motor in his nature; for it is the only one which is natural in our heart, which is innate in us, and which we find alike in human babe and the young of the animal. This feeling of irrepressible, instinctive aspiration in primitive man ..." SD I 210







"No one can know anything for another. Each one has to know for himself. Each one has to do his own learning. The object of Theosophy is to teach man what he is, to show man what he is, and to present to him the necessity of his knowing for himself. No vicarious atonement, no vicarious transmission of knowledge, is possible. But the direction in which knowledge lies can be pointed out; the steps which will lead us in that direction may be shown, as can be done only by those who have passed that way before...It is the doctrine of Krishna, of Buddha, of Jesus, no less than the doctrine of H.P.B... The very fact of suffering is a blessing. Karma and Reincarnation show us that suffering is brought about by wrong thought and action; through our sufferings we may be brought to a realization that a wrong course has been pursued. We learn through our sufferings.


Life is one grand school of Being, and we have come to that stage where it is right for us to learn to understand the purpose of existence; to grasp our whole nature firmly; to use every means in our power in every bring the whole of our nature into accord, so that our lower instrument may be "in line" and thus more and more fully reflect our divine natures."                

RC -- FP p. 263







"Savior after Savior has come to the earth for our benefit, but no one can give us any more benefit than to point to the truths that have been given all down the ages. We must take ad‑vantage of that knowledge and advance out of the state in which we have placed ourselves. No Savior can save us. No God can protect us. No devil can torment us. For both God and the devil are within. The devil is the misunderstanding of our nature...Itis the God in us which demands self-advancement, self-induced and self-devised exertions, and the full acceptance of responsibility." FP p. 300 



" realize our own responsibility to all others and to act in accordance is to have become unselfish, and to have done away with the prime cause of sin, sorrow and suffering...We must take care of each other, not of ourselves...truth, as we know, always explains." RC--FP p. 308







"Never have we been left alone. Always there are beings greater in evolution than we, who return to this field of physical existence to help us, to wake us up to a perception of our natures. Such has been the mission of allDivine Incarnations down the ages. Those beings have come and lived amongus, have become "in all things like unto us," as was said of Jesus, in order that the human words They spoke should be words we would understand. They meet us on the basis of our ideas and try to clarify them and set them in a true course. They can do nothing to stop what (338) we have done and what we want to do; They can not interfere; but They can help us to see the right direction, if we are so willed...Always They try to help us, even when we are proceeding along wrong lines and bringing upon ourselves the suffering such wrong lines entail--even then They try to direct the results into a better channel..." RC -- FP p. 337-8







"At times they come to nations as great teachers and "saviors," who only repromulgate the old truths and systems of ethics. This therefore holds thathumanity is capable of infinite perfection both in time and quality, the saviors and adepts being held up as examples of that possibility. From thisliving and presently acting body of perfected men H.P.Blavatsky declared she received the impulse to once more bring forward the old ideas, and from them also received several keys to ancient and modern doctrines. Added...tothe testimony through all time found in the records of all nations we havethis modern explicit assertion that the ancient learned and humanitarian body of adepts still exists on this earth and takes an interest in the development of the race." WQJ ARTICLES I PP. 1-2



"Up to the period marked by the first earthly King called Ikshwaku, the Ruler was a spiritual Being whom all men knew to be such, for his power, glory, benevolence, and wisdom were evident. He lived an immense number of years, and taught men not only Yoga but also arts and sciences. The ideas implanted then, having been set in motion by one who knew all the laws, remain as inherent ideas to this day...(105) They are preserved by the uneducated masses, who, having no scholastic theories to divert their minds, keep up what is left of the succession of ideas." GITA NOTES p. 104-5



"Alone the adepts, i.e., the embodied spirits--are forbidden by our wise and intransgressible laws to completely subject to themselves another and weaker will,--that of free born man. The latter mode of proceeding is the favorite one resorted to by the "Brothers of the Shadow," the Sorcerers, the Elementary Spooks, and, as an isolated exception--by the highest Planetary (41) Spirits, those, who can no longer err. But those appear on Earth but at the origin of every new human kind; at the junction of, and close of thetwo ends of the great cycle. And, they remain with man no longer than thetime required for the eternal truths they teach to impress themselves so forcibly upon the plastic minds or the new race as to warrant them from being lost or entirely forgotten in ages hereafter, by the forthcoming generations. The mission of the planetary Spirits is but to strike the KEY-NOTE OFTRUTH. Once he has directed the vibration of the latter to run its courseuninterruptedly along the catenation of that race and to the end of the cycle--the denizen of the highest inhabited sphere disappears from the surface of our planet--till the following "resurrection of flesh." The vibrations of the Primitive Truth are what your philosophers name "innate ideas." M.L. 40-1



"...the primeval one Truth, taught humanity in the infancy of its races by every First Messenger--the Planetary Spirit mentioned [above]--and whose (49) remembrance lingered in the memory of man as Elu of the Chaldees, Osiristhe Egyptian, Vishnu, the first Buddhas and so on." M.L. 48-9



"...Truth is One, and cannot admit of diametrically opposite views; and pure Spirits who see it as it is, with the veil of matter entirely withdrawn from it cannot err. Now, if we allow of different aspects or portions of the Whole Truth being visible to different agencies or intelligences, each under various conditions, as for example various portions of the one landscape develop themselves to various persons at various distances and from various standpoints--if we admit the fact of...individual Broth‑ers forinstance endeavoring to develop the Egos of different individuals, withoutsubjecting entirely their wills to their own (as it is forbidden) but by availing themselves of their physical, moral, and intellectual idiosyncracies; if we add the countless kosmical influences which distort and deflect all efforts to achieve definite purposes; if we remember, moreover, the direct hostility of the Brethren of the Shadow always on the watch to perplex and haze the neophyte's brain, I think we shall have no difficulty in understanding how even a definite spiritual advance may to a certain extent leaddifferent individuals to apparently different conclusions and theories." M.L. 49




I hope these words may prove of assistance.


Best wishes,






-----Original Message-----
From: L.R. A
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 7:57 PM
Subject: Living Master



Dear Friends,


I have heard that in order to reach that state of inner bliss, the state inwhich one shuts out the world, in which one awakens to the Light within (while alive), one must find a living Master, a living adept, who will teach the proper technique for meditation, the technique for "opening the third eye."


If this is so, how does one go about finding the master? Thanks for your comments.


All the best,


L.R. Andrews



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