RE: "advanced" and . . .
May 31, 2002 05:37 PM
by dalval14
Friday, May 31, 2002
Dear M. and friends:
These are provocative questions. Let me try and speak of what
Theosophy offers on this.
A tree is inherent -- in potential -- in a seed. A flower is inherent
and in potential in a bud. The life-program, that brings any
advancement is already innate in all things. It is like a pattern
cast in flexible elctro-magnetic force-fields which pre-view the many
potential future developments and possible purposes of anything.
It is not physical, obviously, (an idea, a thought is not physical),
but is the power of the Spirit soul which endows all things whatever
with their personality, (the FORM) -- and the personality (mask)
envelops the central individual intelligence -- the REALITY OF THE
BEING. Ask yourself what makes you, the personal man and the personal
mind -- the real YOU ? to that there are no barriers, because it is
a "RAY" OF THE INFINITE ALL. So all "beings" are in constant contact
with all the rest. It is a cooperative, and an economically viable
whole. Give and take and continually interact and are regulated by
laws of equity.
A few years ago astronomers published an observation made of the
deepest space that the Hubble telescope provided. As far as they
could see about 15 to 18 billion, billion light years in time and
distance there were always more universes. So the whole surface of
the Universe, UNIVERSE was a mosaic of interlinked stars, and
galaxies. It would appear that physically at least , the UNIVERSE is
like a gigantic and unimaginable SUN -- and we all live inside it.
Such being the case let's think of our SPIRIT-SOUL as an element that
is able to survive the continuous impact of unimaginably strong
forces, which traverse SPACE in all directions. We also live in
physical bodies with the same power or resistance, so that they
maintain their integrity. What is then the power innate in each of us
? We are might and puny at the same time.
But getting back to the study of life as we see it around us.
The cause for their (and our) EX-istence is to be sought. The cause
for their growth and advancement is to be sought. It is not the
impact of the environment that shapes any being but the life-force
innate in it.
Its reason for BEING is that oh-going urge to progress that leads the
mineral (or chemical element) to the growing plant, that leads the
plant to the instinctual anima, and finally that power of self-hood
that is there all along and really is UNIVERSAL causes the form or
shape to mature.
What is that basic intelligence?
What finally manifests as man's power to think -- the MIND?
And what is it that accumulates the fruit and memory of all
experiences into a basis for making comparisons?
How does the Universe organize itself?
How do the many departments of nature cooperate and why ?
If there is a philosophy or a science that is able to synthesize these
and make an intelligent answer, we will have achieved the beginning of
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: Mauri
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 4:32 AM
Subject: re: "advanced" and . . .
Georg wrote: <<I am maybe confused at which direction is "advanced"
when it comes to evolution. My ituition would tell me that advanced
would mean that something evolves to be best suited for its
with the least burden and cost of its surroundings; >>
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