Master Koot Hoomi on stepping "within the circle of our work"
Jun 26, 2003 11:25 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell
Master Koot Hoomi once wrote to A.P. Sinnett these
insightful words:
"I can come nearer to you, but you must draw me
by a purified heart and a gradually developing
will. Like the needle the adept follows his
attractions. . . . Your strivings, perplexities
and forebodings are equally noticed. . . . In
the imperishable RECORD of the Masters you have
written them all. There are registered your every
deed and thought; for, though not a chela, . . .
still, you have stepped within the circle of our
work, you have crossed the mystic line which
separates your world from ours, and now whether
you persevere or not; whether we become later on,
in your sight, still more living real entities or
vanish out of your mind like so many dream
fictions � perchance an ugly night-mare � you are
virtually OURS. Your hidden Self has mirrored
itself in our Akasa; your nature is � yours, your
essence is � ours. . . . At the end of your
apparitional birth � and whether we two meet
face to face in our grosser rupas � you cannot
avoid meeting us in Real Existence. . . . Your
Karma is ours, for you imprinted it daily and
hourly upon the pages of that book where the
minutest particulars of the individuals stepping
inside our circle � are preserved. . . . In thought
and deed, by day, in soul-struggles by nights,
you have been writing the story of your desires
and your spiritual development. This, every one
does who approaches us with any earnestness of
desire to become our co-worker. . . . During the
past few months, especially, when your weary brain
was plunged in the torpor of sleep, your eager soul
has often been searching after me, and the current
of your thought been beating against my protecting
barriers of Ak�s as the lapping wavelets against a
rocky shore. . . . Nature has linked all parts of
her Empire together by subtle threads of magnetic
sympathy, and, there is a mutual correlation even
between a star and a man; thought runs swifter
than the electric fluid, and your thought will
find me if projected by a pure impulse. . . .
Like the light in the sombre valley seen by the
mountaineer from his peaks, every bright thought
in your mind . . will sparkle and attract the
attention of your distant friend and correspondent.
. . . It is our law to approach every such an one
if even there be but the feeblest glimmer of the
true 'Tathagata' [Buddha] light within . . . ."
Quoted from "The Mahatma Letters," Chronological
edition, Letter 47.
See the same letter in older edition online at:
Submitted by Daniel H. Caldwell
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