Re: Theos-World kinds of dying and how long should Chuck live
Jan 15, 2004 08:41 PM
by Drpsionic
In a message dated 1/15/04 7:24:45 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
<< No, I think you had better plan to bite the dust in the 2100's like
the rest of us, and stay part of our happy family.
Well, with organ cloning and nanotech on the horizon I figure in 10 years
I'll get a new pancreas and then just replace things as they wear out. Besides,
think of all the fun we'll have in 2999, when people are looking at Y3k and
getting all paranoid about about their implants not working and their noses
falling off and we can laugh and say that we went through all that a thousand
years ago and nothing happened then.
Chuck the Heretical To Be Ancient One
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