A theory....
Sep 01, 2002 08:09 AM
by Nisk98114
I must say at the outset that i have precious little to support this theory ,
just being a plain citizen and all but...
>From Dallas,
Velikovsky in WORLD IN COLLISION (1940s - Macmillan) had
something similar to offer. but he attributed cataclysms to
another planet (Venus ?) that passed by. Far-fetched.
Still the geological and paleontological evidence is there.
We might want to substitute Mercury for Venus since science has long claimed
that there is a piece "missing" from that planet. Make sense?
That would seem to also account for an "artificially"? brought on
catastrophe during the said time period that pieces of Mercury (but not all,
so far as i can think this through) crashed to Earth but the main body
continued on past and is , perhaps, still making "returns"? to this planet
every now and then {Karmic Law, of course) in the shape of our now thought of
as (speaking as theory, of course) ?debris?(scientists today , shudder at the
thought of such a body coming toward Earth) and would certainly bring on an
almost immediate ice age as well as , maybe , wobble the earth, a little? and
as we know Nature (Universe) , as well is pretty "quick" LOL to restore
things back to what they were and so we had our , so called "regular"
occurences of Fire and Water destructions along with this "albeit strange"
occurence and that MAY explain why all these facts that people and scientists
offer , for the most part, are right but don't seem to agree with one another
, UNLESS, a central nexus was there , but, even if agreed upon by scientists
it is almost guaranteed that they would fail , most certainly, to attribute
such a monumental event to, perhaps? "certain" knowlege and mastery of such
immense occult proportions as to be pooh poohed today. What i may be
suggesting is , intentional?, maybe, this " letting loose" of a piece of a
planet to , say , squelch the pipe dreams of those wicked ones. Maybe not as
"far-fetched" as one might think. The Universe is a interlocking mechanism as
we well know and who knows what "protections" are built into the system and
who can disable or enable that system. Why, hah, you'd have to be omniscient
or something(chuckle).
Let me know what you think.
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