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Re: Theos-World War

Mar 08, 2003 06:42 PM
by Theo Paijmans

Google for instance MK Naoimi and MK Artichoke, you will see the beginning of
something the USA did between the 1950's - from running GI's into radioactive
clouds after atom bomb tests, to testing LSD and bacteriological agents on
unsuspecting American civilians - till the 1970's.

This is the dark side of the USA.



cesar joanino wrote:

> in what case or incidence had the americans used chemical and biological
> weapon in his own pepople ?can you tell me an instance?ONLY A QUESTION
> >From: Theo Paijmans <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: Theos-World War
> >Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2003 00:03:15 +0100
> >
> >Come one Bart,
> >
> >don't be so selective. If you take as criteria:
> >a) the breaking of promises - then there is not a single country in the
> >western world
> >which has not done so in the last 25 years, America included. And if we
> >include UN
> >resolutions, Israel has broken what, how many of them?
> >b) the weapons sales as inevitable basis for a future conflict - again let
> >me remind
> >you that America too, has sold its share of killing technology to Saddam
> >Hussein, the
> >Afghani rebels, The Iran-Contra-gate affair, to horrible tyrants in South
> >and
> >Middle-America etc. etc.
> >c) Selectivity when it comes to weapons of mass destruction What about
> >Isreal's
> >nuclear stockpile, or America's immense amounts of chemical and
> >bacteriological
> >weapons which it has used and tested on its own civilians in the past?
> >Which country
> >by the way was it that was the only country till now used the atom bomb on
> >civilian
> >targets? To end the war and save the lives of the G.I's, as consensus will
> >it, or to
> >test and flex a muscle against Russia? Who can tell? North Korea by the way
> >is a far
> >greater threat than Irak will ever be. Those Al Samud misslies, I don't see
> >them
> >flying to Washington. At best, immensely souped up, they would reach a
> >European
> >target. Yet we do not live in this constant, self induced trauma of War on
> >terror.
> >America, the most powerful nation on Earth is afraid of what? Irak? Saddam
> >Husein? Do
> >we really believe that?
> >
> >So what is America doing now? Buying poor countries, putting them on the
> >payroll of
> >Uncle Sam, which the average American doesn't even know where to put on the
> >map, in
> >order to raise enough votes in the UN. A sad step for such a great nation.
> >
> >Now I assume you will not admit to any of the above, let alone give it some
> >room for
> >thought - which I think is part of the European frustration. We see history
> >in a
> >different perspective, I suppose.
> >
> >The people here in Europe - amongst others me - are not disgusted by
> >America, no, we
> >are disgusted by the selective memory and opportunism in the geopolitical
> >game. We
> >know what war is like, having had two world wars. America would have had my
> >voice had
> >it but been to rid Irak of a tyrant. But no, ten to twenty years ago that
> >was not an
> >option. Why? This holier than thou attitude simply does not pan with
> >wanting to be the
> >one who is morally right. I am not against America, I think it is a great
> >and
> >beautiful country with a great people - it is unfortunately currently in
> >the grip of a
> >terror - and this challenge to overcome it is the growth process. If the
> >American
> >people grow - they will be a magnificent example for the rest of us. If
> >their leader
> >instead chooses to plunge us all in a sea of fear - well, I guess you know
> >the
> >outcome. Then fear will rule us all. And we have seen plenty of that in
> >Europe.
> >
> >Kind regards,
> >
> >Theo
> >
> >Bart Lidofsky wrote:
> >
> > > Erica Letzerich wrote:
> > > > But Bush seems already decided to attack independent
> > > > of the United Nations resolution.
> > >
> > > Probably. Unless Saddam Hussein either resigns, or actually
> >keeps the
> > > promises he's been making for the past 12 years, while the U.N. keeps
> > > giving him ANOTHER last last last last last last this time for real last
> > > last we're serious last last last chance. While countries like France
> > > and Germany break their own promises by selling Hussein materials for
> > > weapons development, in return for billions of dollars in concessions,
> > > at the expense of the Iraqi people. While Iraqi's continue to get
> > > slaughtered by the thousands (hell, at least it isn't hundreds of
> > > thousands any more). While Arab counties continue to sponsor terrorists,
> > > while claiming, "It isn't US. It's just those people we're paying and
> > > training. But they have nothing to do with US."
> > >
> > > And let's not forget one factor. Israel. Which has nuclear
> >weapons, and
> > > a Mutually Assured Destruction strategy. If terrorist activity does not
> > > stop, if a weapon of mass destruction gets used against Israel, the
> > > nukes will come flying, destroying the Middle East oil supply and
> > > bringing civilization to a grinding halt (the dream of those who have
> > > been organizing the peace marches, if you read the literature of their
> > > parent organizations; they really believe that a Communist paradise will
> > > arise from the ashes).
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
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