RE: Atlantis
Aug 22, 2002 05:32 PM
by dalval14
Aug 22, 2002
Dear Christina:
Here is a Time-chart of Geological time-estimates in current
use -- as far as I am able to ether it is accurate and up to
Below is a table of Geological Ages as they were estimated
in HPB's time,
and as they are estimated now. [SD II 710] These dates are
used by Scientific
Geology and are approximate estimates only. ]
Years Years
Name of
=============== =============== ================
PRIMORDIAL 321,000,000 10,000,000,000 +
[SD II 711-2]
Laurentian . . . 1 billion (+/-)
Cambrian . . . 590,000,000
Ordovician . . . 505,000,000
Silurian . . . . 438,000,000
PRIMARY . 150,000,000
[SD II 712]
Devonian . . . 408,000,000
Carboniferous . . . 360,000,000
Permian . . . 280,000,000
SECONDARY . 45,000,000
[SD II 713-4]
Triassic . . . 248,000,000
Jurassic . . . 213,000,000
Cretaceous . . . 144,000,000
TERTIARY 9,000,000
[SD II 714]
Paleocene . . . 65,000,000
Eocene . . . 55,000,000
Oligocene . . . 38,000,000
Miocene . . . 25,000,000
Pliocene . . . 5,000,000
QUATERNARY 1,600,000
[SD II 715]
Paleolithic . . . 4,000,000
Pleistocene . . . 2,000,000
Neolithic . . .
Holocene . . . 100,000
Historical . . . 10,000
The last large island of Atlantis named Poseidonis is said
to have sunk 9,375 years before 2002.
S D II 406, 535.
998,100 years ago Atlantis started sinking S D II 141.
850,000 years ago the last large peninsula of Atlantis sank
S D II 10, II 313-4
4,000,000 B C saw the engulfing of Lemuria S D I 439fn.
Another more precise date given is: 4,242,352 years -- see
S D I 439fn, II 68-70, 141
The coming race is going to have problems See H P B's 4th
Message to the American Section Convention
"Your position as the forerunners of the sixth sub-race of
the fifth root-race has its own special perils as well as
its special advantages. Psychism, with all its allurements
and all its dangers, is necessarily developing among you,
and you must beware lest the Psychic outruns the Manasic and
Spiritual development. Psychic capacities held perfectly
under control, checked and directed by the Manasic
principle, are valuable aids in development. But these
capacities running riot, controlling instead of controlled,
using instead of being used, lead the Student into the most
dangerous delusions and the certainty of moral destruction.
Watch therefore carefully this development, inevitable in
your race and evolution-period, so that it may finally work
for good and not for evil." -- H P B
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: christina
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 9:03 PM
Subject: RE: Age of Deluge -- Atlantis
Hmm, There are 4 eras named by science. Here they are,
earliest to
Precambrian (? To 544 million years ago) - rocks, oceans,
and stuff
Paleozoic(544 to 248 million years ago) - vegetation and
animals; this
era ends with the
Yucatan meteor hit, around 65 million years ago
Mesozoic(248 to 65 million years ago)- ends with late
extinctions..."seems almost certain that a change in sea
level occurred
at this time...Super-continent Rodina begins to break into
continents." (Older deluges?)
Cenezoic(65 million years to present)- "Most of the
extinctions in the
last 2.5 million years are associated with changes in
climate resulting
from the most recent ice age, which still hasn't finished in
respects - with extensive ice-sheets still present in
Greenland and
Antarctica. the most serious extinction for the mammals
occurred only
11,000 years ago, as the ice-sheets retreated."
If the islands were sunk around 11000 years ago, or if the
fifth round
began 1.8 million years ago, it marks the beginning of the
period (using the scientific geological timeline).
HPB says everything is cycles, so is there any pattern of
uniformity in
the time between these eras as scientifically documented,
the rounds of
humankind, and sudden catastrophic earth changes?
SD, Vol. 2, Page 444-445, THE COMING NEW RACE.
"Thus the Americans have become in only three centuries a
race," pro tem., before becoming a race apart, and strongly
from all other now existing races. They are, in short, the
germs of the
Sixth sub-race, and in some few hundred years more, will
become most
decidedly the pioneers of that race which must succeed to
the present
European or fifth sub-race, in all its new characteristics.
