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NUMBERS -- Information given in THEOSOPHY

Dec 11, 2003 03:20 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Dec 11 2003

NUMBERS -- Information given in THEOSOPHY





"Alone, the one form of existence stretched boundless, infinite,
causeless, in dreamless sleep; and life pulsated unconscious in
universal space, throughout that all-presence which is sensed by the
opened eye of the Dangma." S D I 27

[ See S D I, pp. 4-7, 28-29 - Stanza III, 1 to 8 ]

"Everything in the Universe was framed according to the eternal
proportions and combinations of numbers. "God geometrizes," and numbers
and numerals are the fundamental basis of all systems of mysticism,
philosophy and religion." HPB ART I 504

"...the sacred Science of the Numerals; so sacred...and so important in
the study of Occultism that the subject can hardly be skimmed..."
SD I 89

"There is a harmony of numbers in all nature; in the force of gravity,
in the planetary movements, in the laws of heat, light, electricity, and
chemical affinity, in the forms of animals and plants, in the perception
of the mind." SD II 622

"There is no "chance" in Nature, wherein everything is mathematically
co-ordinate and mutually related in its units." SD I 653

"The Monad being one, and an odd number, the ancients, called the odd,
the only perfect numbers; and...considered them as masculine and
perfect, being applicable to the celestial gods, while even numbers such
as 2, 4, 6, and especially 8, as being female, were regarded as
imperfect, and given only to the terrestrial and infernal deities." SD
II 602

"The odd numbers are divine, the even numbers are terrestrial, devilish,
and unlucky..." SD II 574

"The Spirit, which is immortal, has an arithmetical, as the body has a
geometrical, beginning." 

(see ISIS I 506-08) HPB Art I 15

"The number seven is the most sacred of all, and is, undoubtedly, of
Hindu origin. Everything of importance was calculated by and fitted
into this number by the Aryan philosophers--ideas as well as
localities..." Isis I 407

"The key to the Pythagorean dogmas is the general formula of unity in
multiplicity, the One evolving the many and pervading the many. This is
the ancient doctrine of emanation in a few words."
HPB Art I 20

"The sacred numbers of the universe in their esoteric combination solve
the great problem and explain the theory of radiation and the cycle of
emanation. The lower orders before they develop into higher ones must
emanate from the higher spiritual ones, and when arrived at the
turning-point, be reabsorbed again into the infinite." Isis I p. 7

"...the Second "One" on the plane of Emanations...the reflection of the
first One (for it is the Logos or Eswara, in the Universe of
Illusion)...It emanates from itself--as the upper Sephirothal Triad
emanates the lower seven Sephiroth--the seven Rays or Dhyan Chohans; in
other words the Homogeneous becomes the Heterogeneous, the "Protyle"
differentiates into the Elements." S D I 130

[ see also SD I 203, II 68fn ]

Pythagoras synthesized this in the Symbol of his "triangle" which
consists of 10 dots arranged in a pyramidal form:

* 1

* * 2

* * * 3 

* * * * 4 = 10

Says HPB at the very beginning of her writings, in Isis

"...the Rosicrucian theory, that the whole universe is a musical
instrument, is the Pythagorean doctrine of the music of the spheres.
Sounds and colors are all spiritual numerals; as the 7 prismatic rays
proceed from one spot in heaven, so the 7 powers of nature, each of them
a number, are the 7 radiations of the Unity, the central spiritual Sun."
ISIS I 514

"These sacred numbers [ 3, 4 & 7 ] are the sacred numbers of Light,
Life, and Union, especially in this manvantara, our life-cycle, of which
number 7 is the special representative, or the Factor number."
SD II 590

"...the never manifested MONAD which lives in solitude and darkness;
when the hour strikes it radiates from itself ONE, the first number.

This number descending, produces TWO, the second number, and TWO, in its
turn, produces THREE, forming a triangle, the first complete geometrical
figure in the world of form.

It is this ideal or abstract triangle which is the Point in the Mundane
Egg, which after gestation, and the third remove, will start from the
Egg to form the triangle. 

This is Brahma--Vach--Viraj in the Hindu Philosophy and
Kether-Chokmah-Binah in the Zohar.

