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Re: Theos-World time to review

Sep 18, 2003 04:15 PM
by Thomas Edgor

Ah Adelaise (and Dallas)

You say : "If we could truly love others for what they are, instead of for what
they could be, or "should" be, how much better a world we would make
for ourselves" , and you are in my opinion absolutely right! , but then you say, "In the meantime" - what meantime? Lets say you where a footballer your goal would have to be to score, and at some point you actually had to kick the ball - or in more academical terms," Our material finite minds", as you put it, have at some point to be infinite and divine, or "good enough". So what are you waiting for, the savior or something? Of course if we try to reach the whole world with our arms we had to be a Jesus.... But an old wise saying says : "If you save one person, you save the world"(you cannot know the truth in this unless you have don it). In my world, (and that is n o t your world because I havent met you!) I have seen life being meaningfull and joyfull as a result of a persons ability to apreciate me and others. I have been overwelmed by the beauty and the fingerprint of God in every person. That fingerprint is what we share, or love. It is the mysterious thing that happen when you look, not through the glass of Kant or Hegel (-at some kind of infinite shape -,) but straight at the person expecting nothing more that what are, suddenly one starts to love the person, and through their faullts, stupedness, naivety - simply humanity- and one feels that that love comes either from me or you, but from but both - or from God, and then we, maybe for one second only, become divine - but that second is eternity - that is the great paradox!!
So why do you reduce mankind and call us infinite minds, when our innermost nature and ultimate goal is infinite - talk for yourself damm it! You contradict yourself again!

From: "adelasie" <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World time to review
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 12:58:30 -0700

Ah Thomas,

If we could truly love others for what they are, instead of for what
they could be, or "should" be, how much better a world we would make
for ourselves. But we are doing the best we can, that I firmly
believe. In the meantime, we can try to realize that every individual
is a part of the Absolute, that each carries within his/her innermost
heart the spark of Divinity, of perfection. This is the paradox of
the concept of hierarchy. In truth there is no "higher" or "lower."
Our material finite minds demand some sort of categorization. In
truth all is one eternally. This apparent separation is an illusion,
the dream emanating from the inner reality, that which exists for the
purpose of enlarging the collective consciousness. The more we
approach to the realization of Unity, the more the illusion of
separateness decreases in power.

All the best,

On 16 Sep 2003 at 14:58, Thomas Edgor wrote:

> I have read some of the discussion at this talk group with great
> interest, and this mail Adelaise point out some of the essence in
> theosophy. Of course I know in advance that my wiews will make me a
> victim of prejustice. (being someone on the other side;
> "narrowminded") In fact in my opinion, the theosophical doctrine of
> "oneness" and anti-seperatism is falling under its own rethorical
> argumentation. That is because the hierarcial/pyramidical nature of
> initation, evolution and evolving of conciousness - which is the
> fundamental doctrine in theosophy - preaches not a union of mankind,
> but a separation of the higher, from the lower. This is in my opinion
> nothing else than an abstraction of the laws of nature, which is the
> survival of the fittest - and is the antithesis of the kingdom in
> heaven: our common divine nature, which is creation - where we all are
> equal. Well, the whole doctrine of evolving into God (and its
> falsness), is of course thouroghly presentet in the Bible - I will
> refer to that book. I just want to give another version of "the big
> picture", or the Golden Age. Maybe it is not the utopia of a graet
> human divivne plan, but simply one person being able to grow fond of
> another person, not "falling in love", but the ability to actually
> love things and poeple for what they are, and not what they should
> become.
> Sincerely Thomas

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