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Re: Theos-World Israel and Sept. 11: Is the 'Clash of Civilizations' Inevitable?

Sep 08, 2002 04:44 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Me thought Theosophy has something to do with karma, human rights, justice,
peace. Don't?
Why should any such inquiry be forbidden?
Are there any taboos in theosophical thinking?
Is Theosophy PC?

Would HPB, if she were with us here today in her body, comment the recent
tragic events?

Or would she be silent like the degenerated theosophical sentimental groups
of today?
Especially in regard to the very good quotation of HPB you gave?
Isn't is very sectarian and egoistical of the present groups that we hear no
comments about the counter program to the first aim?

Is the personal emotion and fear of the leaders more important than the
service to humankind?

Before WW I and before WW II theosophical leader Katherine Tingley made
several cleaer statements and gave certain warnings and offered also
peaceful solutions?

Is silence - which you seem to prefer for the theosophical officials - not
support for the dark side which is no in attempt to destroy civilization?

I doubt that you will hardly any serious statement from the theosophical
leaders from HPB on which supports an ostrich policy when the life of
millions of souls is in danger.


>Why should there be such a thing as a "Theosophical view" of something like
>this ?
>"....but the latter (The Theosophical Society) cannot make a Theosophist of
>one who has no sense of the divine fitness of things, or of him who
>understands Theosophy in his own - if the expression may be used -
>and egotistic way" HPB (Emphasis her own).
>Orra Best,
> Ian

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