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Re: Theos-World The reincafnation of "WC" Leadbeater

Mar 09, 2003 02:42 AM
by Erica Letzerich

Dear Bart,

Don’t make statements that you can’t sustain or proof,
specially when you try to mix up Nazi ideas with some
persons that were members of the Theosophical Society
like Rudolf Steiner, Alice Bailey etc.
By the way you make so many statements about hate to
Jewish, why? What is your point? In one of your emails
you just mention that the whole Europe hates Jews,
this is nuts… Have got any idea about the statements
you make? You are contributing more for separation and
misunderstanding than bringing really some light with
your statements Bart.
I don’t pretend to be someone or something special,
when I make this comment I really make as a friend. If
you already searched the archives why don’t you share
with us? Probably you consider a west of time… I
really don’t know, when I asked I wasn’t ironic, I
really was interested to know the resources that made
u to build up such conclusions.

Thank you for your kindness and interest,

Erica Letzerich 

--- Bart Lidofsky <> wrote:
> Erica Letzerich wrote:
> > Erica: I would like you to be more specific in
> this
> > statement, and to show statements of Alice
> Bailey’s,
> > Leadbeater and Rudolf Steiner which have
> influenced
> > nazism.
> I already have. Search the archives.
> > Erica: Also I would like to know where in the
> Mahatmas
> > Letters or in Blavatsky’s writings you found
> > information to support what you say above.
> I already have. Search the archives.
> Bart Lidofsky

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