Re: Theos-World Jimmy Carter Speaks Out
Mar 14, 2003 06:57 AM
by Steve Stubbs
--- In, leonmaurer@a... wrote:
> No real idea. However, as Etzion pointed out there were ancient
> tribes who practiced idolatry and ritual sacrifice
I found the answer. There is a book called THE TALMUD EXPOSED which
can be downloaded from half a dozen web sites. Here is one of them:
This and other texts are pointed to from the following web site,
which is apologetic and not entiSemitic:
Apparently the quotes in THE TALMUD EXPOSED are real and illustrate
that in ancient and modern times there were some who were not merely
exclusive but violently racist. The book assembled quotes from Meir
Kahana and other modern exponents of this sort of thinking. There is
no reason to think the quotes are bogus, since Kahane, et al,
appeared on television and were photographed saying these things.
One thing that an apologist might reasonably take issue with is that
only extremist views are quoted, so that by reading the book one is
led to believe that everyone who belongs to this sect is a Kahane
clone. The book doe point out that some Talmud translators toned
down the more virulent passages, but makes it appear this was a cover-
up. That is possible, of course, but since only Jews are likely to
read the translations, a cover-up would seem inappropriate in this
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