The first Manifested Logos is the Potentia, the unrevealed Cause; the
second, the still latent Thought; the third, the Demiurgos, the active
Will evolving from its universal Self the active effect, which in turn,
becomes the cause on a lower plane." Transactions,
p. 83

( see also: SD I-130, on the two Ones.)

"It is said that each person has a distinct mathematical value expressed
by one number. This is a compound or resultant of numberless smaller
values...When it is known extraordinary effects may be produced not only
in the mind of a person but also in his feelings, and this number may be
discovered by certain calculations more recondite than those of our
higher mathematicians. By its use the person may be made angry without
cause, and even insane or full of happiness, just as the operator
desires." WQJ Art I 335

"Every idea except those of purest mathematics is presented as a picture
[dream] or drama to the mind and not in words." WQJ Letters,
p. 149

"All cosmic phenomena was referred to by the Rosicrucians as "animated
geometry." Transactions p. 115

In Isis Unveiled, Vol. I, pp 274-5, HPB discourses on the power of
magnetic influence, which, working under the law of Karma precipitates
cycles of invisible moral and mental epidemics on the races of mankind.
All are affected by these hidden vibrations, similar to those of music,
which is capable of imposing an emotional atmosphere and from that
evoking a corresponding response. Looking at this Cosmically she

"Now, if the impulses communicated to the ether by the various planets
may be likened to the tones of produced by the different notes of
musical instruments, it is not difficult to conceive that the
Pythagorean "music of the spheres" is something more than mere fancy,
and that certain planetary aspects may imply disturbances in the ether
of our planet, and certain others rest and harmony. Certain kinds of
music throw us into a frenzy; some exalt the soul to religious
aspirations...there is scarcely a human creation which does not respond
to certain vibrations of the atmosphere. It is the same with colors;
some excite us, others soothe and please...If we and the animals are
affected by vibrations acting upon a very minute scale, why may we not
be influenced in the mass be vibrations acting on a grad scale as the
effect of combined stellar influences ?" Isis I 274-5

"All systems of religious mysticism are based on numerals. With
Pythagoras, the Monas or unity, emanating the duad, and thus forming the
trinity and quaternary, or Arba-il (the mystic four), compose the number
seven. The sacredness of numbers begins with the great First--the One,
and ends only with the nought or zero--symbol of the infinite and
boundless circle which represents the universe. All the intervening
figures, in whatever combination, or however multiplied, represent
philosophical ideas, from vague outlines down to a definitely
established scientific axiom, relating either to a moral or a physical
fact in nature. They are a key to the ancient views on cosmogony, in
its broad sense, including man and beings, and the evolution of the
human race, spiritually as well as physically. 

"the gross purgations of ether" - light, heat, electricity, and motion
vibrations counted in producing the colors of the spectrum.
Isis I 186

"principles of universal unchangeable harmony... "when a musical note
is struck, its vibrations will not, and cannot change into those of
another note." Isis I 184

"interrelation of planets, sounds, and vibration in Ether."
Isis I 275

"Vibrations limited to earth...cause is supersensuous
aura...correlations below sound and color... S D I 514 fn

"...the brain of a chela is attuned by training to the brain of the
Master. His vibrations synchronize with those of the Adept...So the
chela's brain is abnormal, looking at it from the standpoint of ordinary
life....the adept sees all the colors in every color and yet does not
confuse them together..." 

-- HPB VB 159 WQJ Art I 336


Deity Geometrizes Gita Notes, p. 173-4 

1 Point "center is everywhere and circumference 

is nowhere" [idea of
manifestation -

this is derived from the

2 Radiation in all directions [ pulsation - law

eternal - Karma - ever
active ]

3 Circumference is established (from each "ray" as

a center) - a
sphere around a center

Parameters of a first

arising from an older
one which has

been at rest between

4 Point spreading horizontally = diameter - duality

Spirit - matter - +ve
/ -ve

basis for action and

5 Point extended vertically to circumference quarters

the sphere -
cross inside a circle

4-fold principle [ kama
] Basis for

all personalities.

