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Re: Theos-World Spiritual teachers...and the like

Jun 19, 2003 04:08 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

Hi Wry and all of you,

I think you have a point when saying, that this type of story is not
what this list needs.
But the story was offered especially to you !

In the below Wry answered on the issue of "relevancy".
I asked: "So what has relevancy and what not ?"

Wry wrote:
"It cannot be answered."

My Sufilight answer:
And yet you so do so your self very often. Be telling others what is
relevant or not !
What I am getting at is, that you could be more constructive by teaching
instead of
always putting people out by telling them their errors - or what YOU think
is their errors.

With others word: - Do something to make your own words more relevant to
How you do it - is of course entirely up to you. You could also instead
remain silent and listen for a while.

M. Sufilight with peace and love...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "wry" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Spiritual teachers...and the like

> Hi. Morton. I have just reread your other message which I replied to
> and I realized, when scrolling down, that you did include the original
> message. Maybe I will reply again. Re the teaching story below:
> I did not get that much out of it. I have already pointed out one (seeming
> to me) irrelevancy today, so, since this act just occurred, I would say
> story is an overkill and therefore irrelevant. This kind of teaching story
> is tricky. One cannot glean that much from it unless it is presented under
> appropriate conditions and in a certain sequence in relationship to other
> events. Two more comments below:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Morten Nymann Olesen" <>
> To: "Theos-Talk" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:00 PM
> Subject: Theos-World Spiritual teachers...and the like
> > Hi all of you,
> >
> > This is offered to Wry and other readers.
> >
> >
> > Spiritual Teachers
> >
> > What do true Theosophical teachers give to their followers?
> > People i the eastern countries have given the matter some thought. After
> all,
> > thay have had the oppotunity of observing the question.
> Wry: More gibberish. I'm sorry. I do not mean to offend you, but I need
> point this out. One last comment at the end.
> >
> > Three wandering socalled Theosophists applied to the captain of a great
> ship to
> > take them from USA to Iraq. 'As you are without money,'
> > said the Captain, 'what can you contribute to the journey?'
> > 'My perceptions,' said the first, 'for I can see at such a great
> > distance that things invisible to the ordinary person are plain to
> > me.'
> > 'My perceptions,' said the second, 'for I can hear
> > things which are utterly inaudible to anyone else.'
> > The Captain agreed that they might be useful on his voyage,
> > and agreed to take them. To the third he said: 'And what is your
> > speciality?'
> > The third Theosophist said, 'I point out irrelevances, so that
> > relevances might remain.'
> > 'That does not sound very interesting to me,' said the Captain,
> > but he agreed to take the third Theosophist , out of the
> > kindness of his heart, free of charge.
> >
> > Since the first two Theosophists seemed to have greater endowments
> > than the third, the Captain sat with them, repeating their
> > invocations, while the ship sailed eastwards, in the hope of
> > gaining spiritual merit thereby.
> > Suddenly first of the Theosophists cried out:
> > 'I can see, away in the far distance, the beautiful daughter of the
> coming leader of Iraq,
> > looking out a window of a big house while a young gardener is passing
> > The second Theosophist shouted:
> > 'And I can hear that she has just dropped her handkerchief and it has
> reached the ground!'
> > The third Theosophist, who had been standing by, looked at the
> > Captain, who was beginning to fel greatly impressed by these
> > miracles. The Captain caught his eyes, and remembered that he
> > stood for the observing of irrelevancies.
> > 'I think,' said the Captain to the third Theosophist, 'that the time
> > has come for me to become - your - disciple, for I nearly failed to
> > learn your lesson: which I need before I can benefit from
> > information about the life of the beautiful daughter!'
> >
> > But the ship's first officer, it is understood, was so impressed
> > by the amazing powers of the two Theosophists that he became their
> > follower. They were able to keep him attached to them for
> > many years through the recitation of their truly astonishing
> > powers.
> > What do people really want, and what do spiritual guides
> > actually give their followers?
> >
> Wry: Actually this is a pretty good story, but it will go in one ear and
> the other as, though it does have a certain kind of grip, it is, in my
> opinion, not of the right texture for this forum. Also, I believe it is
> nature of a particular task that defines what is or is not relevant. When
> building a brick house, one does not use pieces of a boat. The task is to
> know oneself as one is. Eventually one will find a greater aim. This is
> task I would give to anyone who wants to develop to his full potential. It
> is not about teachers, more like people in a difficult position who are
> trying to help each other. When an intelligent method is pointed out that
> makes sense, the person who understands it first may lead the way, but he
> no authority. Each person has his own irrelevancies. To sort things out is
> matter of weeping. Remember these words. Afterwards comes the dove, not
> before. To attempt to reverse this process, is, in my opinion, the wrong
> approach. It is probably most relevant to focus on practicing a direct
> verification model and to use simple language to talk about this. I have
> enjoyed many of your messages, and it is good to see someone experimenting
> with a different approach on this list, but I believe the camera must
> focus on oneself in a way that is very specific. This is very hard to do
> requires a group as well as an individual focus. Though I do not believe
> this forum is appropriate for this, as it has not been established for
> purpose, I am nonetheless interested in experimenting with presenting
> certain material to a (somewhat) random population, as this material does
> relate to theosophy, and the study of bulletin board formats such as email
> lists has been my passion for eleven plus years.
> >
> > So what is has relevancy and what not ?
> Wry: It cannot be answered. People are drawn to their position. The dirt
> will come out in the wash or the chaff in the milling. Personally, I am
> interested in the subject of giants who used to walk the earth, and I do
> care whether such creatures existed or not. It should not be necessary to
> point out that this subject is irrelevant to the spiritual development of
> human being, and it is most sad that anyone would need to do so. A person
> should do what is meanful to himself and, technically, that cannot be
> irrelevant, but if my aim is to develop, I need to ask myself if "this" is
> relevant to achieving "that". I, Wry, need to do this, in my day
> I hope I can remember. Sincerely, Wry
> >
> >
> >
> > from
> > M. Sufilight with peace and love...
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> >
> >
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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