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Re: Theos-World Re: Roerich against Bailey...!? NEW ?

Oct 06, 2002 02:00 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

Hi Suzanne and all of you,

Thanks for your kind words.

I did have a problem with the last part of your letter.
Suzanne wrote:
"In my mind, there is very little conflict between HPB and AAB, both
of their "systems" of thinking are striving to reach the same goal,
but are using slightly different paths."

My view:
It is allright, that this view is yours, but I have to say, that to me it is
clearly not
a 'very little conflict' when we talk in general terms , - although
everything is relative.
You see it is so, that some are reading Alice A. Baileys books like they
stem from
evil forces. And because that kind of reading and interpretation are -
relatively easy
and possible - there really is a conflict there, on certain levels, also
theosophically speaking. No doubt there.

I can suggest those who are interested in the issue
H. P. Blavatsky versus Alice A. Bailey to read some of the very interesting
articles and links at (author Philip Lindsay)
The friendly fellow has posted an article of mine with my until now official
view on the matter.

I have to say, that I feel like Nicholas Weeks in his article "Theosophys
Shadow", that
the Great Invocation according to me are used by some Bailey groups in a
wrong manner.
Those groups should not and ought not use it in a manner where they sit and
mumle the words (almost like in the christian church) without any meaning
and understanding of it. Then they better read good spiritual books and the
I would suggest, that these meetings require some years of study before
access is granted !
But for sure some of the leaders would dislike that idea very much ! >:-)
(Big smile)

You see one can get a lot of other important spiritual information from
reading spiritual books OTHER than the ones of Alice A. Baileys with all
those pages....
But because of their contents value today to SOME people (i.e. not all
people), - they - the books - ought at least to be dealt with in a honest
and proper manner, and not rejected just like that.

End of part one.

Sufilight with light and love

----- Original Message -----
From: "Suzanne" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 9:58 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Roerich against Bailey...!? NEW ?

> Very nicely put Morten.
> I, myself, have many many years of study in the AAB/TIBETAN system of
> thinking, but, too, I have studied many other Great Works also.
> And, in my opinion (for what it may be worth, she sez humbly) all
> these (what I call) systems of thinking are merely different points
> of view of the structure of the Dream (Maya) we all live and
> participate in. BUT, inherent in all these different points of view
> is a common demominator which substands all these great "systems
> (streams) of thinking." And, in that integrated common demominator
> (is the one spirit clothed in words) is the truth to behold.
> Besides, it is my understanding, that the intellect, which uses words
> (and their inherent distortion) as it's expression, can only, at
> best, gather information and organnize it... and, it, the intellect,
> can never REALIZE the truth. Again, in my opinion and understanding,
> any doctrine of theosophy, philosophy, religion etc. must be
> considered tentative explanations and interpretations of the truth
> beyond the realm of the intellect, and can only be used, as best as
> one can, as a means to the direct discovery of truth (Self-
> realization).
> From the Tibetan, "That the inner man has ever been known to be
> there, and the "kingdom within" has ever been proclaimed until HPB
> came and gave out the same truths from a new angle, giving an occult
> turn to mystic thought. Now comes the opportunity for man to realise
> the laws of his own being, and in that realization those who stand on
> the verge of intuitional apprehension of knowledge and those of
> scientific bent who are willing to accept these truths as a working
> hypothesis to be utilised as a basis for experiment until proven
> false, will have the chance to solve the world problems from WITHIN"
> (emphasis added).
> In my mind, there is very little conflict between HPB and AAB, both
> of their "systems" of thinking are striving to reach the same goal,
> but are using slightly different paths.
> Most sincerely,
> Suzanne
> --- In theos-talk@y..., "Morten Nymann Olesen" <global-
> theosophy@a...> wrote:
> > HI Dallas and all of you,
> >
> > Thanks for your answer. I think disagree somewhat with you Dallas.
> > My answer is also lenghty, but be patient with me.
> >
> > Dallas wrote in the below: "Each one frames his own understanding
> an derives
> > an opinion therefrom."
> >
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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