6 Lines of Force are represented by these lines:

the circle and its
diameters -

Proceeding from the
center they tend to

return to it. G N

7 If at extremities of the diameters looking on the

"wheel" as a revolving
one, the force 

lines tending to return
to the center 

are forced to reach out
to one another, 

forming a "swastika:"
symbol of life and 

progress, cycles and
evolution, hence in

Egypt the ansated cross
- looped at top.

8 Square within the Circle is the Microcosm that is

embodied consciousness
within the 

spherical Macrocosm that
is Universal 

square as a 

cube a six-sided figure
in a sphere -

4 angles visible 

9 If these 4 points are illumined, they represent a

4 pointed star - symbol
of animal con-

sciousness, or instinct.

10 "Arjuna" [Nara, Man ] Seeing in the "divine form"

the Divine Sphere of the
Universe or

"Krishna," sees many
kinds of "stars" 

each representing a
level of conscious- 

ness that is peculiar to
the evolution 

of those beings:
5-pointed, 6-pointed, 

and "many-sided," all in
motion and en- 

dowed with those colors
that represent 

their mystic powers, and
level of pro- 

gress. [Krishna endows
him with the 

"divine Eye" so he can
perceive this,

indicative of Arjuna's
progress. We 

should note that Sanjaya
is one who is

already endowed by
Krishna with this

power, and whose duty it
is to counsel 

and advise the blind
King Dhritarashtra 

(the body). ]
Gita Notes 173-4

[See SD II 556-9 592
546-548 TM 9-35-6 ]

[ S D I
90-94 398 S D II 35-37 ]


Time matured - in manifestation the Law of cycles which includes all
beings and specifically those who are related by individual karma
Gita Notes 174

[See also G 87, G N 66-7 ]

A "Great Age" - a large cycle the collective effect of all
beings of every grade concerned

Change - indicated under the power of the force of creation

- integration and disintegration of elements

prevents stagnation
G N 174 189

"From Gods to men, from Worlds to atoms, from a star to a rush-light,
from the Sun to the vital heat of the meanest organic being--the world
of Form and Existence is an immense chain, whose links are all
connected. The law of Analogy is the first key to the world problem,
and these links have to be studied coordinately in their occult
relations to each other." S D I 604 


Last Thoughts - soul has to pass along the road it came by.

- considering life as a grand musical movement 

that is brought to a close by using

at once all the tones sounded

the whole preceding portion...a

sound...the resultant of all.

- this last sound is the fixed vibration that

governs the entity, sounding all

him, and throwing him into the state

which it corresponds or of which it

the key.

Gita Notes 80-1

[See OCEAN 99 114-5 KEY 162 ECHOES 49 ML 128 

Q&A 121 167 THEOS ART & NOTES 32 242, 

LUCIF 8- 127fn, THY MAG 60-138, LETTERS 54 ]

Symbolism NOTES B. GITA - Judge 80-9

- the types of animals selected for sacrifice:

- bull GLOS 68 26 323 88 216 275 IS I 138

SD I 657 385 II 114
418fn 533 GL 78

ISIS II 236 235 290fn
437-8 452 465

(Taurus) -
Solar powers

- ram, lamb TRANS 68 GLOS 275 68 192-3 26

(Aries) GLOS 387 89 347

82 26 92 185 

SD I 366 II 182 ISIS II
465 SD II 291 

(Aries) -
Lunar powers

[ probably a materialization of the

teachings about our own

powers and faculties -
resident in 

the doctrines about the

Manas and the Lower
Manas ]

- Sacred Animals: see Zodiac - SD II 115fn

SD I 93 363 441fn II
181-182 IS I 451

GLOS 240 (Ophanim) 387


All speech is specialized vibration framed by the Will in conformity
with a desire that the Mind wishes to exhibit. It therefore broadly has
dual powers: tone and intellectual content.

The power of listening is one of the great powers of the Mind; and, the
power to speak, is a great power of the Heart. If we can develop the
power to listen, then, using the will guided by compassion, we can guide
our creative power of speech. HPB hints [SD II 199fn] that speech was
developed from the time when man developed reason and "became one with
the informing principles in [him]." 


