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Nov 02, 2003 01:55 PM
by W. Dallas TenBreoeck

Nov 2 2003

Re: Meditation - some thoughts about it

Dear Friends:

Re: Meditation -- Seeking for Truth -- Fantasy,
Imagination -- 

Dear Friends:

In several recent exchanges the question of mediation, attention,
concentration, mind-control, argument, discussion, testimony, inference,
etc.. have been used.

The ancient sage Patanjali seems to offer us one of the best systems to
consider and deal with these. One ought to procure Mr. Judge's
rendition, or consult the "on line" version, and really try to figure
out the meaning of the verses and recommendations made therein. [ ] 

Allow me to outline this as simply as I can:

THEOSOPHY gives the ancient psychological divisions of man's
consciousness as viewed in the ancient systems of Yoga (Union with the
Divine) found as a record in the annals of Hindu psychology that extends
back to Vedic times, and beyond that in "pre-Vedic bodhism" - lost in
the night of time. This knowledge has always existed but is difficult
for the average man to find, because he is attached to his personality
and its many desires and fancies. He has to become passionless at least
some times, in order to discover it. It is NOT outside him but within.
"The Teacher can but point the way. The means to reach the Goal will
vary with the pilgrims." {Voice of the Silence) The pupil or aspirant
has to do the work, it cannot be bought, nor can a "Guru" do it for him.

In The KEY TO THEOSOPHY these divisions of our "Mind" are explained in
detail by HPB, and we ought to study those. That is perhaps the opening
lesson. It is a work to discover ourselves.

The next is to grasp the difference between the "passion wrapped Mind" (
Kama-Manas, and the WISE-MIND or Buddhi-Manas). 

To do this, one has to adopt the view that each human being (every one
of us) is an Eternal Pilgrim. We cannot be "killed," although our
bodies die or perish. Undying, we all reincarnate from cycle to cycle,
and we remain in touch with our "near and dear." It is the one eternal
process that all religions are based on, but which all systems of
priestcraft have connived in hiding the meaning. 

We all, using body after body through reincarnation, are on our way to
the SUPREME GOAL - UNIVERSAL WISDOM. This effort can be made quicker and
the time shortened.

The basis for our Individual consciousness is the spiritual MONAD (
Atma-Buddhi). This (the REAL "I") NEVER DIES. 

Patanjali calls "Yoga" CONCENTRATION; or, hindering the modifications
of the mind which he calls the "thinking principle." He deals here with
our usual "Lower Mind." Which is awake and serving us as a tool for
thinking when we are "awake." The "modifications" are caused by
desires, emotions, and passions. These enslave the mind if we let them.

Lower-Mind is defined by THEOSOPHY as "Kama-Manas," or the mind (power
to think) wrapped up in desires, passions and emotions. These make our
views selfish, and we tend to isolate ourselves. We cease practicing
universal brotherhood.

We are all aware of this linkage (between the personal selfish mind, and
the impersonal just and cooperative mind) , when we think about it
detached from passions and desires we begin to see and sense the
difference in orientation. 

Patanjali says that this "hindering" is to be done by the REAL MAN by
using "exercise" and "dispassion." [The REAL MAN is superior to the
"mind" and uses and directs it. The passions are detached from the
"power to think." ]

He speaks of the mind as dual: Lower (or embodied and selfish), and
Higher (or spiritual, wise and ethical). [ H P B in the KEY TO
THEOSOPHY explains this in detail.]

He uses a five-fold division of these "modifications:"

Correct Cognition





Proceeding he says:

"EXERCISE" is the unrelaxed effort to keep the mind fixed on a single
subject. To be able to do this takes time, effort and training. [The
natural tendency of the mind is to wander. In the BHAGAVAD GITA,
Krishna, the Guru who is teaching Arjuna, the pupil, says that the man
who desires to meditate, should control the wandering mind: "collect
it, bring it back, and place it upon the Spirit." ]

"DISPASSION" is overcoming all of one's desires.-- It extends to an
indifference exercised because one knows the nature of one's SOUL
(Manas-mind) as distinguished from other things.

"DISTINCT COGNITION" is a type of meditation in which 4 elements are
known and used appropriately:

1. "Argument" -- the comparing of a thing with others, similarities and

2. "Deliberation" -- considers the origin of things and one's self,
what is the field of action, what is the nature of the more subtle
senses, what is Manas, and what is the cause of the dual Mind. These
have to be understood before proceeding further.

