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Theos-World Re: The Secret Doctrine

Feb 16, 2004 07:52 PM
by stevestubbs

--- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <ringding@b...> 
> But Königsberg is not in Northern, but in East Prussia and (at 
least until
> 1945) the capital of it.
> Is this a slip of HPB's memory or is it an occult hint? And if so, 

Some of would be happy to see Washington, DC moved two hundred miles 
further east than it is, but that is another issue.

Since HPB lived in Germany in 1886 it seems strange that she knew 
nothing of the geography of the place. Some of these bloopers may be 
attributed to her editing comittee, which reworked her manuscript and 
in their minds improved it. In the Adyar edition if I remember 
correctly there is a Frank admission that the committee screwed it up 
in places. Englishmen in 1887 did not have a clue as to where 
Koenigsberg was.

I read Kant's monograph in which he explained the nebular hypothesis, 
and it should be said this is a remarkable insight. The position 
taken in the SD is just Kant plus some ethereal beings which 
scientists would say may or may not exist but which are outside their 
province. Since the SD was written the nebular hypothesis has been 
discarded in favior of various alternate theories (planetismus, etc.) 
but has always been restored to scientific orthodoxy and is the 
dominant theory today.

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