Theos-World Re: Why Blavatsky & chelas
Jan 25, 2004 05:53 PM
by arielaretziel
Much of this discussion is quite irrelevant. Relevant for you perhaps.
Theosophists can be grouped in two groups. Those who have studied the
Secret Doctrine, and those who have not.. Those who haven't always seem
interested in the Masters, J. Krishnamurti, T.S. history, and gossip and I =
that is the direction of their natural inclination. I see nothing wrong wit=
h that.
When I was a child I was never atrracted towards cars and toys but rathe=
r to
books and stars. We will naturally tend to what intersts us most.
As for Maya, Theosophy and Esoteric Buddhist do not consider the physical
plane to be an illusion. Rather our perception of the physical plane is an =
illusion for we see not all things as they are. Therefore a rope appears to=
be a
snake. The physical plane is a REAL plane! It is the denser vibrations of a=
spectrum. What you are saying is like saying the color Red is an illusion w=
the color Blue is REAL just because it vibrates in a higher frequency.
--- In, "krishtar" <krishtar_a@b...> wrote:
> Hi
> That is what it seems to be in this plane of existence, but what about in=
Real plane?
> The plane from where we all come from?
> The 2 masters mentioned really lived in the caves if you speak of a mater=
point of view.
> This plane, as you wisely know, is not the real one, we live in the mater=
the Maya world.
> What I meant is not that the 2 masters learned from her in this plane but=
entire theosophic plan was designed in the upper planes.
> What our civillization saw , heard and learned from them as phenomems
and esoterical teachings on ancient wisdom were only the top of a huge
iceberg which magnificence we cannot imagine.
> She was part of this hyerarchy.
> When we incarnate our roles sometimes go inverted.
> The theosophical movement was designed in the higher planes and HPB
was its exponent, not a simply woman chosen by a couple of tibetan masters =
to bring an ancient wisdom to the world, based in her special physich power=
> I mean in the higher planes it was all planned and carefully designed to =
like it was.
> HPB was the chief, although when incarnated was humbly half-aware of
> Much of it was revealed to her during the period where she stayed in Tibb=
> Some high hierarchy monks, or lamas, recognized her.
> It became part of Blavatsky�s truely esotheric life of her and her Master=
from which so little we have access to.
> We know that she smoked a lot, used to eat fatty food sometimes, at times=
too aggressive for no visible reason, all signals of an ordinary human bein=
> Her true essence was very well concealed.
> I am talking about the essence of it.
> Best wishes.
> Krishtar
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: christinaleestemaker
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 7:47 PM
> Subject: Theos-World Re: Why Blavatsky
> Dear Krishtar,
> From where You Have that WISDOM ??????
> You will say that Morya and Kuthumi were her disciples?
> This two lived in Tibet and on a very restfull and beautiful place
> near the end of a river in the forest.One in a kind of cave on the
> higher path and the other in a same kind on the other side of the
> river and down
> in the valley they meet each other sometimes in a kind of chappel.
> They have not been the chela's of Blavatsky!!!!!!
> --- In, "krishtar" <krishtar_a@b...> wrote:
> > Hi dear
> > I gess not.
> > Although she didn�t know, her Masters were her chelas, not the
> opposite.
> > In her " lower mind", or in her " incarnated ego" ( to stabilish a
> difference) she was unaware of this, but the masters unly used her
> to express not only the secret dharmas but also her own knowledge,
> brought to her under the veils of her vigil inconscience, through
> the " amanuensis role ".
> > She could read entire works and books which her chelas and
> assistants showed her in the astral light.
> > In the cosmic plane she is still a special divinity and at that
> period it was not different.
> > She was much, much more than it is registered in anything ever
> written.
> > Can you please locate this Dallas article?
> > Sometimes I cannot read them through then I save them for later
> reading and end up forgeting...
> > Best regards
> >
> > Krishtar
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: christinaleestemaker
> > To: krishtar_a@b...
> > Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 5:55 PM
> > Subject: Why Blavatsky
> >
> >
> > A very good question.
> > I think in that time she was the only one to find so crazy to be
> > manipulated and use all the lifetime to write what they dictated;
> why
> > self enjoying meditation on the Divine.
> > I think Dallis sent a whole story about this and We need one week
> to
> > read.
> > Greetings Christina
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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