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Re: confidence

Dec 03, 2002 02:30 PM
by Steve Stubbs

--- In theos-talk@y..., "kpauljohnson" <kpauljohnson@y...> wrote:
> I find a certain kind of ideological 
> self-confidence fascinating. It abounds on this list.

That may be a by product of serious study. You have strong feelings 
about your conviction that Blavatsky was a liar and fraud and that 
the masters were all myths. That should be respected, since it 
obviously comes from a good deal of serious study of primary 
sources. One distinction I would make is that I have learned a lot 
from the people who have posted and have been forced to re-examine a 
lot of old assumptions. I assume some others have as well. But I 
have not noticed the same learning process evident in many other 

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