After this,
in about 25,000 years, they will launch into preparations
for the
seventh sub-race; until, in consequence of cataclysms -- the
series of those which must one day destroy Europe, and still
later the
whole Aryan race (and thus affect both Americas), as also
most of the
lands directly connected with the confines of our continent
and isles --
the Sixth Root-Race will have appeared on the stage of our
Round. When
shall this be? Who knows save the great Masters of Wisdom,
and they are as silent upon the subject as the snow-capped
peaks that
tower above them. All we know is, that it will silently come
existence; so silently, indeed, that for long millenniums
shall its
pioneers -- the peculiar children who will grow into
peculiar men and
women -- be regarded as anomalous lusus naturae, abnormal
physically and mentally. Then, as they increase, and their
become with every age greater, one day they will awake to
themselves in a majority. It is the present men who will
then begin to
be regarded as exceptional mongrels, until these die out in
their turn
in civilised lands; surviving only in small groups on
islands -- the
mountain peaks of to-day -- where they will vegetate,
degenerate, and
finally die out, perhaps millions of years hence, as the
Aztecs have, as
the Nyam-Nyam and the dwarfish Moola Koorumba of the
Nilghiri Hills are
dying. All these are the remnants of once mighty races, the
of whose existence has entirely died out of the remembrance
of the
modern generations, just as we shall vanish from the memory
of the Sixth
Race Humanity. The Fifth will overlap the Sixth Race for
many hundreds
of millenniums, changing with it slower than its new
successor, still
changing in stature, general physique, and mentality, just
as the Fourth
overlapped our Aryan race, and the Third had overlapped the
This process of preparation for the Sixth great Race must
throughout the whole sixth and seventh sub-races (vide
supra, the
diagram of the Genealogical Tree of the Fifth Race). But the
remnants of the Fifth Continent will not disappear until
some time after
the birth of the new Race; when another and new dwelling,
the sixth
continent, will have appeared above the new waters on the
face of the
globe, so as to receive the new stranger. To it also will
emigrate and
settle all those who shall be fortunate enough to escape the
disaster. When this shall be -- as just said -- it is not
for the writer
to know. Only, as nature no more proceeds by sudden jumps
and starts,
than man changes suddenly from a child into a mature man,
the final
cataclysm will be preceded by many smaller submersions and
both by wave and volcanic fires.
This quote may help one deduce the data is already available
to us, but
perhaps is not offered by science in the right context.
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry F Kolts []
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 3:31 PM
Subject: [bn-study] Atlantis
Here's one more reference and some even further confusion
SD II :313-314 " Nor have we many details about the
submersion of the
continent inhabited by the Second Root race. But the history
of the
Third, "Lemuria," is given, as is that of Atlantis, the
others being
alluded to. Lemuria is said to have perished about 700,000
years before
the commencement of what is now called the Teriary age (the
Eocene), and
it is during this Deluge also--an actual geological deluge
time--that Vaivasata Manu is again shown saving mankind
it is mankind, or a portion of it , the Fourth Race, which
is saved) ;
so alos he saves the Fifth Race during the destruction of
the last
Atlanteans, the remnants that perished 850,000 years ago*
after which
there was no great submussion until the day of Plato's
Atlantis, ot
Poseidinis, known to the Egyptians only becuase it happened
in such
relatively recent times."
The additional dating comes in the footnote on the botton of
page 314:
"This event, the destruction of the famous island of RUTA
and the
smaller one DAITRA, which occured 850,000 years ago in the
Pliocene times, must not be confused with the submersion of
the main
continent of Atlantis during the Miocene period. Geologists
cannot place
the Miocene only so short a way back as 850,000 years ;
whatever they
do, it is several million years ago that the main Atlantis
So now it would seem we have three separate Deluges.
1-The main part of Atlantis sinking "several million" years
2-The Islands Ruta and Daitra, at 850,000 years ago
3-Poseidonis, at c. 11,000 years ago.
Just as I mentioned to Peter a few weeks ago, just when you
seem to have
a handle on something, it all changes again. The way the
Doctrine is laid out forces the student to dig, dig, dig,
never content
to think he knows it all. Quite a lesson!
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