Re: Theos-World DEVACHAN Part I from: FRAGMENTS OF OCCULT TRUTH -- Writte...
Feb 07, 2003 12:11 PM
by samblo
Thanks, as always, a very nice post. While reading I had a bubble up
Scotty (Star Trek) runs in to announce to Capt. Kirk "Capt. Sir -- the
are coming ! Their due to arrive shortly sir!"
Capt. Kirk; when Scotty?
Scotty" Soon Sir-soon!"
Minutes, hours, days go by but no "Cling-ons" arrive. Finally Capt. Kirk
on the ships
intercom asks Scotty: Scotty you told the Cling-ons were arriving, where
are they
Scotty replies: "Knots Sir, knots! They are very bad Boy Scouts!
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