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P.S.: About a distorted and corrected link

Sep 03, 2002 09:05 AM
by Compiler

I'm sorry that the bracket at the end of the link
to this section distorted where it took you in
my first posting (which is below this P.S):

>[Technical note: If for some reason the above
>long link is broken, here's the link to the
>"Science in the 'Light of Theosophy'" section
>(which is the 4th one on the "Additional"
>articles index page) where the link to the
>series is the first one that is listed:

This is the correct link to it:


Compiler wrote:

> Based on some of the science subjects
> currently being discussed on this list,
> this posting is for those list members who
> are interested in the overall subject of
> "Science in the 'Light of Theosophy'", but
> who may be fairly new here and haven't
> seen these two series of articles yet.
> They are from THEOSOPHY magazine.
> This first series, entitled "Ancient and
> Modern Science", is found in the
> "Introductory", "Setting the Stage" book
> of 166 articles that I've compiled (which
> also contains other articles about science).
> It should be very useful and helpful to
> both newcomers and fairly new students of
> Theosophy. The link that gets you to it
> follows the below listing. After you click
> on it just scroll down the list of numbered
> articles in the book, until you run into
> this 7-part series.
> This is what you are looking for (of course,
> each one will be a link when you get there):
> =======
> Note: The next seven (7) articles are a series:
> (25) Ancient and Modern Science--Chemistry: Part I
> (26) Ancient and Modern Science--Physics: Part II
> (27) Ancient and Modern Science--Biology: Part III
> (28) Ancient and Modern Science--Astronomy: Part IV
> (29) Ancient and Modern Science--Geology: Part V
> (30) Ancient and Modern Science--Anthropology: Part VI
> (31) Ancient and Modern Science--Psychology: Part VII
> -------
> The Index page for the 166-article book:
> =======
> This next very important series is found
> in the "Science in the 'Light of Theosophy'"
> section of the "Additional Articles"
> index page (which also contains other
> science-related articles):
> =======
> "SCIENCE AND THE SECRET DOCTRINE" (103-part series):
> [Technical note: If for some reason the above
> long link is broken, here's the link to the
> "Science in the 'Light of Theosophy'" section
> (which is the 4th one on the "Additional"
> articles index page) where the link to the
> series is the first one that is listed:
> =======
> And to complement these studies for you,
> here's a link to an on-line copy of the
> S.D. itself, for those students and
> enquirers who don't yet have a copy of it:
> THE SECRET DOCTRINE (by H. P. Blavatsky):
> By the way, a listing of links to many
> Theosophical books are found in this
> 15th section of the "Additional Articles"
> Index page:
> John DeSantis
> (Compiler)
> -------
> You may find a great deal of the Truth that you
> are searching for here:
> web site (Main Page):
> This is the Index page of the "Introductory",
> "Setting the Stage" book, which was especially
> compiled for newcomers to Theosophy:
> The page where "Additional" articles are slowly
> being added (which contains 18 sections that
> can each be clicked on at the top of the page
> in order to go directly down to them, as well
> as to get the link to any particular section
> that you may want to use in a posting on a
> discussion board, or in an e-mail to someone):
> -------
> PUBLIC & PRIVATE ENTERPRISE: This next link is
> to the most updated version of my economic-project
> proposal to humanity, a practical project to help
> our suffering humanity that I also consider to be
> Theosophical. In it you will find a new and unique,
> but mostly unknown, economic system model that
> might be able to put an end to involuntary poverty
> on earth. How? It presents a way to fully finance
> everything of importance that is needed in every
> nation. Because of this it's well worth pointing
> to. Please note that, for strategic reasons, of
> wanting it to have the best chance of being
> accepted by all peoples worldwide, no matter
> what their religious, philosophical, and
> scientific beliefs are, I've put it on a
> completely different web site; it contains
> no mention of, or link to, the Theosophy and
> the Theosophical Movement that is presented
> on my web site:
> -------

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