Re: Now In Print: HPB's Lucifer Vol. I (September 1887 to February 1888)
Feb 09, 2004 08:09 PM
by Daniel H. Caldwell
You can NOW order this volume thru your local independent bookstore.
And anyone else reading my email can also (if they choose) order the
volume thru their local bookstore.
But some readers actually do prefer to order from or especially if they reside in a country outside the
> And, by not letting the rest of us know about this, and get
our local
> independent bookstores know about it, you have contributed to the
> that will eventually put Blavatsky's works out of print entirely,
> for possibly electronic editions.
> Please consider that once places like Barnes & Nobles and
Amazon put
> the independent bookstores out of business, they will control the
> publishing industry, as well? They have already put many smaller
> publishers out of business by demanding discounts so deep that the
> publishers can't afford it, and putting independent bookstores out
> business by predatory and often illegal competition (for example,
> arranging with publishers to NOT release new books to independent
> bookstores until B&N has had them for at least a month).
> Bart Lidofsky
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