Re: Theos-World Holons and the Tathagata Womb
Jan 08, 2004 02:26 AM
by leonmaurer
Hi Dirk, Alden, (and Dallas -- who is listening in to keep all us scientists,
philosophers, and mathematicians on the theosophical track:-)
Speaking to you both... I think you are on the right tracks, and perhaps each
can add to the other to come closer to a real scientific and theosophical
"theory of everything."
But, perhaps you may both be just missing the point... Since, neither of
your theories can link with the primal source that governs all the laws of
fractal topological geometry as well as the laws of karma or action><reaction, and
the laws of conservation. Those laws, to be immutable after manifestation,
must be based on both "supersymmetry" as well as "superstrings" originating in
that zero-point-instant "singularity" or Laya Point... That must contain, in its
"superspin" mode of abstract motion, the root of all mass-energy (expressed
in all hyperspace fields of Cosmic action).
That singularity or zero-(laya) point, in itself, must, therefore, contain
infinite degrees of bidirectional angular momentum ("spinergy") on an infinite
number of axes at (at least) seven different phases or levels of force
(analogous to frequency-energy phase order spectrums of the hyperspace dimensions on
the manifest matter planes)... Picture this as an abstract infinitesimal sphere
composed of infinite lines of potential energy of seven different qualities
("the seven robes of the Mother") circling around a point of absolute
emptiness... All, existing as if all the hyperspace metric dimensions and their
energies of manifest (substantial) space, along with their wave interference patterns
of holographic "information" that determine all their myriad forms,
particles, atoms, and force fields, were compressed into the zero dimensions of
insubstantial (abstract) space.
If brotherhood is implied by all spiritual rays emanating from a single
source and is the true reality in all of nature, then this "spinergy" must be where
we, as individual consciousness, all originate from.
(If all this makes sense, then see if the following also makes sense:)
We begin at the instant of manifestation, when both Brahma (Cosmos) and
Chronos (time) awakens... We see, symbolically...
...The first emanation of one positive ray or "superstring" (spiritual light
at near infinite frequency-energy) centrifugally impelled in a vertical
direction out of the initial "spinergy" (and, probably, along with an equivalent
negative ray in the opposite spin direction) extending from a single axis (that
is also spinning or turning on at least one of its two associated perpendicular
axes). The positive ray, after three cycles endlessly repeated, initially
forms (due to the reverse attraction of the negative ray coupled with the
turning of the axis) one closed spherical membranous field that is connected to its
neutral zero-point center by its parallel superstrings spirally passing around
two inner fields linked together at their poles -- the ends of which are also
zero-points, but of opposite polarity. (Picture this, in cross section, as a
figure eight within a circle.) These outer pole points are the "wormholes" --
one, analogous to a "black hole," and the other to a "quasar" that links the
inner fields, at both their positive and negative ends, to the outer field.
Also imagine that, as the initial positive ray circles around the larger
sphere, (due to the attractive force of its opposite negative ray) its initial
frequency-energy level diminishes as it goes from top to bottom and forms the lower
inner field. Thus, the matter fields are in the lower sphere, and the
spiritual fields in the upper
To visualize this symbolically, in cross section, and to follow this path of
origination of the primal universal monad and its subsequent fractal
involution go to:
We can imagine then, ideally, that the positive "superstrings" are the
parallel, endless and beginningless, inside-outside surface rays of all three
initial spheres as well as all their analogous fractal iterations, and forms their
Membranes of M-brane theory. And, that the "strings" of string theory are the
ripples and loops in these superstrings as pictured in Dirk's geometry.
How that bridges with the mathematics and leads to the fundamental particles,
and thence to all the forms of matter is yet to be deduced. However, this
doesn't consider the negative or "dark" rays which most likely would be
interwoven with the "light" rays as described in the blanket model of Dr. Perchion.
In any event, its obvious from this model, that the fundamental laws of
electricity and magnetism must rule the actions and coenergetic interactions in and
between these fields along each of its superstrings -- that follow a closed and
repeating spiral vortex 3-cycle path in and around the 3 spheres of each
monadic analog.
