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re Katinka and wisdom/sanity

Jun 15, 2003 06:03 AM
by Mauri

Katinka wrote: <<I certainly hope so! I mean, if 
theosophy isn't about finding wisdom (and wisdom 
aught to be sane), then what is it about?"

When I wrote <<introducing, say, "more sanity" into 
their lives, in general? >> in that post a few days ago
I had in mind that words in general seem, theoretically, 
at least from my speculative perspective, sort of 
basically open to what might be called "broader 
interpretive meanings." For example, in Theosophy the 
word "higher" seems, to me, to be often used to mean 
something more than feet, inches, miles, etc; so I had in 
mind, at that time, "sanity" in what might be called (by 
some?) a "higher" meaning that might be seen (by 
some?) to, in a sense, "transcend" conventional 
measurements of distance. I was speculating that I 
might've offered enough clues toward my contextual 
meaning of "sanity," in that post, toward which end, 
for example, I put quotes on that "sanity" word, the 
while sort of keeping my fingers crossed. 

In other words (?), while "wisdom" and "sanity" might 
be seen (by some?) to have (maybe?) "something in 
common" ("in some cases, maybe," I'm speculating) ... 
but I wonder if "a contextual/higher" meaning for 
"sanity in that context" (in that post of mine) that 
the "Theosophically inclined" (however "Theosophically 
inclined"---among other things?--- might be interpreted 
by the general reader, eh) might ... whatever ... 
^:-) ...


PS Or how about "might," in quotes, "in that 
context"? Would that help? Sorry if my 
quoted/unquoted "contextual/higher meanings" aren't 
"understandable-enough." I seem to be "trying," but
... ^:-) ...

PPS Kindly note that I stopped short of ... whatever, 

PPPS Not that ... !

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