May 26, 2003 01:03 PM
by leonmaurer
Thought this might be of interest to those of us who think it's about time
for science to get wise about theosophical truths.
Open meeting, London, England, Saturday 31st May 2003
Materialistic science on its own simply cannot explain the mysteries
of human consciousness. It urgently needs to be extended to include
more subtle levels of reality such as those perceived by mystics.
At this extraordinary public meeting, distinguished speakers with both
scientific and mystical expertise will examine the works of Rudolf
Steiner, Alice Bailey, Emanuel Swedenborg and H.P. Blavatsky, and
asses how these writers' inner understanding of the nature of
consciousness might shed light on today's debate on the emerging
science of consciousness.
This event is the first of its kind to be arranged jointly between the
Anthroposophical Society, the Lucis Trust, The Swedenborg Society and
The Foundation ForTheosophical Studies.
9am - 6.30pm, Thistle Hotel, Victoria, 101 Buckingham Palace Road,
London SW1
COST: Only £20 (including tea and coffee) and £28 with lunch (some
bursaries available on application)
MEDIA ENQUIRIES, INTERVIEWS ETC.: Jayne Warren ++ 44 (0) 1275 464 525
CONFERENCE BOOKINGS: Helen Durant, Tel ++44 (0) 207 839 4512, Email: Post: Lucis Trust, Suite 54, 3 Whitehall
Court, London
Prof. Ian J. Thompson, MSc, PhD, FInstP, CPhys, is Professor of
Physics at the University of Surrey. A researcher in theoretical
nuclear physics, Ian was born in New Zealand, and has worked
atManchester, Bristol, Copenhagen and Notre Dame Universities before
coming to Surrey University. He has long been investigating the
foundations of quantum physics and discrete degrees in mind
and nature, following ideas developed from Emanuel Swedenborg, with
the aim of forming a new Theistic Science that integrates revelation
and scientific knowledge.
Dr. Edi D. Bilimoria, DPhil, FIMechE, CEng, works as a Consultant
Engineer for the transport, petrochemical, construction and oil and
gas industries. He has been Project Manager and Head of Design for
major projects such as the Channel Tunnel, London Underground systems
and offshore installations. Edi is a keen musician and an ardent
student of Theosophy. He is Chairman of the Theosophical World Trust
for Education and Research. His overall philosophy is the
integration, dissemination and practical application of spiritual
wisdom from all sources both East and West, from sciences as well as
the arts and religions, into a unified and undivided whole. Edi has
published several papers on science and the esoteric philosophy. He
is the author of Mirages in Western Science Resolved by Occult
Science and he is currently preparing a book on Newton's deep forays
into alchemy, religion and mysticism.
Nick Thomas was trained as an electrical engineer in the Royal Air
Force, subsequently serving as an engineering officer for 16
years.Then he did research in conjunction with Lawrence Edwards and
John Wilkes on the practical application of projective geometry. This
was followed by three years as a Program Manager with Nortel after
which in 1985 he became full time General Secretary of the
Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain. He discovered Rudolf
Steiner's work while at school and has been a student of it
ever since. His major research interest is the development and
application of Steiner's discovery of negative space to bridging
natural and spiritual science. He lectures widely on this and other
anthroposophical subjects.
Laurence Newey came to the Lucis Trust after discovering the Alice
Bailey teachings at an early age. He is an officer of the Lucis Trust
and an administrator in the Arcane School "a correspondence school of
meditation, study and service as a way of life.
David Lorimer is Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical
Network, Chair of Wrekin Trust and Vice-President of the Swedenborg
The Swedenborg Society was founded in 1810 to translate, publish and
sell the works of Emanuel Swedenborg. It has been in continuous
existence ever since.
Email: web:
The Foundation for Theosophical Studies is a registered educational
charity which exists for the purpose of advancing education and also
promoting study and research in the fields of comparative philosophy,
religion and science the latter being particularly concerned with the
laws of Nature and the psycho-spiritual faculties and potentials in
Man. E-mail: web:
The international activities of the Lucis Trust are dedicated to the
establishment of right human relations.They promote the education of
the human mind towards recognition and practice of the spiritual
principles and values upon which a stable and interdependent world
society may be based.The motivating impulse is love of God, expressed
through love of humanity and service of the human race. Email: Web:
The Anthroposophical Society was founded by Rudolf Steiner to promote
a new kind of spiritual science, with applications in education,
medicine, agriculture, architecture, the arts and the sciences.This
involves a new approach to spiritual research where the soul uses
modern scientific faculties to underpin the spiritual activity
employed. Contact: Email:
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