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Re: Theos-World Germany: to protect or not to protect? Sufis

Jul 05, 2002 08:37 AM
by ramadoss

Recently there was piece in the TV, which in addition pointed out that current SS System includes disability and survivor benefits and if one were to go into open insurance market and buy these coverages, the total costs outweigh any potential benefit that may accrue from investing funds outside.

The kind of money the "investment bankers" make is outrageous. There were some cases of attorneys working in the investment banking legal work quit law practice and went into investment banking when they saw the money they can make. Of course there would be defenders of open market who claim that they are being paid what is worth in the open market.


At 07:14 AM 7/5/02 -0700, Steve Stubbs wrote:
Whatever Prescott Bush made out of that is a pittance
compared to what somebody will make if one of W's
schemes ever gets enacted into law. W wants to take
the money from the Social Security Truth Fund and give
it to investment bankers in New York, heh, heh. You
can write the end of that story yourself. The entire
Thyssen fortune would be a drop in the bucket compared
to the sums we are talking about here, and the
investment bankers need that money badly since they
can no longer pay their low level people $25,000,000
bonuses at Christmas and stuff like that. If that
scheme ever comes off I am changing careers and going
into investment banking! "Investment banking" for the
benefit of those not familiar with Wall Street means
ordinary people will lose their investments, but the
top dogs are going to do some banking and how. The
real hoot is that the money that will be sent to New
York will be first taken from you at gunpoint.
(Social Security contributions are not voluntary.)

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