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Re: [bn-study] Re: Thanks to all

Dec 12, 2003 09:59 PM
by leonmaurer

Dear Dallas,

Here's another reference that may be of interest.

If we follow the links we can learn everything there is to know 
mathematically and geometrically about The Decagon, Golden Ratio, Golden Rectangle, 
Isosceles Triangle, Pentagram, plus lots of other symbolic shapes, forms, and number 
series that have relationships to the spherical and linear geometry based on 
the fundamental hyperspace fields as they involve fractally from the primal 

Also see: Fibonacci Numbers and Golden sections in Nature 

Referring to: 

In the diagrams therein of the involution of the coenergetic fields -- which 
are symbolically pictured in cross section, as circles -- the planes 
(horizontal lines drawn through the zero-point centers of the descending spheres) 
follow a regular geometric fractal series (2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, etc.). 

In actuality, since each field varies in frequency-energy-density from top to 
bottom, the spheres would be egg shaped. Thus, breaking the geometric 
symmetry of the cyclically repeating hyperspheres (and stretching their inscribed 
squares into, possibly, golden rectangles). This transformation would, 
apparently, move their centers, and the planes drawn through them, into a Fibonacci 
series -- which may account for its appearance throughout all of nature on our 
physical plane of reality. It may also account for all the variable laws, 
probabilities and indeterminacies of quantum physics which cosmologists see as 
occurring after initial "inflation" and the so called "breaking of symmetry" 
when the "big bang" (they postulate) occurred. 

There's much to be pondered on here. 

To take a twist on Einstein, it may be that God is playing with loaded dice. 

Best wishes,



In a message dated 12/10/03 10:37:58 AM, writes:

Dec 10th 2003

Dear Lenny:

Many thanks for the explanation. Understood.

In regard to mathematics and geometrical ratios in nature, I have been
reading a remarkable book:

THE GOLDEN RATIO by Mario Livio 

(Broadway Books, Random House N. Y.)

[Mario Livio Ph. D. is head of the Science Division of the space
Telescope Institute. Previous book: THE ACCELERATING UNIVERSE (2000).]

He gives us a history of the GOLDEN RATIO in mathematics, music, art,
nature and science.

It is PHI ( 8/5) = 1.6180339887........

Other "irrational numbers / ratios" are noted and discussed by him such

PI = 3.1.4159..... (Circumference to diameter ratio of a circle)

"Disordered systems" mathematics (D. Viswanath, Berkeley U.) discovered
in studying randomness a mathematical constant = 1.13198824.....

Besides that we have the series noted by Fibonacci in a number sequence 
= 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,

It is perhaps significant that these inexpressible ratios are found in
Nature and they may indicate a key to understanding the difference
between say the various planes that THEOSOPHY speaks of. (i.e.: the
relationship of physical to astral, to psychic, to mental, to ideal
planes -- to mention but 5. )

What do you think?



-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 1:15 AM
Subject: [bn-study] Re: Thanks to all

I'm sure Dallas can come up with a quote by HPB or WQJ that explains all
this in relatively simple terms. 

But, the following is one more or less 
scientific (geometric or topological) way to understand the similarities
and differences between the four fold and sevenfold systems:

The division of the "coenergetic" and "coadunate but not consubstantial"
fields of consciousness, or "principles" that comprise all living beings 
(from the 
universe on down, and fully expressed in Man) can be considered as One 
manifest, relatively insubstantial or spiritual outer principleencompassing 
three progressively more substantial dual inner principles. 

Since all manifest fields of energy are polar and must have both a positive 
and a negative (attractive and repulsive) aspect to support their inflation 
from within, as well as maintain their continued harmonious balance --
no spherical field can exist in manifest space without two spherical inner
fields between its outer circumference and the zero-point of origination at 
center. These (today, called "hyperspace") fields, are each of a different
degree of substantiality related to their descending frequency/energy 
orders (or phase changes).

Thus, the configuration of the first manifest 3-fold (or 3 cycle) field 
complex emanating from any zero-point-instant "singularity" is what
constitutes the triune "Monad." 

Upon Cosmic manifestation, the initial Cosmic Monad continues to involve
or divide in a progressive dual or fractal manner, to form eight fields
(four dual fields) or seven Chakra centers in each successive octaval 
involutional stage.

Therefore, each of the three inner principles or fields of consciousness
of the four fold system must be dual in nature, totaling (after the third 
involutional stage when the inner six field centers are added to the
surrounding and all containing "spiritual" field center) seven Chakras
or field centers. 

Thus, depending on one's point of view, the entire system can be seen as
either four fold or sevenfold. This corresponds to the "four worlds" of the 
Buddhist-Hindu systemss, and the "seven fold (or seven Chakra centers)
nature of Man" in both the Eastern philosophical systems and the
theosophical system. 

Picture this (like bubbles within bubbles within bubbles, etc.) as a single 
sphere within which are two spheres, and within each of which are two 
additional spheres, etc. 

This "fractal" involution of monadic fields continues analogously, ad 
infinitum, down to the smallest particle of physical nature, as the
Cosmos continues to evolve and spread its zero-point centers of origin
throughout all of manifest space. This accounts for the ancient adages 
that "The center of the universe is everywhere and it circumference, 
nowhere" and, "As above, so below."

This arrangement, representing the progressive 3, 1, 4, 1, 5 or twice 7
fold nature of universal involution during the initial stages of
manifestation (See: Book of Dzyan, Stanza IV), can be easily visualized 
by studying and meditating on the symbolic cross sectional diagrams while 
following the spiraling and vortical flow of continuously circulating energy 
emanating from any zero-point "Laya center." See:

Other field arrangements (possibly occurring at different levels of logoic 
involution's) -- which also conform to the harmonic laws of cycles, and
its derivative laws of fundamental symmetry and conservation of energy --
are symbolically shown at:

Incidentally, the above diagrams may also be useful in visualizing and
better understanding the evolution of the "globes" and their "rounds" and
"races." (But, do not take these diagrams literally, since they are limited to
only two dimensions and do not represent the fields within fields within
fields of our multidimensional hyperspace universe.) 

I hope this helps,


In a message dated 12/08/03 12:36:00 PM,

>Can anyone please explain what is the difference between sevenfold
>classification and four fold classification. In simple words please.
>I am extreamly happy to meet persons who know about T.Subbarao.
>Thanks once again.

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