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re "non-breakable membrane"

Jan 18, 2004 08:19 PM
by Mauri wrote:

<<Mauri, transcend ... indeed: looking from a higher level. That's why a non-breakable membrane approach may give a solution because it is non-dualistic but from there it will create duality, multi-duality and multi-dimensionality. It goes back to Buddha's Tathagata Womb and his reflections on 'stress', emptiness and the start of the Wheel
(inter-stress or gravity between discrete emanations causing 'suffering'). Leon's last post (gravity and electricity) has some very interesting points and interpretations on this develoment.>>

I tend to agree that there are many interesting things that can also be helpful in various contexts. I guess we might all see ourselves, or might tend to see ourselves as having rather non-breakable membranes in karmic or "realistic enough" terms (eg?), and I tend to think that Leon seems to be good at modeling in terms of "non-breakable membranes" that have "multidimensional" aspects---aspects which, I'm guessing, he might partly define, at some point, as "pointing the way toward" some kind of substantially less dualistic Reality (among other things?), maybe, in some cases ...


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