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FW: [bn-study] regarding "777"

Oct 29, 2002 06:23 AM
by dalval14

Oct 29 2002

Dear Friends:

Eldon Tucker, who maintains the Theos-Talk and the Theos-World has
just published this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eldon B Tucker []
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:25 AM
Subject: [bn-study] regarding "777"


Since the subject of "777" has come up, I'd like to share some
stray notes that I wrote on the subject a few years ago.

I'd suggest breaking '777' down into prime numbers:

3 x 7 x 37 = 777

One question would be the significance of the
number "37", other than that it's a "3" in the
10's digit and a "7" in the one's digit, matching
the other two prime numbers.

If you take one from the prime-number factors of "777",
you get:

3 x 7 x 37 = 777
- 1 - 1 - 1
--- --- ---- ---
= 2 x 6 x 36 = 432

where we get another number significant in Hindu
chronology, and theosophical literature, "432".

That is, "432" is the product of one less than the
three prime numbers that make up "777".

Another point to consider is that the number "777" is represented
in base 10 notation. Each digit ranges from zero to nine. Each
higher digit represents a number ten times as big as the previous
digit. That means that 777 is really:

the 7th number out of ten at the lowest (1's) level, plus
the 7th number out of ten at the second (10's) level, plus
the 7th number out of ten at the third (100's) level.

If you go from a sevenfold scheme of manifestation to a tenfold
scheme, where the three highest levels are unmanifest, the
number 777 represents the first number beyond completion.

(Our method of counting has a number range from "0" to "9"; when
it gets bigger, it goes back to "0" again and the next higher
digit goes up by one. That means that the lower seven of a scheme
ranges from "0" to "6" and the upper triad ranges from "7" to "9",
and "777" is the first state beyond completion of the scheme of
manifest existence on the three lowest levels.)

-- Eldon


Dallas comments:

Perhaps some of you have already worked on this, and may be able to
share what they have found?

Some writers thought that the human ego would reincarnate
(mechanistically) once in every race and sub-race of the 7 Globes.
But that seems to rigid and does not take Karma and free-will into

>From one point of view one could say that the immortal Pilgrim, the
Human Monad is working its way through a cycle of Initiation right
now. The whole of the Earth cycle of Globes, Rounds, Races, etc..
mark the outlines of this cycle and the stages of achievement possible
in each segment of the cycle.

It is interesting to see how the 432 sequence is derived. ( Kali Yuga
being 432,000 years ) from 666 (the number of the Beast)

In the Secret Doctrine H P B devotes a few pages to defining the
importance of the commencement of the Kali Yuga (in which we are all
involved ) S D I 650, 662-5; II 68-70, 147, 300, 435.

In ISIS UNVEILED bottom p. 30 the value in years of Sarus (3,600
years), Neros ( 600 years) and Sossus (60 years) when multiplied by 6
6 6 produce a figure very close to the Sidereal Year.

3,600	x	6 = 21,600
600	X	6 =	3,600
60	X	6 =	360
total	25,560
In the OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY Mr. Judge mentions a figure of 25, 868 years
for a sidereal year

(see also H P B Articles III p 404, 407 STARS AND NUMBERS ,
THEOSOPHIST June 1881, and
H P B Art. III 78 (on Sar) 6 Sars are a "Great Year.";
LUCIFER Vol. IV, p. 27-31;
S D II 38, 566, 617fn (Phoenix);

We find Neros / Naros mentioned in connection with the cycle of
Initiation. This may also be related t the statement in the VOICE OF
THE SILENCE (p. 75) concerning the "7 short and fleeting lives"
before attaining Buddhahood.

NEOPHYTE (Gr.). A novice; a postulant or candidate for the Mysteries.
The methods of initiation varied. Neophytes had to pass in their
trials through all the four elements, emerging in the fifth as
glorified Initiates. Thus having passed through Fire (Deity), Water
(Divine Spirit), Air (the Breath of God), and the Earth (Matter), they
received a sacred mark, a tat and a tau, or a + and a -. The latter
was the monogram of the Cycle called the Naros, or Neros. As shown by
Dr. E. V. Kenealy, in his Apocalypse, the cross in symbolical language
(one of the seven meanings)"+ exhibits at the same time three
primitive letters, of which the word LVX or Light is compounded. . . .
The Initiates were marked with this sign, when they were admitted into
the perfect mysteries. We constantly see the Tau and the Resh united
thus ?. Those two letters in the old Samaritan, as found on coins,
stand, the first for 400, the second for 200 = 600. This is the staff
of Osiris." Just so, but this does not prove that the Naros was a
cycle of OO years; but simply that one more pagan symbol had been
appropriated by the Church.
(See "Naros" and "Neros" and also "I. H. S.") ( THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY
. 227)

NEROS (Heb.). As shown by the late E. V. Kenealy this "Naronic Cycle"
was a mystery, a true "secret of god", to disclose which during the
prevalence of the religious mysteries and the authority of the
priests, meant death. The learned author seemed to take it for granted
that the Neros was of 600 years duration, but he was mistaken. (See
"Natos".) Nor were the establishment of the Mysteries and the rites of
Initiation due merely the necessity of perpetuating the knowledge of
the true meaning of the Naros and keeping this cycle secret from the
profane; for the Mysteries are as old as the present human race, and
there were far more important secrets to veil than the figures of any
cycle. (See "Neophyte" and "I. H. S.", also "Naros".) The mystery of
666, "the number of the great heart" so called, is far better
represented by the Tau and the Resh than 600. ( T G 228 )

NAROS OR NEROS (Heb.). A cycle, which the Orientalists describe as
consisting of OO years. But what years? There were three kinds of
Neros : the greater, the middle and the less. It is the latter cycle
only which was of OO years. (See "Neros".) T G 225 )

I.H.S. This triad of initials stands for the in hoc signo of the
alleged vision of Constantine, of which, save Eusebius, its author, no
one ever knew. I.H.S. is interpreted Jesus Hominum Salvator, and In
hoc signo. It is, however, well known that the Greek IHE was one of
the most ancient names of Bacchus. As Jesus was never identical with
Jehovah, but with his own " Father" (as all of us are), and had come
rather to destroy the worship of Jehovah than to enforce it, as the
Rosicrucians well maintained, the scheme of
Eusebius is very transparent. In hoc signo Victor ens, or the Labarum
T (the tau and the resh) is a very old signum, placed on the foreheads
of those who were just initiated. Kenealy translates it as meaning "he
who is initiated into the Naronic Secret, or the OO, shall be Victor"
but it is simply "through this sign hast thou conquered"; i.e.,
through the light of Initiation-Lux. (See " Neophyte and "Naros ".)
(T G p. 152 )

This does not resolve the puzzle, but it indicates that the code of
numbers runs through the Theosophical literature.



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