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list guidelines?

Jun 12, 2003 04:19 PM
by Mauri

On another, related list, two Somebody's wrote: 
<< >> and << >> 

Yes, in a sense, reading the posts on these lists might be 
dangerous and/or misleading for those who might tend 
to "over-believe" (say?) the writers of the posts, true 
enough, but ... if we all tend to have our own notions 
about how to be applicable, tactful, relevant, 
insightful, wise, Theosophic, spiritual, helpful, 
altruistic, meaningful, discriminating, diligent, separate 
the wheat from the chaff, etc, as participants on these 
lists (which are "discussion lists," after all, aren't they, 
or are they, in whatever sense ...?), don't you think we 
might occasionally 
find ourselves involved with some of those kinds of 
"rather personal notions," one way or another, on 
these lists, so that we might discuss a few things in 
some kind of "tactfull-but-less-bibliolaterly way," say, 
(no matter how potentially misleading such forays 
might prove to be for some people?), by at least trying 
to "reasonably nicely," "tactfully enough" (say?) 
exchange our various "humble opinions," say (with the 
prior collective understanding---if that's at all 
possible?--- that <<various directions of yoga practice 
to help achieve "self realization" through one's own 
"self devised and self determined efforts.">> are left 
"basically untouched," or at least basically off-list (if 
that's at all "possible enough"?) ...

One reason I'm trying to be "speculative enough" (as I 
see it!) in my posts on these lists is that I'm trying to 
"tactfully enough" imply (if in my peculiar ways) that 
I'm in no postion to advise anybody about anything 
(being a "fairly new student of Theosophy," to say the 
least, among other things), in as much as I might (by 
some?) be seen to be offering my "basically 
speculative" comments (if rather dangerously for those 
who might have trouble separating "speculative, 
current personal opionions" from <<various directions 
of yoga practice to help achieve "self realization" 
through one's own "self devised and self determined 
efforts.">>, meaning (as I tend to see it) that I am at 
least "trying" (if in my somewhat iffy---to say the 
least?---"speculative" ways and means ... ) to leave 
such as <<various directions of yoga practice to help 
achieve "self realization" through one's own "self 
devised and self determined efforts.">> intact-enough 
as individual concerns, off-list, so ... 

So, in other words (?), watch out, eh, before you cross 
the street, etc, (I'm thinking speculatively, personally) 
... Of course, on the other hand, as usual (I see to think 
...), you two guys seem to have brought out some 
relevant concerns, in a sense, I tend to suspect ... I 
think ... ^:-) ...

Mauri ^:-)

PS Hmm ... I wonder if should've been signing off, all 
along, with something like "very speculatively," eg, 
instead, or would that have made things even worse, to 
say the least ... ^:-) ... That is, not that I haven't been 
misleading enough, already, (in many cases, to say the 
least?), but ... Sorry, guys, I'm just sort of thinking 
aloud here, again. One of these days, maybe if I'll 
figure out how to ... er ... ^:-) ...

PPS And maybe if the moderators of these lists could 
straighten me out about applicable rules on these lists, 
seeing as ... ^:-) That's my symbol for a confused guy 
scratching his head. 

PPPS Of course I might have failed to, as usual 
(apparently or defininitely ...), failed to get some of my 
"intended-but-speculative" meaning across-enough, 
there, so ... if so, sorry about that! ^:-)

PPPPS Not to worry, the last time I checked, I still 
have lots of hair left over to scratch off, so ... ^:-) ...

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