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Scientific Correlation of Theosophical Principles

Apr 07, 2003 09:08 PM
by leonmaurer

To whomever might be interested,

Below is a link to an announcement covering a new observation that challenges 
previous scientific theories, and takes us one step further toward the full 
confirmation of theosophical Cosmogenesis and metaphysics -- as explained 
scientifically by the ABC theory... That posits; All involved coadunate, but 
not consubstantial, coenergetic fields of consciousness (body-mind-memory) 
are emanated from the fundamental angular momentum or spin-energy 
("spinergy") of the primal zero-point instant of Absolute space (which is 
everywhere). And, that the zero-point itself is the fundamental center of 
consciousness (awareness/will) -- that on the physical plane depends for 
their expression upon the evolutionary complexity of the sensory & neural 
systems acting as intermediate transducers and motion controllers. This 
implies that each human being is, in essence (subjectively) a spark of one 
universal consciousness that guides and controls a fractal series of 
surrounding image carrying energy fields -- that descend from the highest 
frequency/energy phase level of hyperspace, through the mind/memory fields, 
and down to the lowest frequency/energy phase levels of the physical fields. 
(See field diagrams below)

Discovery of electrostatic spin
challenges century-old theory
Apr. 7, 2003
University of California, Riverside
researchers have identified a new
physical phenomenon, electrostatic
rotation, that, in the absence of
friction, leads to spin. The
phenomenon will likely impact atomic
physics, chemistry and
nanotechnology. Because the electric
force is one of the fundamental...

This new finding leads to a proof that the Universe's energy or "electric 
force" is dependent upon fundamental "spin." Therefore, if spin is the 
source of all such energy fields that are capable of carrying information as 
frequency modulations -- then the idea that fields of consciousness must form 
as triune monads, appearing as infinite fractal series of connected 
(coenergetic) bubbles within bubble within bubbles, etc., (such as postulated 
by Superstring/M-brane theory) is completely obvious. This, along with the 
recent proofs (Gisin & Casimir effects) of quantum entanglement, as well as 
of the existence of the zero-point energy (below the quantum level) removes 
practically all the previous objections of science to the ABC theory (and by 
correspondence, theosophical Cosmogenesis and its metaphysics). 

Science, apparently, is unable to come up with a consistent "theory of 
consciousness" (beyond neural correlates and cognitive theories) that links 
mind and memory to brain and body. It appears, then, that ABC theory is the 
only alternative that not only answers all such hard problems, including 
explaining the experience of consciousness -- but also, when linked with 
SS/MB theory -- correlates and resolves the inconsistencies between quantum 
and relativity physics... As well as, correlates and confirms the ideas of 
Bohm (implicate and explicate order), Pribam (holographic paradigm), 
Sheldrake (Morphogenetic Fields), Land, (Retinex theory of color vision), 
Jung (Synchronicity & archetypal memory), Goswami (Self aware quantum 
universe), Lockwood (Gaia, conscious Earth), among other known and unknown 
scientists and philosophers with extraordinary vision.

Best wishes,

Leon Maurer

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