FW: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Oct 20, 2002 03:24 AM
by dalval14
Oct 20
As this failed to reach the sender I will repost so that he can secure
it. writing in a general manner
Oct 19 2002
Dear Friend:
Thank you form yours of the 18th and I appreciate what you write.
If you sense gentleness there, it is only because the study of
Theosophy shows that "gentleness" surpasses the impact of
"forcefulness" or "might," and is longer remembered as being
persuasive of common knowledge and experience. Force may or may
not express a correct statement of affairs in the world or among
men. But it does not lead to thinking, it stirs resentment in
most cases. However there are times when it ought to be used, to
stop a calamity -- if possible.
However a clear statement of one's thinking is always needed,
since none has a unitary key to wisdom, and by comparison and
consultation the resulting consensus usually is better that one's
personal ideas. We have to accept the concept that we "don't
know it all."
Theosophy teaches: The SPIRITUAL SOUL, [(Ego), Buddhi-Manas] is
Actually it is neither yours nor mine, but is shared
universally. Strange idea! But we share the sunlight, and air
is common. No one owns the rain, or the rivers, or the oceans,
we only use all these and pass them on. And any ownership of
land is only temporary. The weather affects us all in varying
degrees, and conditions of plenty, or of famine and drought,
follow vast patterns, the source of which is still to be
determined. Theosophy states that the thoughts and feelings of
mankind in the mass, affects these phenomena.
One need never feel far from the sources of enlightenment --the
Masters of Wisdom -- as it is said that they "live on the inner
planes of our being" (meaning the ONE SPIRITUAL plane of the
Monad: or ATMA - BUDDHI -- which we all share) But what are
they? Perfected Men. How perfected? In the wisdom and the
knowledge of the intimate workings of Nature, and of the human
Mind and Heart. That is also the source of our inspiration and
our search. Making sense out of our present situation says it
all. As Hermes taught millennia ago: :"Man, Know thyself."
[If you want to know more about the Masters and their functions,
read in The SECRET DOCTRINE Vol. I, pp. 272-3; also in ISIS
UNVEILED Vol II, pp. 98 -103 ]
There is a "Heart Doctrine" of wisdom (knowledge impartially
used and generously shared). That knowledge the Masters of
Wisdom have secures. As They have done, so can we do. It cannot
be achieved by abandoning present duties, but only by fulfilling
them. Every moment is a fresh opportunity to apply to it the
Heart Doctrine. That is not mystical but actual, as I see it.
[The 2nd fragment of the VOICE OF THE SILENCE says a good deal on
In that sense we are all immortals; and, being Eternal Pilgrims,
we are all brothers and sisters. If reincarnation is true, then
over may aeons we have incarnated together in the same families,
races, religions, etc. time and again, and the superficial
differences of "today" lose their importance and personal
The man who sets out to war today, in a large impersonal army to
oppose a similar "army," may have been brother, sister, mother
in a previous incarnation with his unknown opponent of today. We
don't realize this as a fact yet. If we did, then many quarrels
would soon be resolved by mutual generosity and goodwill.
As to our present condition of "advancement" it is always a path
that leads inward to the core of our eternal being, were true
wisdom resides and where the intellectual Mind-power to think, to
be logical, to be decisive, and, to WILL to be moral and ethically
correct in all we do, resides. It is said that we have to
initiate ourselves. True, if the 7-fold nature of man is a fact.
But a friend can always point to a doorway, or a window -- of
opportunity -- that was made visible to them, and share it as an
In Theosophical literature, the VOICE OF THE SILENCE can serve as
a Beacon-light to us all, as it reveals the nature of the real
life one can weave within the "carapace" of the outer every-day
living. We can only transform ourselves. It cannot be done from
outside. We need to develop a new way of thinking -- the World
is shared. All Men are to be understood to be "my brothers."
For details as to the constitution of man and nature as viewed
Theosophically I would recommend a study of the KEY TO THEOSOPHY
(HPB) and of the OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY (Judge).
Once the basics are put into one's mind, and thoroughly "chewed
over", then one ought to pursue every opportunity to further
study this marvelous philosophy of our universe, solar-system,
world and finally, of ourselves as miniatures (copies) of those
great prototypes.
Read ISIS UNVEILED as a review of the strange
powers exhibited from time to time by mankind, and their
Read The SECRET DOCTRINE as a historical survey of
the evolution of worlds, starting from SPIRIT And then gradually
coalescing and concretizing into gross matter. And, the
evolution of mankind in which three streams of evolutionary
powers coalesce: SPIRIT, Mind, and material forms.
