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FW: [bn-study] RE: creation, gospel of thomas, etc.

Jan 28, 2002 05:23 AM
by dalval14

January 27, 2002

Thanks Daryadas::

I am in full agreement, one could look at your query: Is there a

May I few take the view-point:

1. We are immortals and use many bodies.

In essence, we are "perfect." We are "gods" (spiritual beings)
who have stooped to help others, beginning in the most difficult
part of living -- the material.

2. We incarnate in mortal bodies for the benefit of the
small lives ( or, Monads of lesser experience) -- which are
attracted to us under "karma," to help make the necessary bodies
we have to use.

But they are also "gods," and "immortals" of later extraction
from the universal "Monadic Essence" than we are. They are our
"younger brothers" that we draw together to make our bodies. But
they are those who are to be helped. And that is our duty, but
our contact with "matter" has apparently caused us to "forget"
that. Many of us have adopted the view that we are in existence
only to help ourselves, and find it difficult to adopt the idea
that we are here to help them.

We have by drawing on the material, physical form, lost contact
and sight of our mission, of ourselves as "Gods," and of them "
as potential "Gods" whom we have descended among to help. [ I
don't really like the word "god," because of the false value that
has accrued to it from priestly abuse. It has been degraded into
a concept of the selfish abuse of personal power over Nature and
others. The element of selfishness has debased the concept of
"god" and made it into a "Personal God." And instead of being
benevolent, it has turned that "God" into a mean, selfish,
vengeful and authoritarian figure -- to be feared, not loved.]

In the 7-fold constitution of the Universe the whole set scale of
different bodies or inter-related principles has to do with the

Consider that the ONE SPIRIT breaks apart so as to be present in
essence in every atom of the Universe.

It is therefore reflected first, as WISDOM ( Buddhi.) Wisdom to
contact material forms needs a bridge and this is the Mind that
sees, reasons, and serves as intelligence everywhere..

But intelligence alone is not the only contact with the physical

There is much to be bridged.

It needs to have a motivating interest, a passion, a desire for
contact, and thus the distinct principle of Kama (desire) is
formed. Its first impulse (as Kama-desire) is to be close to,
and to "own" -- so desire and love emerge.

But these alone cannot give life to the form, so the universal
currents of living electricity in the Universe are drawn upon,
and a small portion of these which we may call animation, or
"breath" is used to give an identity to every individualized
"life-atom" ( or Monad).

These life-currents made of electric and magnetic power, need and
use the field they generate as units to draw gross matter to
them -- these are what we call the molecules, cells, crystals,
compounds, and other forms etc...-- (Theosophy calls this basis
the "astral body" and it says this underlies all forms. In
fact, the physical is condensed astral matter.

Thus finally we have PHYSICAL MAN or PHYSICAL anything.

These are the 7 stages from Spirit and Wisdom to the selfishness
and isolation of a limited form, even if that form constantly
changes in material, and will eventually fail and "die." But,
then, Theosophy invokes "reincarnation," (as a Law and process
under Karma) and declares that the immortal being will search for
and receive, eventually another body in which to continue its
life and progress. Nothing is ever wasted or destroyed

3. Wherever there is INTELLIGENCE there are the polar
opposites of SPIRIT and MATER -- or COMPLETE WISDOM encased in a
limited form.

But, this "limited form" is made, in every Monad, of that
rarefied primordial "matter" which alone can stand to be in the
"presence" of the inner, Spirit-God.

In between these two, is the MIND which sees both of these and
their constant interaction. It is that in us which we cal the
"Spectator," the "Perceiver," the "Witness."

Example: Let's take a family: Parents are relatively wise and
experienced. Children are beginning life and learning. They,
each and all, have a MIND. This innate intelligence enables them
to communicate. This is a common factor, a common "tool.". It
also gives them independence. And this independence as said
above, leads to selfishness (isolation, fear, the desire to own
and to dominate...) or, if they adopt the other view, that the
Universe is full of law regulating the living of immortals --
to interactive tolerance, love and short to

The faculty of freedom and independence can make them selfish or
unselfish, depending on whether they take (at times) the view
point of: "I am the most important thing in the world;" or,
alternatively: "I am one among many," and "All the rest have the
same rights and privileges that I do."

Because we need each-others help, we have to progress jointly.
This is cooperation. It is the correct concept that all these
immortals have to live together, so they might as well do it
harmoniously. Their immortality makes it inevitable that they
cannot avoid one another in the future

HARMONY is then adopted everywhere in the Universe, as a basis
for common inter-action and the continuity of immortals living
together. It makes for the justice, fairness, generosity,
compassion and all the virtues that are the "oil of life." This
is the basis for universal law -- expressed as group and
individual Karma.

