re definitely, speculatively, Leon and ...
May 30, 2003 05:51 AM
by Mauri
While "definitely" often tends to be (and
often "is," in its way, I suppose) used in reference to
such as "solid" and "reliable," in comparative terms,
and while Theosophy, for example, might be seen to
define (as by implications or statements) various
"definites" (at least in exoteric terms) as having, say,
validity, truth, verities as per the Esoteric Tradition,
adepts, etc ... still, on the other hand, would we be
defining much of anything if it weren't for
various karma-based, interpretive/comparative variables
by way of which our defining (as well as definitizing)
contrasts are realized ... which defining might be
somewhat conventionally seen (on the other hand) as a
"normal" process of sorting/evaluating aspects of
various kinds of "definites," "speculates" and
whatever---which "normal" might be often seen as
though ...
In other words, as I tend to see it, "defining" on this
plane might also be seen from a somewhat alternate or
broader perspective as a karmic variant that might be
seen to have its roots in some form of essential/intuitive
(per whatever stage) or "speculative" source in the sense
that (as per the Esoteric Tradition, Zen, etc) how can
humans expect to liberate themselves from a mayavic
reality unless something of an essential nature (as
compared to an apparent or "ordinary" nature) of that
reality is alternately (or "Occultly," to be "more
specific") at least "seen" or somehow interpreted in
terms of an alternate possibility as essentially
speculative (ie, unless the "essential nature" "behind"
"ordinary reality" is at least exoterically regarded as
"transcendentally beyond" the various "real-enough"
intermediating/exoteric values).
While the "definite" variants of our "ordinary reality"
might often tend to be "all we have" on this plane,
generally speaking, apparently, with which to work
with, but is that all? I've been under the
tentative/speculative impression that a certain kind of
intuitive/speculative approach (in Theosophic terms,
say) might lead toward some form of transcending of
karmic/mayavic defining and definitizing.
In other words, I seem to have a preference in terms of
leaning towards, as I tend to see it: a karmic variable of
speculating about my "definites" (in case you missed it,
Leon :-). I seem to have adopted a speculative stance
(in principle, to some extent, apparently) toward all
forms of defining on the grounds that all forms of
defining on this plane tend to be (from my speculative
perspective) as if they were too temporary, too karmic,
too mayavic in Essence, and so tend to be, in a sense,
"somewhat unreal," Basically; not that ...
Or, in the words of Krishnamurti (apparently):
<<Beliefs and ideals both dissipate energy which is
needed to follow the unfolding of the fact, of "what is".
Beliefs like ideals are escapes from the fact and in
escape there is no end to sorrow. The ending of sorrow
is the understanding of the fact from moment to
moment. There is no system or method which will give
understanding; only choiceless awareness of a fact will
do that. Meditation is not the avoidance of the fact of
what you are; it is not to find god or have visions,
sensations and other forms of entertainment. It is rather
the understanding of yourself, the constant changing of
the facts about yourself.
========end of quote
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