Re: Where does the South begin?
Feb 18, 2004 05:55 PM
by stevestubbs
--- In, "kpauljohnson" <kpauljohnson@y...>
> The
> rest of Virginia outside the DC area remains firmly entrenched in
> the South--but Kerry beat Edwards in every congressional district,
> surprisingly.
The media are reporting that people want to get rid of the Prince and
that Kerry gets the votes becaise of the perception he can unseat our
reigning monarch. I just received an e-mail from an astute observer
who believes the Prince will "win and win big" and at the polls this
time. He does not believe Scalia and the supreme court will have to
coronate this time around unless he wants to be President ad vitam or
some such thing as that. This contest has been loaded with so many
surprises, the most recent and most astonishing being that Bush
actually told the truth for a switch, that I would not care to
predict anything. In a world in which Bush actually tells the truth
about something all bets are off. Absolutely anything could happen.
I would not be surprised if they found out flying saucers arer eal
after that one.
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