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Re: B.A.G. on Blavatsky, the Mahatmas and Serapis

Dec 30, 2002 10:34 PM
by Mauri

Re: B.A.G. on Blavatsky, the Mahatmas and Serapis

Quotes about "inner masters," (among other things, as we 
all know?) might have certain confusing and misleading 
aspects to them, in many cases, I suspect, when 
interpreted with a certain kind of mainstream/logical train 
of thought. So when somebody comes along and offers a 
set of quotes that might be rather easily misinterpreted by 
(most people?), one might wonder what the underlying 
purpose of of such offerings might be. 

Of course, on the other hand, if one's own, various 
explanations about confusing things don't seem to get 
across reasonably intact to other's, well ... So we have, as 
I see it, various "exoteric versions," "blinds," and 
whatever, on the one hand, and on the other hand there 
might the somewhat "more-esoteric versions" and 
everything in between ... 

But I suspect that those who insist on following a certain 
kind of naive, simplistic "logic" in their "Theosophic 
studies" might find themselves, sooner or later, up a 
certain kind of tricky Theosophic creek. And I'm 
wondering if there might be people out there who, having 
gone up that creek already, might be inclined to steer 
others up that same creek. Not that there are any easy 
enough answers, (apparently?), for any of us, and not that 
I'm blameless, myself (not blameless by a long shot as per 
Leon, Dallas, etc?), but ...


PS I figure I might be better off if I offer my but/"buts" 
just to Gerald on Theos-1 ... :-) Well, or try to offer 
them, anyway ...

PPS I've been using "individual" and "personal" in the 
conventional sense as meaning the same thing, but having 
read BAG's quotes, seems as if "individual" in Theosophy 
refers to "higher" and "personal" to "lower." Oh, well, 
there's another good reason, as I see it, why I should keep 
on signing off with "speculatively" ...

PPPS Of course I could take some time off to "study 
Theosophy properly," first. Problem with that might be, 
since I estimate it might take me about two or three 
hundred years to accomplish that, I'm not too sure how 
my physical condition might be (ie, aside from wherever 
my spiritual condition might've gone, by then) after all 
those years of studying, so ...

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