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Re: Theos-World hybrid offshoot/a direct consequence of the bloody riots

Feb 14, 2003 04:54 PM
by Dennis Kier

You really should check history again. You missed quite a bit there.

The Americans were there some time before 1944. Their bombing raids
were there, though not on the ground, for some time. They flew in the
day time, and the British flew at night.

It was the American production lines that supplied Britain, and also
Russia while they built up the invasion fleet, and held the line in
the Pacific as well.

America (as well as Canada) was supplying Britain as far back as 1938,
with ships and supplies.

As you may recall, there was ground war going on in Africa before

Some of my friends were in on the Normandy invasion, and would be
amused at your assertion that we had little to do with the downfall of
the Nazis.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Theo Paijmans" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World hybrid offshoot/a direct consequence of the
bloody riots

> Well, it wasn't exactly the Americans who liberated France and
Germany, as
> they entered the war on European soil in 1944, one year before the
2nd world
> war ended. The same, by the way in the 1st world war, when America
entered in
> 1917, again, a year before the war ended. Of course, the
> efforts did contribute to the final outcome.
> Nazi Germany was almost brought to its knees in 1944 owing to the
> Russian offensives. Nazi Germany would sooner or later have
collapsed through
> the sheer devastation of these offenses.
> Best,
> Theo
> "Katinka Hesselink " wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I don't think Frank's opinion is representitive for most german
> > people.
> >
> > Katinka
> > --- In, "Dennis Kier" <dennw3k@e...>
> > > Somehow, I am not convinced. Is this line of thought prevalent
> > > Germany?
> > >
> > > After all the American Taxpayer money we spent liberating the
> > Germans
> > > and the French, --, well, I think we should pull our troops and
> > bases
> > > out of Germany and France, and save the taxpayer's money. I am
> > > sure why we keep spending money over there propping up those
> > > governments.
> > >
> > > I suppose it is too much to expect that they pay back some of
> > > money we spent over there the last 50 years?
> > >
> > > Dennis (an American Taxpayer)

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