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Re: Theos-World re "Re: What Is Happening In America?" (addendum)

Jul 14, 2003 02:57 AM
by leonmaurer

In a message dated 07/13/03 11:59:15 AM, writes:

>Dear Leonardo, 
>At first I thought this info was shocking. Then I started thinking 
>about some of the history of the Western world that I know of: Viking 
>marauders slaughtering families along the coast of Briton, 
>skulduggery and high political opportunism, with murder of opposition 
>by war or poisoning thrown in during the Italian Renaissance, 
>wholesale slaughter by any means, deception and destruction of the 
>Native American people by Western Europeans, and the list goes on. 
>Whatever lowdown black tactics are being used in politics these days, 
>(and I suspect it is the same everywhere, not just in the US) they 
>are nothing new. 

Unfortunately, today everything that is happening in the world is new... And 
far more shocking than any one of us can imagine... Considering the means of 
mass communication these days and the "globalization" and "interlocking 
directorates" of the world's major industries -- that can no longer isolate 
oppression to only one small segment of humanity. Today, we are all brothers of a 
world civilization with almost instant communication. And, what one country, like 
the United states or England, does in its treatment of other cultures reflects 
back on its own citizens and vice versa. So, the problem posed by the United 
States, through its ruling elitist clique of wealthy families controlling its 
military industrial complex becoming the ostensible self styled ruler and 
policemen of the world, concerns everyone throughout the globe, equally. 
Especially, when in the course of its actions, this government begins to violate the 
very theosophical principles of Brotherhood, Equality, and Liberty that the 
Founding Father's laid down for this country so as to become the example for the 
rest of the world. Judging by the actions of the present U.S. government and 
their British cohorts, is it any wonder that today the United States is the 
most hated nation on Earth by a vast majority of the world's population? And 
all of it based on nothing more than the greed for money by a small group of 
wealthy, war mongering autocrats who wield the strings of government through 
their globalized military industrial complex. They are truly what Sinclair Lewis 
once called "The Merchants of Death." Only the will of the people is the 
power that can take them down or block their actions. So, it's up to every one 
of us who knows the truth and can forsee the future to wake up the sleeping 
ones. That's the least we can do. (Remember, I am speaking here only to 
Americans who can use the powers granted to them under the constitution to peacefully 
change the way this government is carrying out the will of the autocrats who 
have taken control of it

>What I want to know is what do we do about it? Clearly things should 
>change. If we recognize the fact of reincarnation, we know that we 
>ourselves are the cyclic perpetrators of this generalized outrage 
>against Nature and its Law. And, of course, since we do not learn the 
>lessons, the payback keeps getting worse, the stakes get higher. Once 
>all we had to worry about was a bunch of guys with swords. Now we 
>have to worry about someone pushing a button which destroys a whole 
>city in an instant.

Yes, but falling back on the belief in reincarnation and its escapist ideas 
or resulting complacency, can do nothing to stop the oppression of the world's 
common people -- as well as the vast majority of the citizens of this country 
and its allies -- that is now beginning to show its ugly face. If we don't 
use our "common sense" (remember Thomas Paine) and do something now to stop this 
growth of world domination by a small group of oligarchs playing their empire 
grabbing power games that reflect the monarchists who ruled during the Dark 
ages, we will deserve everything we get in the future as a result of these 
untheosophical actions on their part -- of which the Dugpa Black Lodge is 
certainly behind, and working diligently to promote from the shadows. 
>We can take exception to your interpretation of the evidence it we 
>like. But whichever side we are on, whatever our point of view, we 
>come up with a whole lot of evidence that mankind is due for some 
>renovation of the heart. As far as I can see there is just no real 
>justification for making someone else suffer, period.

True. But, I make no interpretation of the evidence -- which is as plain as 
the noses on our faces. Every one of us must examine such evidence for 
themselves and then, when they are satisfied that the time is running out to take 
action, find out what they can do -- both individually and as a group movement, 
and using lawful, non violent means -- to stem the tide of this world 
takeover. I suggest we all reread HPB's Message to American Theosophists -- where she 
foretold what might happen if theosophists ("all those in the true service of 
humanity") throughout the world (whether members of any organized 
theosophical group or not) don't start working together, using whatever means possible, 
under the theosophical principles set forth by the Founding Fathers, to bring 
to a stop the undermining of these principles by the elitist ruling powers of 
the various nations that are now attempting to take over the globe under their 
(old) "New World Order" -- based on the principles of "Might Makes Right." 
(Or, is it money, position and family connections?) Perhaps it might also be 
wise for us to note the links between these "American" families and the Royalist 
families (and their sycophants) of Old Britain and Old Europe before and 
during the Age of Enlightenment. 

And, as an added thought, let us not become diverted by those superficial 
"theosophists" who try to focus our attention solely on our own personal 
salvation, or who poo poo the idea that we are facing a crisis of world shaking 
proportion that makes it imperative for those self realized theosophists already 
awakened to the truth, to take immediate and effective action (in the "real" 
world) to forestall the Armageddon now facing us. (Nothing prevents us, however, 
from continuing our theosophic studies and individual yoga practices while 
doing this, now essential theosophical work.) 

Perhaps now, instead of continuing arguing about our personal political 
opinions, we might begin discussing the means toward attaining the ends of stopping 
this war mongering, world domination game, and its reflection in the 
violation of many of our civil rights, along with its acceleration of the horrors of 
war on a worldwide basis, being played by the governing powers of this most 
powerful nation on Earth. 

Perhaps, "now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their 
country" -- along with the world. For starters... Even as individuals we can raise 
our voices and make them heard in the halls of government as well as spreading 
the word through our mailing lists of friends and relatives. Today, the 
Internet offers us the unprecedented easy opportunity to speak out on major issues 
through individual free mailings and faxes to our governing bodies of senators 
and representatives through such organizations as True Majority, People for 
the American Way, Common Cause, etc. 

Best wishes,

>Best wishes, 

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