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Aug 17, 2002 01:27 PM
by stevestubbs

Most of us are pro-gravity, but there is always somebody out there 
who is anti anything you can think of. A fellow named Nick Cook was 
interviewed on WHYY's radio show Fresh Air the other day regarding 
his new book on the search for practical antigravity. If it is found 
(and he says it already exists secretly) it will of course power the 
next generation of space ships. But of more immediate mundane 
interest, it may also contain the secret to powering the planet. The 
last barrel of oil is projected to be extracted from the ground in 27 
years, given current rates of consumption and current rates of 
increase in consumption. We then either start making more fossil 
fuel from the world's coal supplies (the most likely outcome) or else 
go to completely new forms of energy such as atmospheric electricity, 
which was the subject of intense experimentation fifty years ago, 
until the big oil companies shut it down.

Anyway, if you are anti gravity here is a link:

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