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Oct 19, 2002 11:52 AM
by Steve Stubbs
--- In theos-talk@y..., Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...> wrote: > And how has George Bush been responsible for the overpopulation of > kangaroos? He is responsible for everything. I was told by a Canadian fellow some time ago that if it were not for George Bush the US would not exist and that if the US did not exist all the evil in the entire world would disappear and we would find ourselves smack in the middle of the millennium. He did not raise his voice, but his face turned red as a beet, indicating that this is a subject he feels very strongly about. He is quite convinced that the world is a community of saints except for the perfidious US. Since then I have discovered talking to people and reading that views similar to this are held generally throughout the world. In the Middle East it is well known that the CIA bombed the World Trade Center, that Osama bin Laden is a generous and peaceful man who has been slandered, and that the US is responsible for the Arab Israeli conflict. In fairness to them, they seem to see realistically that the Zionists are playing a hand in that one as well. Indonesians will not soon forget that the bombings in Bali were the work of the CIA in their campaign against Islam. It is well known in Asia that the HIV virus was genetically engineered in the US and that the Japanese prior to 1945 were a peaceful people who were cynically manipulated by Americans into an unwanted war with China and bombing Pearl Harbor. They did not want to do that. It is very well understood in Europe that poverty in Africa is not the fault of corrupt governments there, nor is it caused by mismanagement or indigenous civil wars, nor is it the fault of their former colonial masters, who once occupied the continent and could do whatever they wanted with it. It is the fault of the US, which for unexplained reason decided to create a hell there. An Irish rock star is now telling us that a bungled foreign aid program, which he himself admits was a disastrous failure, needs to resume even though no serious person believes any good result would come of it. Current starvation in Zambia is caused paradoxically by the cynical decision of the US to send food aid, which the Zambian government has wisely decided to deny its people. (I am not making this up. I listened to a commentary recently on how cynical it is to feed starving people.) HIV in South Africa is not the result of irresponsible behavior on the part of the people who live there, nor is it the result of the SA government's policy of promoting superstition in lieu of scientific fact regarding the disease. To blame it on irresponsible behavior would be to criticize their great culture, and that is politically incorrect. Since it is not the fault of anyone in South Africa (despite the fact the disease is sexually transmitted) the fault must lie elsewhere. The logic there is impeccable, since someone must be at fault here. If the people who are busy aggressively infecting one another are not to blame, who is? Europeans will tell you that this godlike power over the rest of the world is wielded by an incredibly stupid and unsophisticated people who have a massive inferiority complex with respect to their betters and who cover that up with an insufferable arrogance. No one seems to be able to explain how such an extraordinarily incompetent crowd could achieve the omnipotent domination of superior races which everyone knows is the fons et origo of all the world's problems. No one seems to be able to explain how such a superior people as they know themselves to be could exhibit the kind og inferior mentality necessary to believe anything that illogical. Maybe my mind was perverted by too many years studying philosophy and too much training in logical thinking, but I am rather skeptical of this whole world view. My perception is that the US government has watched Fidel Castro thumb his nose at them since 1959. That despite the fact that Cuba is closer to Florida than Louisiana is. It is hard to deny this, since it is historical fact. The US does not run Cuba, but a handful of foreigners in Miami who originated in Cuba do seem to run the US. Far from being able to make and break kings with the mere typing of a memo, the government were completely helpless while a crowd of totally unarmed students ransacked their embassy in Teheran in 1979 and held their diplomats hostage for more than a year. If Colin Powell tries to get a Mideast peace deal, despite the fact that he rules the Muddle East as everyone knows, Ariel Sharon snaps his fingers, AIPAC swings into action, and the Bush administration does whatever Sharon tells them to do. That despite the fact that the entire population of "Israel" is about that of a mid sized city. Talking about the tail wagging the dog! Now we see George Bush frothing at the mouth because he wants to control Iraqi oil, and Saddam Hussein, whom Bush's father tried unsuccessfully to topple, is stronger than ever. He seems to be an Arab Castro. I submit that not only is there no one running the world, but that there is in fact no one running the United States. How either of them keep going is a total mystery to me. Those who still need to find some person to blame all the world's evil on can accept reality and still fulfill their need by looking at ancient superstition. In ancient times everyone blamed things on a nonexistent guy named Satan, which by the way is not a man's name but is merely a Hebrew word translated variously as "apostate" or "adversary." I was told by a lawyer one time that a Fundamentalist Christian actually brought suit against Satan and his fallen angels in federal court some years ago. The judge listened politely to the plaintiff's harangue, but dismissed the case on the grounds that the defendant could not be located and served properly with a subpoena. If Satan exists and he really is responsible for absolutely everything someone somewhere doesn't like, he is a busy devil. But then nobody ever said his job would be easy.