Leadbeaterians predominate (?)
Dec 02, 2002 09:13 AM
by kpauljohnson
--- In theos-talk@y..., "Steve Stubbs" <stevestubbs@y...> wrote:
> This is a minority opinion I am sure, but I think it would be well
if there were a Back to Blavatsky movement and Leadbeater, Besant,
> Jinarajadasa and the rest of them were confined to the trash can of
> history.
Although HPB's books sell well for Pasadena and ULT, in the Adyar TS
(I heard some years ago, don't know if this is still true) Leadbeater
books still are the best sellers. As long as the ES is the shadow
government, as long as Radha's heir apparent is into the LCC,
Egyptian Masonry, etc., Leadbeater cannot be displaced from his place
of honor in the TS.
Leadbeater and Besant tried to steer people away from
> Blavatsky's teachings which they never understood in the first
> place. If I ran the TS I would simply let those books fall
gradually out of print and not reprint them.
A more honest policy than simply removing the embarrassing parts
about life on Mars, etc., and then reprinting them sanitized. But
historical honesty has never been a policy of the TS Adyar.
None of those characters would be
> mentioned in TS publications and they would be gradually
> marginalized. The valuable stuff all came from Blavatskly's era
> anyway. Unless I am mistaken, in the UULT and Pasadena
> all of them are utterly ignored. Anyway, that seems like a simple
> and workable plan of action.
Simple and workable if you don't know much about the inner workings
of Adyar, Wheaton, etc.
One weird element of the refusal to condemn or marginalize Leadbeater
(IMO) involves Radha Burnier's status as a Krishnamurti disciple as
well as TS President. Admitting that CWL abused Krishna and Nitya is
to admit something shameful (in some people's eyes) about the World
Teacher. (How they can have their cake and eat it too, regarding
Krishnamurti, is well illustrated in Aryel Sanat's book which makes
him the instrument of the Masters and thus reconciles all the loose
ends that might otherwise bother people.)
Don't expect any reasonable, historically responsible changes of
policy out of Adyar anytime soon (i.e. this manvantara.) Avoidance
of unpleasant truths "ain't broke, don't fix it" is their attitude.
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