4. The next idea is that there is in the Universe (to back
up Karma) a complete and accurate record of all the things
thought, felt and done by every being of any kind that has ever

It is the picture gallery of the UNIVERSE and resting on it, the
LAWS of harmony and justice and fairness are always based. This
is in the Akasa -- an aspect of "Buddhi" or universal WISDOM. --
it is the closest principle to ATMA the Universal Spirit, a ray
of which is in us and in everything else.

Of course if we, as embodied Minds do not believe this to be
reasonable and possible, then all the philosophy of Theosophy
goes into vapour and vanishes for that individual. That which
remains is limited to their selfish desires and animated fear of
others that makes for the "territorial imperative" and all its
narrowness and evils.

But this isolation is not the way in which others view our

In the search for corroboration, the study of our environment
reveals the vast complexity and intelligence of our physical
body. It has been constructed, and it maintains itself without
our paying much attention to it. We are in fact "tenants" in a
most complex living "machine." How did we get to deserve that ?

To adopt the Theosophical view of the universe and or ourselves
as minor, but mirroring agents of the Great Law of assisted
progress that runs through every aspect of it, if it is true,
makes a complete change in our lives and attitude towards others
and the way we live henceforth.

At last we have a good REASON for being "good."

This is hard to swallow (for some) as our selfishness and
education based on selfishness, has made us blunt to the needs of
honesty, sincerity and fairness, especially, when we think we are
not observed -- and can operate in secrecy.

But if we keep in mind that Nature is infinitely sensitive and we
are being watched and reviewed all the time, then we have to act
like a pubic official -- and be squeaky clean. We have to
consider that we live in a glass house all the while we are
alive.-- no secrets. No private arrangements. No amassing of
wealth or of power. No use for "authority," as our lives are so
short and meaningless to others unless we do them some "good," or
some vast "harm." It would seem that love and hate are immortal

So, Theosophy recommends that we adopt the attitude that we are
teachers. But then, there are teachers over us. So we review,
and are reviewed (by impartial Nature) ALL THE TIME.

Interiorly, to ourselves, the representative of NATURE is our
HIGHER SELF -- the "Ray" of SPIRIT (Atma ) which is also present
in everything, in ourselves, as well as in everything else.

Don't you think this reasoning gives at least a starting basis
for altruism and idealism? How do those ideas arise in our
culture if there are no prototypes for them ?

Anyway, think these things over and see what you come up with.

For me I find that all the doctrines of Theosophy hang together
and interlock. But you seek and find out too. No one can prove
anything to another, but they can always offer the example of
their own search and application.

As to who is to begin to change things. I am sure that it begins
with us. If we change and explain our change to others some will
appreciate it, and perhpas they will also change. Our duty is
then to let as many as possible know about those values that seem
superior because they reflect the binding aspects of Nature in
action. Let us remember that NATURE, as a whole, antecedes us
all, and we are continually and entirely dependent on its
continued benevolence.

We ought to be seeking ways to assist it.

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Daryadas
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 5:38 AM
To: Dallas
Subject: :Re: [B. N-study] RE: creation, gospel of thomas, etc.


I think we are on the same page. As the saying goes "Nothing is
sacred anymore..."

Sad, but true. No wonder in these times, though... How did we get
that way ?

I become very emotionally uncomfortable when I am exposed to
certain material. I do not
approve of these things, yet they are around all of us everyday.
People have de-sensitized themselves if you ask me.

Where is mercy and pity? Perhaps it is tucked away in the
subconscious, along with a sense of worth?

It is this attitude: "Me first." " I am "only human". "I must
avoid pain at all costs, and let some other
person take it for me." "Better them (or you) than me."

But, then we combine with that basic attitude: cell-phones,
material goods, money and comfort foods,
constant persuasion that only material things will save us.
What's worse is that our children are programmed in exactly the
same manner.

When and where do we begin to change it? Government, politics,
popularity, publicity, all are made into
sources of the propaganda. Not one moment goes by that someone
isn't exposed to an advertisement with the message that they lack
something, need to have money and must purchase something in
order to make one's life worth living.

It's ludicrous!! And, are we to go on living like that is? Is it
acceptable? It disgusts me. Insults me. But, how can I convert
that energy in a positive way?

Where are the leaders of our civilization and why aren't they
advocating the truth to us all ?

Who's voice will the public listen to? Seriously...who or what is
going to capture their attention?
It's long overdue, the time to take action... what's the plan and
is it going to work?


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