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RE:The Secret Doctrine -- A correcting science ?

Aug 18, 2002 01:02 PM
by dalval14

Aug 18 2002

RE: What does The SECRET DOCTRINE teach?

Dear M S:

The catalog you offer accounts for most of those who study
what is called "theosophy."

The definitions are of appearances, the surface of the
teachings. What may go on "underneath" or on "invisible
planes" is not displayed for all to see and or comment on.

In any case, claims that anyone might make for such special
circumstances mean little to others, unless they can also
prove they have the same ability to see, to understand and
to participate. "Faith" and "blind belief" are not
encouraged by Theosophy in any way. In fact a Theosophical
education requires strict attention, and infinite pains by
each individual to ascertain the veracity of any statement
made by himself.

Theosophy is mainly an exposition of information as you can
see if you read it -- whether it is 100 or 100,000,000 years
old makes no difference if the information is false
erroneous. If however there is truth in it, the age is of
little consequence. There are always people who are dazzled
by novelty. There are fewer who actually investigate
rigorously the truth and value of anything offered. I
consider this second category important.

But none of them define THEOSOPHY.

It embraces a wide area of information and its capacity is
to show how truths, wherever found, always are useful and
agree with other truths. If isolated and specialized, they
may not always tally, or agree, or be logical relative to
other facts. In which case they deserve close scrutiny.
Every statement stands or falls on its inherent worth.
Theosophy is NOT a "religion" in the generally accepted
sense. It does not recruit adherents nor does it
proseletyze. It does offer, freely, information on many
subjects and their CAUSES.

Theosophy is not only history, but it is philosophy (friend
of truth). It is also Science (the capacity to investigate,
to see, to prove, to compare independently and
exhaustively.) It is also claims to be a "religion." (In
the sense that it draws truth-seekers together.) But it
disclaims being a faith or a species of "blind belief."

It holds that the Mind of all humans is free and
independent. It also says that the human MIND is derived
from the ONE SPIRIT that is universal. Hence, in that way,
along with WISDOM (or the accumulated experience of ages
derived from the events of life and the research of
uncounted scientists), it seeks to discover if the workings
of NATURE ( embodied SPIRIT) are conducted under LAW and
laws. It states that consciously or unconsciously we are
all engaged in this study -- and that we alone know how
successful we are.

Specifically, apart from those qualities and specifics of
materials (chemistry, physics, astronomy, measurement,
etc...) the real difficulty is psychology. Our question
here is: Is there for mankind a basis for virtue? What is
vice? How are the two distinguished? What is the result of
virtuous or vicious acts, words, thoughts and feelings ? Is
there a "moral" sense? Are ethics defined and open to the
view of everyone? Is there such a thing as virtue -- or
vice ?

On this subject Theosophy tries to remove some of the
vagueness as to the constitution of man and nature, and
their interaction, by pointing to a system of knowledge that
has been around for millennia. This knowledge leads
directly to an understanding of man's evolution as a thinker
and a chooser, as well as, a perception of the goal of his
evolution: some have described it as "divine PERFECTION."

This includes: Man's SPIRITUAL Nature as a permanent base.
If accepted, reincarnation of the Spirit/Soul into many
bodies is the process which is already in place. Theosophy
claims that our Spirit/Soul animated the many civilizations
and races of the historical and pre-historical past.

The planet we live on, and call Earth, is in effect a
"school." It provides experience and a range of subjects
that encompass the whole of a human's life, and their
interactions with other men and women, as well as with many
if not all aspects of NATURE. It says that human psychology
is not guess work but a science. Primarily it distinguishes
between the "SELF of Spirit" and the "self of Matter," In
moral terms: between mercy, universality and generosity,
and isolation, ruthlessness, and selfishness.

It therefore describes the formation of Kosmos and says it
is a regular, always lawful, and repetitive process, and
that the undying SPIRIT/SOUL of humans ever finds its
correct place at the dawn of every new evolutionary spiral.
No one is ever "erased" or treated as unimportant by the
DEITY/NATURE. It is true PANTHEISM. The God-like qualities
or attributes: omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence
are viewed as actual facts, in operation all the time.

It declares that the whole of NATURE operates under a single
great LAW. The process is set up to eventually provide each
unit of human consciousness with the opportunity of becoming
divinely omniscient --the capacity to see and to know
anything becomes on of man's tools and qualities. Minor law
emanate from and dove-tail with the GREAT LAW: KARMA.

Obviously, this capacity (to learn the secrets of Nature's
true operations) can lead to enormous danger -- through
selfishness, and vicious inclinations that are anti-social.
Hence the release of information leading to such knowledge
is very carefully secreted. Nature sees to this. Only
those who are perfectly selfless and harmless to others can
be permitted to learn the great secrets and the laws of

Mankind, and it innumerable units, are therefore viewed as
"on trial" -- on "probation." -- The secrets exist, but are
only available to those who constitutionally are unable to
abuse and misuse them.

Theosophy also speaks of a process of purification whereby
the tendency to selfishness and vice -- the two most
obstructive aspect of consciousness embodiment in matter --
may be sloughed off.

