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re BAG's speculations about HPB and ... ?

Dec 27, 2002 08:14 PM
by Mauri

27 Dec 02 BAG wrote:<<<I have never heard that HPB was 
intersexed, but she certainly exhibited many signs of it. None 
the least of which was becoming the dominant personality in a 
society of males. She surrounded herself with men, and 
controlled them not through sex / seduction, but through her 
intellect and force of personality. She was the Alpha Male in her 
intellectual peer group. In once sense she may have been 
incapable of 'surrendering' to a husband or any guru figure, 
because she herself was an 'alpha' male personality. Thus her 
Mahatmas were necessary to embody her own real, but socially 
unacceptable, peronal power. In such a case, the real interior 
HPB was her great strong SERAPIS, and the body she was living 
in was a life-long sourse of cognitive dissonance for her. This is 
not like multiple personality disorder, but is what intersexed 
persons who have been wrongly sex-assighned suffer through 
their whole life if they cannot somehow get a legal gender 
re-assignment, or simply pass as a member of the gender they 
identify with. In HPB's time and culture, it would have been 
extremely difficult for her to 'be her/ HIM SELF'. Thus, HPB 
coped with her frustration by expressing 'her' MASCULINE 
GENDER IDENTITY through her MAHATMAS. The men she 
IDENTIFIED WITH were like the Kashmiri Rajas. Thus her 
'mystical form' as SERAPIS was like these heroic figures. She 
was not a girl or women in awe of them, 'she' felt 'herself' to BE 
ONE OF THEM. For her, the life of HPB was probably less real 
than that of her Mahatmas, especially Master SERAPIS, whom 
she identified with. >>>>>.

Why stop there, BAG? What are you really trying to tell us?
What's next?


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