>From a theosophical point of view; In the first triune iteration of the
fractal involution of these fields (we can call it the first "Monad"); The outer
field is the "ring pass not" spiritual or Mahatma field; The top inner field is
its vehicle or Buddhi nature of direct ideation; And, the lower inner field,
is its mental or Manas nature of imagination and concretion.
The linear geometry of this initial ideal triune field complex is an
inscribed octahedron. As the pyramid is also an octahedron, this may indicate a
possible area of both prediction and falsification of a scientific theory based on
this primal beginning.... Since, it may be possible to physically, or in 3-D
graphic computer modeling, prove the existence of "pyramid power" based on this
triune field configuration. For example; By experiments with a single point
light source inside a doped quartz or other lasing crystal shaped in the form
of a perfect octahedron. (Which, incidentally, may be the basis of the fabled
"crystal Vril" force of the Atlantians that Lytton and HPB wrote about.)
Incidentally, I have already engineered some of these experiments -- but that will
have to wait until we can come up with a viable mathematical and geophysical
theory that can stand scientific scrutiny.
As a suggestion. We might try to tack this primal beginning concept onto
your merged geometry's and mathematical topologies, and then trace its fractal
involution through all the membranous hyperspace fields that nest, one inside
the other like Chinese boxes or like bubbles within bubbles within bubbles, in
the first ten dimensions of manifest space -- with the first 7 dimensions being
the invisible hyperspace fields and the last three dimensions being our
metric or configuration space.
After the first three iterations of that multidimensional superspace, and all
of it falls into matter to become the seven levels of hyperspace-time, plus
our metric space-time continuum -- we can marry those white-light dimensions to
the parallel (coadunate) dark-light dimensions of the reverse (suppressive)
counter force spinergy, so as break the symmetries and create the disorder that
makes the turbulence that, in turn, leads to order out of initial chaos.
It may be that the "light" fields predominate, since the "dark" fields rotate
on a different axes and must give up their rotational energy to the primary
axis. Although, it could also be that the dark fields cannot be seen by us
because their dark light "rays" rotate in the opposite direction than our white
light rays (although their mass-energy should be still effective at the gravity
level) -- as, possibly, a repulsion, rather than attraction with repect to
the rays themselves. in either case, this could account for the "dark matter"
or gravitational constant in present cosmological theories, and may also
account for the "dark worlds" of the occultists (The "Halls of Amenti" in the
Egyptian teachings) -- which HPB spoke of vaguely in the SD.
In the end we will see, however, that every apparently separate thing in our
white "light" dimensions exists on the surface of one continuous membrane --
composed of interlaced positive (light) and negative (dark) superstrings (root
of inertia, entropy?) -- that are both inside and outside themselves, and
essentially tied together in the same place in abstract space -- which, like the
zero-point centers and polar crossovers of all the field's lines of force, is
everywhere. And, that those existence's reflect themselves (through a process
of inductive resonance) on all ten involutional levels or frequency energy
phase orders of hyperspace -- which are linked together through their polar zero
points of contiguity and tangency. Thus, these fields are as HPB stated,
"coadunate but not consubstantial."
Essentially, all these separate existence's of forms in the matrix of
hyperspace and metric space-time fields are holographic interference patterns that
form intricate ripples or folds and subsequent relatively stable knots of the
strings formed by the peaks of the vibrations of the superstrings in the
continuous blanket of the Cosmic space time continuum, that extends down through all
the coadunate hypersapace fields -- much the way Dirk pictures it.
We should be aware that as the fields descend fractally in their involution
from the spiritual to the material, they become lower and lower in frequency
energy phase order -- which follows the octaval harmonic patterns symbolized by
the 3-1-4-1-5 formula in the Book of Dzyan (and also pictured in my fractal
involution diagrams) -- which limits those visible or physical phase changes and
apparently separate objects to the lower manasic field in each successive
monad... Although, each field in the overall series, also fractalizes
Thus, Mind always comes before and rules over matter. This also accounts for
the seven times seven fields that make up the entire primary series. It may
also be probable that the changing of the frequency-energy levels from the
spiritual to the physical end of each seven fold (8 field) iteration causes the
spherical fields to distort into an egg shape, and changes the geometric series
of fractalizations between their center planes to become a Fibonacci series.