3. "Beatitude" -- is the deliberate use of the Discriminative WISE mind
( Buddhi). Because Buddhi is immortal, it reviews the results of past
experience over an immense period, and its wisdom consists in its past
observation of the action of Karma as regards, not only itself, but of
all other beings. It may therefore be referred to as the ETHICAL MIND
-- which pre-views the effect of free-willed choices. It has the power
to consider abstractions and metaphysics. In mankind it answers to the
concepts we all have of the "Intuition," and to the "Voice of

4. "Egoism" -- Is said to be the height of meditation, whereby no other
subject is considered but the ONE INNER SELF -- which is to be seen as
EQUALLY present in the "heart" of all creatures, without any exceptions.
This attained, the power to revert to this consideration and to banish
other thoughts from the field of the mind is possible. [Patanjali adds:
that Faith (in ones' immortality), Power (to see and do all things),
Intentness (or concentration upon a single subject), and discernment (or
a discriminative knowledge of that which is to be learned and

known) are precedent requirements.] This does not however include the

"ABSTRACT MEDITATION" is promoted by devotion to the SUPREME SPIRIT --
which can be considered in its manifested form as "ISHWARA" -- the
HIGHER SELF -- the "spiritual person." This is the "Krishna," or the
"Christos," within each human being, as well as latent in every form in
nature and the universe. The term "Ishwara" is used to denote that
omniscience which is universally present as a "germ" in all beings and
in each human. It is the omnipresence of Spirit. In Man it is his
HIGHER SELF, and this Higher Self is the Divine tutor, the PRECEPTOR
within. The unity of all HIGHER SELVES is symbolized by the "Central
Spiritual SUN."

We will find that Sri Krishna in The BHAGAVAD GITA teaches this to
Arjuna under all circumstances. He says: "Do that which is DUTY, which
is always just and fair, without considering (or anticipating) the

On the negative side, Patanjali enumerates the obstacles that are
encountered by the devotee who seeks to make meditation his friend and
assistant. These are:


Languor (inertia)




Addiction of objects of sense

Erroneous Perception

Failure to attain any stage of Abstraction

Instability (wavering uncertainty)

To prevent these, a single TRUTH needs to be continually dwelt on: the
ONE SPIRIT is present universally and is at the heart of all beings.
This is Universal Brotherhood. It is extended to all beings, as also,
to all humans. We are in this UNIVERSE a totally living Whole. Each
part is important and fulfills a necessary function. We all progress


When the disciples' mind becomes steady and controlled it may extend
from the "Atomic" to the "Infinite." (from the minute to the infinite.)

Any subject (or object) considered, then reveals itself in full. The
subtle nature of any selected object is seen to merge into "primordial
matter" (or Mulaprakriti -- root-matter, also denominated MAHA-BUDDHI --
universal wisdom, REALITY and FACT).

This union with the divine does not obliterate the consciousness that is
ours. A drop of ocean water has all the qualities of the OCEAN. It is
made up of billions of atoms. When dropped back into the sea, it
reunites with all other drops and atoms and rebecomes balanced with
those; but IT NEVER LOOSES ITS OWN IDENTITY. All Mahatmas, Arhats,
Rishis, Yogis, Adepts, etc. are like the "drops" that have become WISE
through their own efforts. But they never loose their own IDENTITY; and,
like Sri Krishna, they continue to work in the world, and with Humanity.

When WISDOM is reached there is spiritual clarity, and the "Third Eye"
of SPIRITUAL discernment activates. In such a case "Knowledge" is
freed of any error due to material limitations, or the general karmic
debts of humanity. 

This kind of knowledge differs from that which is either "argumentative"
of "non-argumentative," it is not due to either testimony or to
inference. It is "direct perception." The mind is enabled "to look
directly upon ideas." Once the Real Man attains this condition the train
of "self-reproductive thought" may be stopped. In such a case it is
said that meditation becomes "without a seed." -- because the material
base disappears, and the TRUTH is apparent.

One of the propositions made here is to assume that at THE BASE OF
MEDITATION THE MOTIVE IS PURE -- that the search is for TRUTH alone. 

Should however, any bias, desire, or preconceived result, be allowed to
color the meditative process, the results, though partial, will be
distorted and colored by that basic bias. This touchstone is to be
applied universality in space, impersonality in motive, and punctuality
in time.

I hope this may prove to be of use.

Best wishes,


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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