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Dec 16, 2003 05:39 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen
Hallo all of you My views are: We can all of us understand why some readers would like to read these - numbers in an exoterical dead-letter manner ! Especially if it fits their own agenda or even selfesteem. These numbers are a smokescreen so to keep the uninitiated away from trouble. True ? There is no religion higher than TRUTH. There is always God. God is omnipresent - everywhere at all times - that is past, present and future. God has never left any of us. As it is written in the much hated book named the Quran: Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein !!! So why those silly remarks about the Avatar being gone or being awaited thousands of years into the future ??? Blavatsky who agrees on the Bhagavad Gita - must also follow the view, that the Avatar incarnates whenever Rightousness disappears on this Planet... And perhaps some theosophists are deluded into thinking that everything is allright with this Planet in this hour if reading. But they will find themselves in error when they think we will continue supporting their "business as usual" ideologies ! Interestingly Sai Baba has said that the Kali Yuga last 12.000 years. (exoterically ?) And that we are now just about 3702 + 2003= 5705 years since the death of Krishna. This is not in accordance with theosophical teaching so far the dead- letter teaching goes. But if the number 3702 is 3102 then it all fits. And then we probalbly talk about a "spiritual spelling-error" (?) in the litterature. Some says that Arjuna was behind the building of some of the greater pyramids in Egypt. Another source Idries Shah has said (1956) that the Kheops Pyramid was completed year 3733 bc. So who holds the torch - dead-letter theosophists and superficial clairvoyants ? Or is it those who has prooven by their spiritual fruits - that they know ? What I find interesting is the appearnt agreement between figures like Sai Baba, Idries Shah, and S. Sitchin (even if his writings shouldn't be taken litterally in the manner as many has done.) I think Sai Baba has said that Buddha lived as precise a 567-487 bc. Maybe others have other versions on numbers and figures. So be it. (I forgot in my previous email to mention that Khidr is also know as The Green Guide or Green Alien). Now - the ball is rolling... from M. Sufilight with peace and love... ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dallas TenBroeck" <dalval14@earthlink.net> To: "AA-BN--Study" <study@blavatsky.net> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:41 AM Subject: Theos-World RE: Thanks to all Dec 16 2003 Dear Friend: These maybe of help. Extracts are from THEOSOPHY literature 1 The "Kalki Avatar" is not due for several hundreds of thousands of years. 2 The age of the present Kali Yuga (began 3102 B C) is 432,000 years. We have 427,000 till it comes to an end. ---------------------------- "Maitreya Buddha (Sk.). The same as the Kalki Avatar of Vishnu (the "White Horse" Avatar), and of Sosiosh and other Messiahs. The only difference lies in the dates of their appearances. Thus, while Vishnu is expected to appear on his white horse at the end of the present Kali Yuga age "for the final destruction of the wicked, the renovation of creation and the restoration of purity", Maitreya is expected earlier. Exoteric or popular teaching making slight variations on the esoteric doctrine states that Sakyamuni (Gautama Buddha) visited him in Tushita (a celestial abode) and commissioned him to issue thence on earth as his successor at the expiration of five thousand years after his (Buddha's) death. This would be in less than 3,000 years hence. Esoteric philosophy teaches that the next Buddha will appear during the seventh (sub) race of this Round. The fact is that Maitreya was a follower of Buddha, a well-known Arhat, though not his direct disciple, and that he was the founder of an esoteric philosophical school. As shown by Eitel (Sanskrit-Chinese Dict.), "statues were erected in his honour as early as B.C. 350". Glos 202 "The Secret Doctrine teaches that "He who is the first to appear at Renovation will be the last to come before Re-absorption (pralaya)." Thus the logoi of all nations, from the Vedic Visvakarma of the Mysteries down to the Saviour of the present civilised nations, are the "Word" who was "in the beginning" (or the reawakening of the energising powers of Nature) with the One ABSOLUTE. Born of Fire and Water, before these became distinct elements, IT was the "Maker" (fashioner or modeller) of all things; "without him was not anything made that was made"; "in whom was life, and the life was the light of men"; and who finally may be called, as he ever has been, the Alpha and the Omega of manifested Nature. "The great Dragon of Wisdom is born of Fire and Water, and into Fire and Water will all be re-absorbed with him" (Fa-Hwa-King). As this Bodhisatva is said "to assume any form he pleases" from the beginning of a Manvantara to its end, though his special birthday (memorial day) is celebrated according to the Kin-kwang-ming-King ("Luminous Sutra of Golden Light") in the second month on the nineteenth day, and that of "Maitreya Buddha" in the first month on the first day, yet the two are one. He will appear as Maitreya Buddha, the last of the Avatars and Buddhas, in the seventh Race. This belief and expectation are universal throughout the East. Only it is not in the Kali yug, our present terrifically materialistic age of Darkness, the "Black Age," that a new Saviour of Humanity can ever appear." S D I 470 "The most sacred of all is the letter M. It is both feminine and masculine, or androgyne, and is made to symbolize WATER, the great deep, in its origin. It is mystic in all the languages, Eastern and Western, and stands as a glyph for the waves, thus: . In the Aryan Esotericism, as in the Semitic, this letter has always stood for the waters; e.g., in Sanskrit MAKARA-the tenth sign of the Zodiac-means a crocodile, or rather an aquatic monster associated always with water. The letter MA is equivalent to and corresponds with number 5-composed of a binary, the symbol of the two sexes separated, and of the ternary, symbol of the third life, the progeny of the binary. This, again, is often