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Re: Master KH on Damodar--unholy alliance?

Nov 14, 2002 05:04 PM
by netemara888

--- In theos-talk@y..., "Daniel H. Caldwell" <comments@b...> wrote:
> In June, 1886, Master KH wrote to Colonel Olcott:
> "The poor boy has had his fall. Before he could stand in the 
> of the 'Masters' he had to undergo the severest trials that a 
> neophyte ever passed through, to atone for the many questionable 
> doings in which he had over-zealously taken part, bringing disgrace 
> upon the sacred science and its adepts. The mental and physical 
> suffering was too much for his weak frame, which has been quite 
> prostrated, but he will recover in course of time. . . . " Letters 
> from the Masters of the Wisdom, First Series, Letter 29.
> Who wrote this letter? HPB was in Europe and Damodar's whereabouts 
> were unknown.
> Daniel H. Caldwell

Hi, I just tuned in here for the evening and have to read all these 
posts which look great. So you are saying that KH did this letter. I 
am not saying only DKM and HPB did all the letters I am saying they 
did them in some sort of unholy alliance, which is not my 
characterization but that of others.

What did he do that was so awful bad? I focus on HPB so much I have 
not given this much thought. What did I miss? Is it all about the 
forgeries? I know he did a lot, but is that really it? My research 
tells me it is was karmic payback, not from that lifetime of foibles 
and sins so much, but from other lives of much deeper sins, that I am 
still tracing.

What the heck did he do from historical standpoint that was so bad? 
And what is your opinion of what happened to Damodar, Daniel? I think 
he died right after he left..


BTW Thanks for the new info


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