The Laws of analogy and correspondence pervade all Nature. I am
wrong in placing "ourselves" last in that list, because learning
about our own true nature ought to come first. It is a key to
understanding the vast laws and purposes of NATURE, looked on, as
a UNITED and ETERNAL universal SCHOOL. So study the KEY TO
THEOSOPHY (HPB) carefully.
It is well to confirm our progress from time to time by contact
with other students -- trying to find out if our conclusions have
that impersonality and universality that only truth lends to
No one ought to consider themselves "foolish." Uniformed
is perhaps a better word. We can all ask questions, and
hopefully, we will receive straight and clear answers -- no
strings attached. Note: one cannot buy spiritual wisdom or
"occultism." The whole work is interior in one's own self. We
open the doors to it. Meditation is the key. Secure a copy of
PATANJALI's YOGA-APHORISMS (translated by Mr. Judge)
it is a Master treatise on the study of the duality in us all --
the two minds in man. But even the 2 minds are one, viewed from
different aspects. (all these texts are available from
http://www.blavatsky.net )
If in truth we are eternal beings, using a series of temporary
bodies as we reincarnate, there must be a purpose for this
process. I have heard it said that the ultimate goal of
evolution is, for the individual Ego [Mind, Manas], "Sublime
Perfection." What this might be I do not know, but imagine it
means a great deal of knowledge and great responsibilities also.
It includes a thorough knowledge of the constitution and the
rules and laws of great Nature.
I am sure that Karma LAW -- prevails and operates everywhere, so as to
keep a dynamic balance of diversities harmoniously in place.
Nothing old or new, large or small is excluded from that
operation. I also imagine that this is an expression of idealism
in practical life.
To recognize this, means we can choose to alter our own ways of
thinking and living, so as to better attune ourselves to the
INFINITE, and to its vast LAWS, -- and, to the fact of Universal
Brotherhood. To be able to choose, implies that every human
being is endowed (as a phase or step in their development) with
independence. How is that to be used? Is it not first to be
understood? Look on the process of initiation as a continued
inquiry: If you are independent, and can choose are your choices
valid? Do they tally with Nature' purposes? Can you be trusted
with those secrets? If so, would you abuse that knowledge ?
You can see the necessity for that, as only entire freedom of
will (which is innate in all) has to be trained and channeled,
each person by themselves, and of their own independent
free-will, to actively "doing good" because they know it is
necessary to do that. "Good" in this case, I define as obeying
the existing vast impartial laws of Nature. "Evil" is breaking
the laws of Nature, and that is most easily done by selfishness
and isolation from man and nature. So we need, also, the
ascertain what are these "Laws of Nature," and how they work, and
where. Wisdom is granted only to those who are worthy of it.
You ask about "Motive." It is the basis from which we think, and
then act, or speak. It starts invisibly in our Mind. There, it is
the continual conflict between the HIGHER ( Buddhi-Manas, or the
god-like Self in us, noble and altruistic) and the lower (KAMA-
MANAS ). It is the latter that is the real selfish,
isolated "devil" in us. It is selfish, isolationist and perverted.
Nature has been in existence far longer than we, or our families,
countries, or even our religions. It precedes the many
"Personal Gods" that religious sects (ancient and modern) posit.
It is in fact the source of the "God Idea." That is because it
is DEITY ITSELF in ACTION in all the departments of life and
living. And it has always been so. [If you have The SECRET
DOCTRINE, then read in Vol. I pp 14 to 19 (the 3 Fundamentals) it
will give you an idea of the scope of our condition and work.]
It is so subtle and so exact we fail to recognize it until our
attention is drawn to its existence, and to the evidence of its
ever acting. It grants no reprieves or pardons - it considers
the victims first, and the restitution we owe to them if we
transgress against any one.
The senses are actually two-fold: senses of perception and their
corresponding set of "senses of action." Inner perception would
imply some knowledge of Nature's Laws and her workings --
impartially and impersonally for all.
The study of the Mind (our Mind) reveals its duality. There is a
HIGHER, a SPIRITUAL MIND. It is related to BUDDHI -- universal
WISDOM. There is also in us the personal (Lower Manas) it is a
compound of two sets of powers: thought and desire. These two
are separate principles. The human race represents the junction point
between the rising instinct of animal progression to the quasi
of the brain-mine and there it connects with the descending wisdom of
the Higher Ego, -- Buddhi-Manas. And we are all engaged each in his or
her own way in deciding who the winner will be: Wisdom of selfish
I do hope that this answers some of your observations. Also it
might be of help in directing your choice of study.
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: X- 14, Oct.2002
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