Theosophy vs Science - Re: consciousnesss-mind-brain / How We Think
Mar 06, 2003 01:04 AM
by leonmaurer
Here's some more dialogues with several scientists studying consciousness in
which esoteric Buddhist teachings are being discussed with an attempt to
explain them using scientific principles as outlined in my theory of ABC
(that is consistent with the metaphysics of Cosmogenesis and the seven fold
nature of all beings as outlined in the Book of Dzyan and explained by HPB in
the SD).
Hope you find it helpful in light of the "meditation with a seed"
visualization techniques discussed in previous posts with reference to the
Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali.
From: jcs-online (Journal of Consciousness Study) writes:
>Now we get back to the basic question. The information
>involved in an image, after all that processing, is
>still spread out on a number of neurons. How do we get
>from those spread out neurons to the integrated image
>we see?
Could it be that the neurons generate image coded Em fields of each coherent
light ray impinging on a rod or cone of the retinal matrix, that together,
form interference patterned holographic image information that is integrated
with the objective visual field and modulated on the long EEG wave forms on
the outer spherical surface of the brain's overall em field? If so, this em
field image could then be transformed by inductive resonance processes into a
coadunate but not consubstantial higher order frequency/energy phased
hyperspace mind field of consciousness that is boundless. The image pattern
in this field could be simultaneously detected and reconstructed as a visual
hologram by a single coherent higher order light energy wave front projected
radially from the zero-point center of origination of that field at the focal
point of the optical image in the center of the brain. This point, being
coadunate, and therefore, entangled with all zero-points in the overall body
field, would be linked directly to our zero-point center of "I" consciousness
(that is also the geometric zero-point center of that body field). The
resultant holographic image would then be experienced by our individual self
awareness as if from a point in the center of our head (and due to the
entanglement of all zero-point field centers in the universal field) as a
stationary holographic image surrounding our body that corresponds exactly
with the unbounded outside objective field of vision. This process would
entirely explain the non locality of consciousness, brain mind binding, the
experience of qualia, as well as the non motion of the visual field when the
body or eyes move. The same process could apply to all the other sensory
> There is an interesting group of statements in the
> VISUDDHIMAGGA (a Buddhist work) in Chapter X.
> X:27 "By completely surmounting the base consisting of
> boundless space [aware of] "unbounded consciousness",
> he enters upon and dwells in the base consisting of
> boundless consciousness.
> X:36 "By completely surmounting the base consisting of
> boundless consciousness [aware that] "there is
> nothing", he enters upon and dwells in the base
> consisting of nothingness."
> MY COMMENT [Newel]: This doesn't seem to be nothing at all, or
> how could one dwell in it. Perhaps it is the contrast
> to the objects of consciousness.
[Maurer]: Ref: My theory of ABC posits that the contents, images, or "objects
consciousness" is carried by the hyperspace fields of consciousness
(mind-memory) as modulated holographic interference patterns of sensory image
information impressed on the unbounded circumferences of those coadunate
The perceiving or awareness of consciousness (where the self dwells, so to
speak) is at the static zero-point-instant center of origin of each such
field. Since the zero-point of absolute space is dimensionless, it has no
metric and, therefore, could be considered as "no-thingness."
> X:42 "By completely surmounting the base consisting of
> nothingness, he enters upon and dwells in the base
> consisting of neither perception nor non-perception."
> MY COMMENT [Newel]: By strict Western logic, this makes no
> sense, but if it is a technical description of
> something very subtle, it might. Something which might
> fit the definition or be similar is "context"
> (understanding of and use of context) The context we
> experience is very subtle. It isn't an image, sound,
> emotion, specific idea, but it isn't nothing at all
> either. We somehow feel context and organize thoughts
> and things using context. So could context (and things
> similarly subtle) be called neither perception nor
> nonperception? If so, these would be part of the part
> B set.
[Maurer]: I assume that the above three statements are part of a description
of the yogic meditation path to attain Samadhi or union with the Absolute.
If so,
then the next step after perception of the objects or images of consciousness
would be to transcend the mind as well as the perception and become one with
the empty zero-point itself and experience unity with the universal self or
absolute abstract space that is beyond all thought and conditioned awareness
-- which is "neither perception nor non-perception"... Thus, fulfilling the
five step process of Om, Tat, Sat, Chit, Ananda and achieving the final,
enlightened state of absolute bliss in Nirvana.
Leon Maurer
From: mind and brain online forum (Journal of Consciosness and Cognition) writes:
>Given that everything that is in our conscious experience is
>observable and there is no need to propose any more than 5 extensive
>dimensions to describe the manifold that contains the experience, why
>do you propose that there are more than 5 dimensions?
Assuming that what we mean by "dimensions" is, in effect, separate hyperspace
fields enfolded within the metric space-time fields; The main reason for
proposing more than five hyperspace fields (each with its individual,
frequency-energy-mass-time constants) is that no spherical field, starting
with the primal universal field, composed (or more accurately, woven) of a
single continuous line of force that must originate from a zero-point-instant
source of "spinergy" or infinite angular momentum, can exist -- unless it
contains, in its initial formation, at least two additional spherical (3D)
hyperspace fields enfolded within its outermost expanding wave front
boundary. This triune field formation is the model for all subsequent
involutional fields, down to the smallest particle in 3D metric space. (I
leave out the time vector since each field phase would have a different
maximum light velocity as well as time constant)
This primal field form is essential -- since any single ray of force
emanating from a zero-point-instant source must, to complete its initial
spherical wave front shape, follow an initial 3 cycle spiral vortex path that
creates twin (coadunate but not consubstantial) fields nested within a
surrounding field.
To picture this, in the first outer circle of this field generation, the 2D
form would appear as a figure 8 inscribed inside a 0, and the ray would
follow a twisted spiral 3-cycle path that crossed through the center point of
origination twice. This triune form of the initial generation of the primal
or Cosmic fields of consciousness is the "Monad" spoken of by Leibnitz, and
must be replicated simultaneously (in our time metric) in all subsequently
involved Cosmic fields until, after 5 such differentiation's (yielding a
14 inner and one outer field), these coadunate but not consubstantial fields
have stepped down through successive lower frequency-energy-mass-density
phase changes until the physical metric space time continuum stage is
reached. See the following web sites for diagrams showing this involutionary
Thus, in this model -- due to the laws of cycles, symmetry, conservation,
electricity, harmony, etc. -- there would be at least 7 hyperspace fields in
any particular "space time continuum" or surrounding any zero-point-instant,
up to an infinite number of such octaval series of Cosmic "notes" or field
phases. This implies that the Universe is infinitely divisible. Thus, the
universe at this lowest phase metric stage of its involution, could have an
infinite number of inorganic and organic forms of matter, from fundamental
particles to galaxies, each with its own particular degree of consciousness
or awareness. Each of these forms would also have at least seven major
hyperspace states of existence, with only mankind, capable of consciously
accessing at least 5 of such hyperspace fields -- one of them being the
mental space (which would also be composed of at least seven hyperspace
fields -- several of them being allocated to various phases of thinking,
memory storage, intuition, etc.)
I know this is a highly radical and controversial view when compared to the
standard model, but once we accept the possibility of spatial dimensions
higher that 3-D we have to accept the concept of multidimensional hyperspace,
and thus its infinite divisibility into lawful harmonic series of spherical
(cyclic) fields each radiating from a particular zero-point-instant of primal
Best wishes,
Leon Maurer
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