symbolised by a Pentagon, the latter being a sacred sign, a divine Monogram. MAITREYA is the secret name of the Fifth Buddha, and the Kalki Avatar of the Brahmins-the last MESSIAH who will come at the culmination of the Great Cycle." S D I 384 "Kalki Avatar (Sk.). The "White Horse Avatar", which will be the last manvantaric incarnation of Vishnu, according to the Brahmins; of Maitreya Buddha, agreeably to Northern Buddhists; of Sosiosh, the last hero and Saviour of the Zoroastrians, as claimed by Parsis ; and of the "Faithful and True" on the white Horse (Rev. xix., 2 ). In his future epiphany or tenth avatar, the heavens will open and Vishnu will appear "seated on a milk-white steed, with a drawn sword blazing like a comet, for the final destruction of the wicked, the renovation of 'creation' and the 'restoration of purity'". (Compare Revelation.) This will take place at the end of the Kaliyuga 427,000 years hence. The latter end of every Yuga is called "the destruction of the world", as then the earth changes each time its outward form, submerging one set of continents and upheaving another set." Glos 170 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaliyuga (Sk.). The fourth, the black or iron age, our present period, the duration of which us 432,000 years. The last of the ages into which the evolutionary period of man is divided by a series of such ages. It began 3,102 years B.C. at the moment of Krishna's death, and the first cycle of 5,000 years will end between the years 1897 and 1898. Glos 170 See also S D I 661-669 for dates of Kali Yuga epoch. ---------------------------------------------- Best wishes, Dallas =============================================== -----Original Message----- From: roberto.paula Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 10:17 AM To: study@blavatsky.net Subject: [bn-study] Re:[bn-study] Re: Thanks to all Isn't Maitreya the Buddha of the 5th Race? I think so. As to the Kali Yuga, we're at the end of it, right? Roberto De: "arturo carvajal" Para: study@blavatsky.net Cópia: Data: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 02:34:07 +0000 Assunto: [bn-study] Re: Thanks to all > thanks Peter and the others in this List for willing to answer some > questions, and here goes the first... > where are we in the Kali Yug period? at the end of it? > also...are we at the end of the 5 Root Race? and Gautama been the Buddha of > the 4 Root Race, who is the Buddha of the 5th ??? > Arturo > > > >From: "peter.m" > >Reply-To: study@blavatsky.net > >To: study@blavatsky.net > >Subject: [bn-study] Re: Thanks to all > >Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 00:17:01 -0000 > > > >Dear Arturo, > > > > >>>That is fine, Peter, but could be the Secret Doctrine be that > >complicated > > > >and the Truth so obscured?? <<< > > > >I guess I would use the term 'complex' rather than complicated. When we > >look around the world of nature at just the physical plane we see and > >encounter a great deal of complexity, do we not. Is it not reasonable to > >assume that the subtler planes of manifestation are also complex and not as > >straight forward as we would like. > > > > >>> certain Truths might stay secret, because in the 'wrong' hands 'evil' > >be the result, but just tell me in plain english how the Universe and > >worlds were 'created', the creation of man and his soul, avoiding obscure > >words in Sanskrit or Sensar.<<< > > > >After a period of study have you ever tried yourself to put your own > >understanding into plain English? It might be that if you could start by > >sharing with us what you already understand the Secret Doctrine to be > >saying > >then we could better explore together some of your questions. > > > >It seems to me that one of the important propositions of the Secret > >Doctrine > >is that the universe, the worlds, man and his soul were not "created", as > >such. Just this very proposition in the SD is worth much thought and > >reflection. But why not start your inquiry looking at the "Summing Up" > >section in the SD in volume one pages 269 onwards, in particular the > >numbered points between pages 272 and 282. These are very helpful to any > >one preparing to study the SD. > > > >We start with the notion that there is "the one homogenous divine SUBSTANCE > >PRINICPLE." This is the root of all. In the sense that this principle is > >beyond finite grasp, it is called beginning-less and endless Space. In the > >sense that it is the root substance of all manifestation, whether subtle or > >gross it is called the ONE SUBSTANCE, one end of which we call spirit the > >other matter. > > > >The universe is not created, least of all created by any kind of GOD as > >known in the exoteric religions. "The universe is the periodical > >manifestation of this unknown Absolute Essence" (273) All the complex > >doctrines about hierarchy of spiritual intelligences and the builders > >(Dhyani Buddhas and Dhyani Chohans) are attempts to convey to our finite > >minds that which is beyond and before such finite minds came into being. > >So > >it is presented in such a way to awaken our intuition where we might > >'understand' and know at the level. However the general principle is that > >this great intelligences, hosts, under the impulse of divine law help in > >the > >progressive stages of emanation of the one substance out of itself, each > >stage becoming 'denser' and more material. Hence the saying that "the > >Universe is worked and guided from within outwards. . . . The whole Kosmos > >is guided, oontrolled, and animated by an almost endless series of > >Hierarchies of sentient Beings, each having a mission to perform and who > >are... messengers in the sense only that they are agents of Karmic Laws. > > > >Arturo, the above is a start in plain language. Those pages go on offering > >many insights into the complex doctrines outlined in the stanzas. If you > >want to have a look through and ask a specific question on anything you > >find > >there, I am sure people on this list will do what they can to help > >understand it better. We are all students trying to understand. > > > >best wishes, > > > >Peter > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/ To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: theos-talk-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/