However, the strings may still vibrate in geometric harmonies in their limited
areas of the Brane surface.
My guess, however, is that since a superstring may actually be composed of a
continuous chain of adjacent zero-points, and since each zero-point must be of
a certain degree of spinergy, that these points can become entangled and form
a matrix that takes the form of a string that encompasses all seven
hyperspace levels.
Also, since the time constant of the highest order spiritual fields are much
shorter than the lower order mental, astral and materialized metric energy
fields, all ideal construction of images would occur almost instantaneously on
the spiritual level and slow down as they descend to the lower order fields --
thus accounting for the time of evolution on our metric plane -- which has the
lowest frequency-energy spectrum phase, and consequently the slowest time
For some tentative, idealized symbolic 2-D cross section diagrams of such
involution, see:
On that note, while you are thinking about how to link these ideas into an
effective merge of your respective scientific and mathematical theories, I'll
rest awhile, and begin having what I hope for us all -- a Happy New Year. :-)
In a message dated 12/31/03 3:36:30 PM, writes:
>Dirk Laureyssens <> wrote
>In actual String/M-brane there is a lot of confusion but there are also
>some interesting entries. There is a need to explain the
>interconnectivity ... and that would give more scientific base for the
>BROTHERHOOD all subscribers of this group stand for.
>I developed a personal alternative M-Brane theory that starts from the
>top, from the Unity. The fundamental question is how Unity (genderless)
>can create duality. Unity creates local duality without losing it's
>unity. How can we see that.
>Einstein looked for many years how he could come from 'Prior-geometry'
>(without structure) to the dual physical world. To him there was a
>field that was gravitational. He use the term space-time to come a type
>of metric (in which coordinates could be compared). Object would bend
>To me this prior-geometry is a spheric membrane that represents the
>boundary. Inside is emptiness. The membrane is indestructible (cfr. The
>Tathagata Womb). The membrane is dynamic and almost infinite
>stretchable (elastic). Here again I refer to Buddha who said: The
>essence of the Tathagata is STRESS.
>Now how can the Universal Womb become at certain spots dual?
>How can we interpret: Emptiness is Form, and Form is Emptiness?
>Well in fact it is very simple mechanism:
>The mechanism consists in the penetration of one (passive) part of the
>Membrane by another (active) part on the M-Brane. This penetration
>creates a new discrete (or local) area where the penetrating part
>(active) is covered by the receptive (passive) part. The new
>multi-layered locality is called: a holon.
> Dear Dick,
> A very interesting view you present! In M-theory as it is
> known would require 11 dimensions. Four of which we know
> about, thanks to Herr Einstien. The next three perhaps belong
> in the realm known by few as the Quaquaversal and Complex
> Domain. That is a complex plain in Riemann terms; further
> expressed quaquaversally on a linear numerical perspective.
> This allows the Indeterminacy of such an expression to be
> shown mathematically, utilizing the seven undefined but known
> mathematical expressions which are an indeterminacy value.
> Such a demonstration in effect can reveal M-theory as being
> viable along with wave matrix, supersymmetry, entanglement,
>mosaics, windows and the like.
>As it goes at six points out and returns to the center within the
>world of M-theory or in math terms the Linear Numerical Perspective.
>Its rotation as a spiral of 360 degrees quaquaversally and traveling
>Pi, at 45 degrees interlaying the membranes or branes of which M-theory
>refers to. Mathematically this would be shown again on the LNP
>layout on the Complex Quaquaversal domain.
> The remaining four are more metaphysical in nature perhaps;
>some may say Spiritual, etc. They certainly would influence the
>first seven in some fashion, ie: Permeation, perduring, pervading, etc.
>The eleventh being the creator and
>in control of the first ten. These we may never fathom and even
>Quantum mechanics will never be able to measure them, no
>matter how many particles we smash.
> Have a Happy New Year,
>Dirk Laureyssens
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