Re: Theos-World sum humor
Aug 03, 2002 10:14 PM
by Bart Lidofsky wrote:
> In a message dated 08/03/02 10:46:58 AM, writes:
> >It's interesting how the left-wing attitudes at Harvard even affect
> >their business school, to the point of teaching the students that they
> >have no responsibility to the public in a business setting; that it is
> >the government's job to protect the public.
> Don't you mean "right"-wing?
No, I mean left wing. Although the actions recommended are thoroughly
selfish, the basis of the actions is that people are not responsible for
their actions; ultimately, the government is responsible for all. And if
businessmen leave it up to the government to differentiate between right
and wrong, the government may very well end up being forced to do so.
Ultimately, very left-wing aims.
Bart Lidofsky
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