Re: Theos-World Aurobindo on Theosophy :
Sep 18, 2002 06:40 PM
by Mic Forster
Brian Muehlbach does not exist. It is Brigitte
Muehlegger. Have you ever seen the movie Fight Club?
It is something like that.
--- wry <> wrote:
> Hi. I realize I am new on here, but now, thanks to
> Dalval's message of
> yesterday, I AM here. I do not understand why you
> would want a person who is
> as intelligent as Brian, if not indeed brilliant,
> and obviously VERY
> interested in theosophy, to leave your list. All he
> is doing is giving words
> and his opinion. I have noticed there has been a lot
> of in-fighting on these
> theosophy lists. On Universal Seeker there was talk
> of one theosophist
> cyber-stalking another, etc. On here, someone left
> this list because
> someone was banned, and others left because they
> did not like someone's
> messages, etc. There is no shouting on here or on
> any list. These are
> written words. They are silent. If you or I have a
> reaction, if someone is
> an irritant, it is a blessing. Is not the pearl
> formed around the tiny
> impurity within an oyster? Even though I have said I
> do not know that much
> about theosophy, I have been studying these lists
> and websites for some
> time, and I have many books by theosophists in my
> library, not just
> recently, but for many years. It is a fascinating
> topic. All about the
> interchanges of certain substances and materials,
> some very subtle, within
> ourselves and with others, with the end result of
> some kind of transmutation
> of these materials that is beneficial, right? If I
> am wrong, please correct
> me in your own words, not words you have read in a
> book. I do not see too
> much deep enquiry here (right now), but a lot of
> looking back at and
> analyzing of the past. Brian has a passion.about
> your subject. That is so
> obvious. Why would you kick someone like this off
> your list? Why don't you
> ask him why he is so interested in this subject?
> Maybe he won't tell you,
> but maybe he will. If we learn to use our own words
> and communicate honestly
> and simply about ideas, we will discover new ideas,
> and our words will make
> a bridge. Something intelligent, outside of all
> this, that does not need to
> look back and analyze, but is fully attentive to
> what is, AS IT IS, will
> solve the problem of Brian, and there will be
> instantaneous learning that
> does not take place over
> time.
> --------------------------------------------Dalval,
> here is further
> commentary on your message of September 5, which I
> hope everyone will read
> again. I personally, am very interested in BREAD
> MAKING and the various
> subtle substances and material and their
> interactions which result in the
> making of bread. When this quality of interaction
> sangha or spiritual community is formed. This has
> nothing to do with
> Buddhism or any religion. It is about the middle.
> But what is the middle of
> seven, 3;5? What does "eight" mean, if not an
> infinite process that is
> alive and ongoing? I notice M. Blavatsky has spoken
> quite brilliantly of
> the use in the Bible of the word "elohim" (as a
> three-fold force or trinity
> of gods), and this is interesting to me. But if we
> look at a human being as
> a three-fold emanation, we need to look at two
> threes, not one, as for man,
> who is always IN RELATIONSHIP, a good number and
> one which represents the
> middle would be six. If we take eight and put it
> with the scale of seven (to
> represent an ongoing process) we get six (15). This
> a KEY number, as six
> represents a kind of stabilization. There is much
> talk on these theosophy
> lists of planes and levels. In carpentry, a plane is
> a level. It makes a
> wood (would) surface even and smooth. I will have
> to study this further if
> I stay on here, but for now, to put the concept of
> planes into my own little
> words. A plane is the connection of points into a
> line and the extension of
> that line into a surface. A plane smoothes things
> out. In a human there are
> different kinds of planes. There is the "plane" of a
> reaction, such as a
> racist reaction, where certain elements in a human,
> such as the adrenal
> function and memory are connected to an incomplete
> perception in such a way
> that certain details of reality, such as "this
> person is a unique individual
> and also, much like myself" are unconsciously
> eliminated. Then there is
> another kind of "plane" where incoming material is
> TOTALLY perceived by a
> very alive intelligence, in such a way that each
> point is individual at the
> same time it is connected, and the results
> instantaneously correlated so
> that a conscious movement occurs. If this process
> leaves no remainder, there
> is an emanation. There are also two points, the
> point where light affects
> something in the brain in such a way that certain
> hormonal processes are
> accomplished and another point that is buried deep
> within. I notice people
> have been talking about Aurobindo. He spoke a lot
> about a seed of light
> buried deep within the earth, right? This could be
> called LUCifer, or the
> morning star. When we remove the six from eight, we
> get the number two, the
> number of the devil, or duality, so to speak. (When
> we add the number six to
> eight, we get something else). When we transmute
> this number two into an
> ELEVEN, (11), we get an open channel, which can
> almost be equated to a
> material bridge, as anything that exists, that IS,
> IS material. When we have
> this bridge, we have accomplished the making of
> BREAD. I have deliberately
> incorporated this material into the message about
> Brian, because it is
> connected to Brian. Without a certain special
> ferment, the making of the
> bread will not be accomplished. I did not read this
> in a book by M.
> Blavatsky or by Krishnamurti or in the Bible or
> whatever. I have studied
> this process in my own life. Without Brian, you will
> not make conscious
> bread. This is just an individual assessment, of
> course, but we do not get
> to choose our irritant. If we want to make the
> irritant stronger, that is
> one thing. If we want to make it weaker or take it
> away, that is another.
> Without Brian's message, or your message, Leon, I
> never could have made
> this response to Dalval's message. Hope you are able
> to put your own grain
> of salt on this material and assimilate it as
> consciously as possible into
> your functioning as a food, but be sure to save a
> little particle for the
> "hungry ghosts." Sincerely
> Wry-------------------------------------------------
> Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 1:41 AM
> Subject: Re: Theos-World Aurobindo on Theosophy :
> > Dredging up old political history referring to
> individual leaders of the
> old
> > Theosophical Society after the death of HPB, has
> nothing whatever to do
> with
> > the goals and aims of theosophy, per se, or the
> validity of its
> metaphysical
> > teachings. This is a typical propagandist's ploy.
> >
> > The so called "evolutionary scheme" of theosophy
> -- as a theory of
> universal
> > involution and evolution of both consciousness and
> matter presented by
> HPB --
> > that can be subjectively proven, individually, by
> deep study of
> fundamental
> > principles as they work in nature, along with
> introspective meditative
> > intuition and deduction, stands on an even higher
> level than so called
> > "scientific evolution" which refers, objectively,
> reductively and
> inductively
> > only to the physical body... And is, as such, is
> only
=== message truncated ===
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