In Light on the Path are to be found a number of suggestive statements
that illuminate this use of the two faculties: listening and speaking:

" be able to speak is to have attained the power of helping
L on P, p. 22

"Life itself has speech and is never silent. And its utterance is not,
as you that are deaf may suppose, a cry: it is a song. Learn from it
that you are a part of the harmony; learn from it to obey the laws of
the harmony." L on P, p.11-12

"Speech comes only with knowledge. Attain to knowledge and you will
attain to speech." L on P, p. 12

" hear the voice of the silence is to understand that from within
comes the only true guidance..." 

L on P, p. 22

"...the swift knowledge, which is called intuition with
the only form of knowledge which enables a man to work rapidly or reach
his true and high estate, within the limits of his conscious effort." L.
on P, p. 34

"The voice of the silence remains within him, and though he leave the
path utterly, yet one day it will resound and rend him asunder and
separate his passions from his divine possibilities. Then with pain and
desperate cries from the deserted lower self he will return."
L on P. p. 21

"In claiming the power of speech...the Neophyte cries out to the Great
One who stands foremost in the ray of knowledge on which he has entered,
to give him guidance...In some confused and blurred manner the news that
there is knowledge and a beneficent power which teaches is carried to as
many men as will listen to it. No disciple can cross the threshold
without communicating this news, and placing it on record in some
fashion or other...He stands horror-struck at the imperfect and
unprepared manner in which he has done this; and then comes the desire
to d it well, and with the desire thus to help others comes the power.
For it is a pure desire, this which comes upon him; he can gain no
credit, no glory, no personal reward by fulfilling it. And therefore he
obtains the power to fulfill it." L on P, 67

"Before the voice can speak in the presence of the Masters, it must have
lost the power to wound." 

L on P, p. 70

"Silence as soul-exercise is necessary. No real spiritual progress is
possible without it...The power of speech is creative and therefore
holy. Mind is the father and feeling is the mother of words...The abuse
of speech manifests as: (a) cruel gossip; (b) obscene jest; (c)
personal and curious prying; (d) idle talk." T. Mvt.
I - p. 22-3

"When our Soul (mind) creates or evokes a thought, the representative
sign of that thought is self-engraved upon the astral fluid...the
receptacle and...the mirror of all the manifestations of being...To
pronounce a word is to evoke a thought, and make it present; the
magnetic potency of the human speech is the commencement of every
manifestation in the Occult World. To utter a Name is not only to
define a Being (an Entity), but to place it under and condemn it through
the emission of the Word (Verbum) to the influence of one or more Occult
potencies...The Word (Verbum) or the speech of every man is, quite
unconsciously to himself, a blessing or a curse; this is why our
present ignorance about the properties or attributes of the idea as well
as about the attributes and properties of matter, is often fatal to
us...Yes, names (and words) are either beneficent or maleficent; they
are, in a certain sense, either venomous or health-giving, according to
the hidden influences attached by Supreme Wisdom to their
the letters which compose them, and the numbers correlative to these
letters." S D I 93-4

HPB continues: 

"This is strictly true as an esoteric teaching accepted by all the
Eastern Schools of Occultism. In the Sanskrit, as also in the Hebrew
and all other alphabets, every letter has its occult meaning and it
rationale; it is a cause and an effect of a preceding cause and a
combination of these very often produces the most magical effect. The
vowels, especially, contain the most occult and formidable potencies."
S D I, p. 94 

"Let a note be struck on an instrument, and the faintest sound produces
an eternal echo. A disturbance is created on the invisible waves of the
shoreless ocean of space, and the vibration is never wholly lost. Its
energy being once carried from the world of matter into the immaterial
world will live forever...the principle of continuity...exists...for a
floating the spirit, whose attributes are consciousness,
memory, mind, Love !" Isis I p. 114

[ see ISIS I 274, 514; SD I 469, 508-9, 145; M L 60-65;
ISIS I 274 top ]


See also: law, manifestation, time, cycles, harmony, rhythm,
vibration, sound, color, definition, form, shape, proportion,
ratio, number, geometry, symbols. 



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