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RE: esoteric/exoteric, Duty - Brotherhood - Progress

May 01, 2003 11:09 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Re: conflicts -- obstacles to Progress.

Dear Munise: and All:

Is it not strange that most of the "news" we receive is directed
at the iniquities of the world? At the un-brotherliness that
prevails; and, then, of the fact that eventually some Justice
prevails, and inequities uncovered are pursued and punished
(under human justice) in the glare of publicity?

as I see it, Theosophy says:

First consider the extent to which we are involved, directly
under our own Karma, or rather remotely, under the Karma of our
nation, or the world

Next: We all sense when "things are wrong."

We have a built-in sense of justice and rightness. It is
activated when we perceive what is obviously abusive -- specially
of ourselves, and remotely of situations (as presented).

What then do we do? Accept, protest, drive through to right a
wrong and exercise our rights as citizens to receive fair and
equal treatment? Do we permit the people in "government" to
default in their performance? If so are we not adding to bad

Would "government" be necessary if we all did our duty and added
charity and generosity to our daily treatment of others and
regard for their living, needs and protection? Do we offer help
in need, or, do we withdraw, saying: "I do not wish to be

Some conflicts are not directly ours, some are very much so. The
fact that our attention is drawn to a situation of injustice
implies we are related to it, and we ought to feel obligated to
do something about it. That is, if it is our duty to do so.

But this does not mean we ought to spend our life looking for
these things. Karma sees that we get notice of the things we
are most concerned with. If we pass them by, for whatever
reason, we are only increasing the KARMIC link, not diminishing
it, or settling some inequity.

This kind of thought (as meditation -- or concentrated thought)
leads to discrimination, Some feel this more acutely than others
and they pick a cause to work on as they continue with their
duties and lives. It is a sharing. But the object for such work
ought to be impartial and not for any personal recognition..

If you ask about our duty, then we have to determine that. It is
part of the process of our own individual development and the
sensitizing of our personality to essentials and non-essentials.
We alone can do that -- just as we alone in school as children
decided whether we would exert ourselves to learn as much, or as
least as possible. And later on in life, we continued to decide
what part we would play in the world of labor or in any other
area of common need.

Our whole life has been made of this kind of decision-making, and
it is the "Path" that we choose from moment to moment. The
"Path" of a devotee or a disciple is part of that, an extension
of it -- as one feels with greater clarity the debts we owe to
our fellow men, and to humanity at large, and finally to
ourselves. We all share in each other in real fact, and we have
to elect to share even more by thinking about this relationship
which cannot be extinguished. [If we are indeed immortal Monads,
then this immortality makes us eternal brothers -- the bond is
renewed every life-time. Time and distance have no relevance in
such cases. witness the speed and convenience of the INTERNET --
we speak to each other almost instantly -- a little slower than
thought-contacts.] Isn't it curious that we are only
occasionally aware of others' thoughts?

The "personality" with all its likes and dislikes "floats
around" -- and in the long run, what does the personality get as
benefit? If one thought about that, then there would be greater
control and beneficent changes would occur in our outlook and in
our actions and inter-actions with others. We ought to consider
what is best for the "personality." Then knowing that we could
direct our choices to a benefit that includes it as well as

Have you aver thought as to why "governments" were instituted? Is
it not because groups of humans and individuals have failed to
consider the needs and rights of others? Have treated them as
"strangers" Even, as prey if they are less "educated," or,
unwary. So we have iniquity and people are victimized.

Why? Because the majestic rule of LAW (KARMA) is lost sight of.
We think (personality, not the INDIVIDUALITY) that we can deceive
it, or hide from it. Such a short-sighted concept. All we do
then, is to promote evil -- of many kinds. Yet, in the end, the
"personality" dis, and any temporary acquisitions or benefits,
are re-distributed.

If we are immortal Monads, then we reincarnate together again and
again, and never loose touch with others we know and live with
today. The whole race, all around the world are our FAMILY --

We ought to re-read Plato's REPUBLIC with this in mind. Also
towards the end of H P B's KEY TO THEOSOPHY (HPB) there are
valuable sections on living a brotherly life.

Best wishes,

as always.



-----Original Message-----
From: Munise Y
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 3:53 AM
Subject: Re: esoteric/exoteric

Dear Dallas, All

This definition perfectly fits to what I observe about events or
around from time to time: "floating around" business and
"floating around"
lives. If one wouldn't be putting effort to resolve conflicts or
effort to resolve conflicts, don't ask questions about people
events or
themselves. What other thing could happen?

Best regards


>From: "Dallas "
>Wednesday, April 30, 2003
>Dear Mauri:
>You ask
>Why do we have Yoga's, meditations, "just being"?
>I don't understand this.
>To me meditation is concentrated thought on a selected subject.
>Nothing else.
>What does it mean to you?
>For this purpose I draw together all that I can find relating to
>that subject and then sort it out and try to find any pattern in
>the reports.
>How else to proceed.
>Yes we have our day to day wakening thoughts and ideas. But
>the WE select that level t consider.
>What we know about dreams and the dream state is rather scanty
>and indefinite. Why ?
>What are the things we are sure of?
>You can't build an "EMPIRE STATE BUILDING" on the sands of the
>shore, you have to have solid rock. To speculate is fine. But
>your rock in that case is yourself -- the "I" inside which you
>assume to be consistent and permanent regardless of the states
>is in, or observes, or passes through. Am I right ?
>If everything is cloudy, and insecure, variable and in constant
>flux, then how can ideas or words (used to define experiences)
>be ever useful -- they would change in meaning and value every
>moment as the mind passes from subject to subject, object, or
>from question, to speculation as to event or its values.
>Are you content with bouncing with the fleecy clouds of
>imagination or are you seeking some base that an be defined?
>Some "starting point," or, a "point of ultimate resolution --
>an arrival ?"
>Personally floating around is unhelpful, it costs time and
>but seems to have little or no goal.
>How does it help you, me or any one, with living -- at least in
>this world of three dimensions (4 if you include "time") that
>appears common in general experience and in logic that unites
>So I am truly puzzled.

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