what did Richard Taylor said?
Feb 09, 2002 10:54 PM
by Eldon B Tucker
"Are you referring to his draft version available at Blavatsky Net?"
No that would never qualify as a thesis at UC Berkeley, that was
simple an appologetic introduction to the work he wanted to start,
and was written during the time he was on the Theosophical mailing
list, once he started his research in earnest, he dissapeared from
the lists becouse he felt attacked by fundamentalists soon afther his
first introduction was put on.
Here's an extract from one of Richard's messages to theos-talk
relating to the current discussion. The message is dated 01/18/1999
and is entitled "Re: Defense of HPB".
His online messages, from theos-talk before it moved to
Yahoo Groups, can be found indexed at:
(Note that there is a gap from when the list archives got converted
to html and when the list moved to Yahoo Groups. It'll take several
dozen hours to do, and I'm not sure if I'll have time in the near
future to devote to the effort.)
-- Eldon
---- extract from Rich's message:
Furthermore, there is a *HUGE* difference between stating (factually, with
abundant "proofs") that HPB may have spelled a word wrongly, or mistaken one
name with another -- and criticizing HPB's life work. As part of my
schoolwork, and as part of my exploration and verification of Theosophy, such
anomalies emerge from time to time. And I do think it's important to share
with others such things, so that we may all ponder their significance.
On the other hand, there ARE those who seek to undermine HPB. Such people
impugn her credibility, deny the existence of her Teachers, attack HPB's
intellect, chastity, or background. Some people will attempt to misprepresent
her, and then attempt to show how silly Theosophy is by killing that "straw
man." On all of these counts, I stand with Dallas and state that we should
instantly come to HPB's defense. We cannot stand idly by while our Teacher,
or her Teachers, are pulled down, and the wisdom tradition is dismantled.
But it is quite another thing to disallow any investigation and <gasp>
correction of HPB's statements on x, y, or z. If list members plan to
regularly oppose discussion on such topics, I will have to systematically
ignore them. This would be sad, in light of the goal of brotherhood. It
would be nice to have everyone included in a discussion. But obstructionism
is directly opposed to the spirit of free inquiry and discussion, and it
shouldn't be tolerated. Nor do I think discussion should come to a grinding
halt every time someone posts an "anti-investigation" message.
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