The secret is to be found in the root teachings of every
great Prophet or Teacher down the ages: it was taught by
Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Pythagoras, Hermes,
Osiris, Quetzal Coatl, Plato, Confucius, Lao Tze,
Shankaracharya, and thousands of Rishis, Prophets,
Reformers, and teachers of men. The injunctions were made
in many languages and in many eras, but all are similar.
Briefly they say:

1.	The universe is SPIRITUAL in essence. It never dies. It
is universal, unconditioned CONSCIOUSNESS, awareness, life.
It expression is Love or brotherhood in action. Mankind is
an intimate and essential part of it.

2.	Every being, mankind included, has at their base a speck
(a ray) of that imperishable SPIRIT. No being, no human
ever dies in sprit, even though body after body wears out
and is dissolved by death, the SPIRIT/SOUL continues and is
reborn again and yet again.

3.	Reincarnation is the process of becoming wiser through
experience. Successive bodies are provided by Nature under
her laws for this ever on-going process. Everyone and
everything is enrolled in this process. It is inescapable.
>From the Atom to a Human, and from a human to the Galaxy,
all are invisibly linked in a grand chain of causation that
leads from ignorance to WISDOM. The wisest of Men are
called in mystic lore: the Mahatmas (great souls), the
Buddhas (Wise Souls) and the DHYANIS (the ILLUMINATED,
all-seeing SELF-CONSCIOUS SPIRITS of men made perfect).

4.	Law and laws pervade the Universe and are not to be
broken. They impartially react on those who break and
disorder them no to punish, but to educate. This education
tales the form of placing the wrong-doer in exactly the same
position that he placed his victims. There is no appeal.
Mitigation can be partially achieved by restitution direct
to those offended. (see THE APHORISMS ON KARMA -- W. Q.

5.	Between SPIRIT and the material poles is a gap bridged by
MIND. Mind is the power of developing individual, spiritual

6.	Matter is spiritualized by this continuous process.

7.	Man's "personal" consciousness is raised to DIVINE and
UNIVERSAL SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS by his pilgrimage through
existence, and in the process he raises all other aspects of
life upward and forward. His "influence for good alone"
spreads and encompasses many.

This is, briefly expressed, the facts and the processes of
our existence and the reason for the Universe and the beings
living in and upon it. This is how Theosophy describes

I find that this cuts through the maze of presumed meanings
when one regards the current statements of religions,
sciences, and philosophies. Political, economic and
educational norms are then seen for the many fallacies they
embody. The difference between limited goals and the
eternal GOAL is made apparent.

There is no question that an intellectual and a mental
verification leads to the simplicity mentioned " love. "
It is also expressed in the first object of the THEOSOPHICAL

Best wishes,



If one desires to study more on this great philosophy of
life they will find the texts available through -- for downloading or as solid


-----Original Message-----
From: M St
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 9:25 AM
Subject: The Secret Doctrine correcting science ?


I agree with B here.

In the below I just present a view among many.
My view is:
HPB did her best to present a book just simply to help
people, who were interested (or even not interested) in the
teachings of what sometimes is called The Ancient Wisdom.
A book is a book (>;-) smiley) and HPB stated that socalled
"dead-letter" reading is not the idea with The Ancient
Wisdom teachings.
But, some people do only know of one mode of reading - i.e.
often their own intellectual one.
Well it is just a view.

Now, there has since The Secret Doctrine of HPB's been
written other books , which offers teachings on wisdom.
1. Depending on the view - some on a lower level of wisdom
than the book written by HPB.
2. Others was obvoiusly written to a different audience.
3. And again others were written to suit the tastes of some
very disagreeable people.
4. Some books it is a real waste of time to read to some
people. But to others the very same books is certainly NOT a
waste of time.
5. Others were written to people so, that they due to their
present state of development or lack of development of
wisdom would treat the book or books like a Bible-Collection
or (like soemthing called Collected-Writings). And that even
some 100 years past the physical Authors departure from the
physical life of ours.
Some Theosopshist (well they call themselves that), have a
tendency in doing this very same thing as mentioned above.
((Some of them they spend hour after hour reading a more
than hundred year old book or book-collection - thinking,
that the reading of the SAME book or book-collection will
move their minds - even if the REAL truth behind it all IS,
that They need to read other books or other kind of
experiences, which the book-reading won't give them.))
6. Others followed or are following a non-sexual or
non-tantric pattern - with the wisdom hidden in the
7. Others followed or are following a sexual or tantric
pattern - with the wisdom hidden in the teachings.
8. And again others followed or are following a quite
different pattern.

Maybe some at Theos-talk would like to get hold on the
(3. ) - third group of books. But, I have to tell - the
interested party, that they are difficult to find ! And also
difficult to find in physical "bookshops" or "libraries" !
(Not every "bookshop" or "library" is physical ! >:-) ).

Is is not always so important whether one agree's or
disagree's on an issue. It is often also important how one
reacts to an email or a letter - or even others 'inputs' in
ones daily life.

LOVE is all you need...Love is all you need...Love...


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